Do Eevee Nicknames Still Work in 2024?

As a long-time Pokémon GO player and content creator, one of my favorite tricks is being able to customize Eevee evolutions with nicknames. This easter egg has been beloved by the community since 2016 for giving us extra control over one of the most popular Pokémon families.

I‘m happy to confirm that yes, Eevee nicknames 100% still work in 2024! But there are important caveats.

A Beloved Trick with History

Eevee nicknames originally could be traced back to characters in the Pokémon anime and games that owned specific Eeveelutions. The names were first discovered shortly after Pokémon GO‘s release when players realized naming an Eevee "Sparky" would guarantee a Jolteon evolution based on the anime character Ritchie‘s own Jolteon nicknamed "Sparky".

As gamers experimented, they uncovered the full list of special names that could force evolutions without randomness or special lures. This touched the hearts of trainers who had attachments to these characters and Eeveelutions.

Even players not familiar with the origins felt empowered to obtain their coveted Eeveelution with no hassle. I still remember the exhilaration when I read online Pyro would get me my beloved Flareon. It felt like discovering a hidden game mechanic by accident!

How Do the Name Easter Eggs Actually Work?

Extensive community-driven research of the nickname trick since 2016 has revealed important mechanics trainers should understand:

  • Each nickname can only be used once per Pokémon GO account
  • The underlying logic checks if an Eevee has ever been nicknamed that specific name previously
  • Nicknaming does NOT permanently alter an Eevee, simply evolving triggers the check
  • Works on completely regular Eevee, no special requirements
  • Only the exact nick spellings listed below are recognized

So in practice, you simply rename your Eevee to one of the special nicknames matching your desired evolution before hitting the evolve button. This fools the game into guaranteeing that evolution regardless of other conditions.

Eevee Nickname Cheat Sheet

Here is the up-to-date list of special Eevee names that still work in 2024 with their matching evolution:

KiraSylveon (Needs 70 Buddy Hearts)

The only major change over the years was the addition of "Kira" once Sylveon was added to the game.

Why Do Players Love This Trick So Much?

Having analyzed and participated in the Eevee nickname trick for many years now in Pokémon GO, I have some thoughts on why it remains so popular:

  • Ease of access: No obscure items, elaborate processes, or high levels required
  • Works every time: 100% success rate, no randomness to worry about
  • One per account: Enough uses for entire collection without being exploitable
  • All evolutions covered: Casual and longtime players alike can utilize it
  • That "secret uncovered" feeling: Discovering obscure game mechanics feels rewarding

There‘s just something special about stumbling upon hidden depths to a game you thought you understood. It forges a deeper bond when you realize not all secrets have been uncovered yet.

I‘ll never forget that childlike glee of testing Eevee nicknames myself and seeing it actually work!

Will This Easter Egg Stick Around Forever?

While the Eevee nickname trick has persisted for over 6 years at this point, fans still occasionally question if Niantic could remove it without notice. Personally, I doubt we are in danger yet given how beloved it is within the community. There would likely be significant backlash.

Still, just look at the controversial removal of distance trading in 2022. I advise players to use their Eevee nickname evolutions while they still can, just in case. We may one day log in to find the trick no longer functions.

Already the requirement for Sylveon demonstrates Niantic still adjusts mechanics behind the scenes. We should appreciate having this access rather than take it for granted forever.

Contrast With Mossy Lure Evolutions

Why are name-based evolutions so special when alternatives like Mossy Lures exist? Sure special lures guarantee Leafeon or Glaceon reliably.

However, discovering hidden depth and intended behavior feels different than just applying an unrelated item. The Eevee nickname trick has an emotional weight from invoking classic characters. It builds connection across franchise entries in a way items don‘t replicate.

There is also satisfaction from mastering knowledge of how games function under the hood instead of just crunching numbers on items. Learning and utilizing Eevee‘s nickname mechanic makes me feel clever rather than simply grinding.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While Eevee nicknaming largely works perfectly, beware of these common missteps:

  • Attempting to reuse a nickname that has already worked for you in the past
  • Misspelling the name even slightly
  • Assuming it will work on special Eevee like shiny or flower crown versions
  • Forgetting Sylveon requires high buddy affection level, not just Kira nickname

As long as you research carefully, double check your spelling, note previous usages, and fulfill Sylveon requirements, you should have zero issues evolving your Eevee squad.


I hope this guide brings veteran Pokémon GO fans a nostalgic smile as well as provides newbies with exciting hidden knowledge for their journey. Personally evolving some of my best battling and collecting Eeveelutions via nickname felt like receiving a gift tailor-made just for me.

Please cherish this fun trick and use it conservatively rather than exploitative. We never know when the rug could get pulled out from under us! Do you have any memorable stories of using this Easter egg yourself? Let me know in the comments!

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