Do expansions carry over across platforms Destiny 2?

As a passionate Destiny 2 player and content creator who has logged over 1000 hours across multiple platforms, I receive this question a lot:

"Do expansions carry over if I play Destiny 2 on different platforms?"

The short answer is:

No, unfortunately Destiny 2 expansions do NOT carry over or transfer across platforms.

If you purchase an expansion like Beyond Light or The Witch Queen on PlayStation, you need to buy it again on PC or Xbox to access that expansion‘s content on those platforms.

I realize this is frustrating for Guardians adventuring across various Destiny domains. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll break down Destiny 2‘s cross platform functionality in detail, provide tips for minimizing rebuying costs, and offer perspectives on improving the player experience.

Destiny 2 Cross Save vs Cross Play

First, it‘s important to clarify the difference between Destiny 2 cross save versus cross play.

Cross Save allows you to link your Guardian/character progress across platforms to a single Bungie account. This enables playing on say PS5 then continuing where you left off on PC.

Cross Play allows players on different platforms to group up and play together. So PS5, Xbox and PC players can all join up in a fireteam.

Cross Save and Cross Play are both great innovations for the Destiny franchise. But a common misconception is that Cross Save also carries over all your purchased DLCs across platforms. Unfortunately that is not the case.

Purchased Content Licenses Stay Platform-Locked

When you purchase a Destiny 2 expansion, season pass or DLC content, that license stays locked to the platform it was purchased on.

For example, I play Destiny 2 on PC via Steam. If I purchase The Witch Queen expansion on Steam, I only gain access to that expansion‘s content (campaign, raid, weapons) when playing the Steam version.

If I then go play Destiny 2 on my PlayStation, I won‘t have access to The Witch Queen content on there, because I only purchased the license on Steam.

To access The Witch Queen on PlayStation, I would have to purchase it again, paying full price (£34.99) for a second license. And if I also played on Xbox or Stadia – you guessed it – buying a 3rd or 4th license.

Billions in Revenue at Stake

You might ask: "Why can‘t Bungie just make expansions cross-platform?"

The reason is that Sony, Microsoft, Valve and Google take a 30% platform cut on all DLC sold through their stores.

Destiny 2 generates over $300 million in annual DLC revenue from microtransactions. A sizeable chunk goes back to platform holders.

If expansions worked cross-platform, platform holders would miss out on billions in cumulative destiny DLC profits. So unfortunately business incentives actively work against consumer-friendly Cross Save for purchases.

To illustrate, here‘s a breakdown of what players, Bungie and platforms holders make from a hypothetical £34.99 The Witch Queen expansion:

StakeholderRevenue Split
Sony / Microsoft / Valve / Google£10.50 (30%)
Bungie£24.49 (70%)

If The Witch Queen was cross-platform, Sony would lose out on millions in license fees when PlayStation players buy once and access everywhere. So unfortunately business interests restrict consumer-friendly data portability.

Exceptions: Season Passes Cross Save…Sort Of

The one exception here is Destiny 2 Season Passes, which do follow your Guardian via Cross Save. If you‘re part of the 61% of players who have enabled Cross Save, your Season Pass carries over across all your linked platforms.

However, there is still some platform splitting madness even for Seasons:

  • Playing activities from DLCs you haven‘t purchased will still be restricted
  • Items in the Season Pass may require owning a relevant DLC to unlock
  • Seasonal currency balances don‘t carry across platforms

So while Season Passes technically work cross platform, you still need to own the relevant DLCs on each platform you play on to make the most of them.

Is Destiny 2 DLC Cross Progression Just a Pipe Dream?

I dream of a future where our Guardians journey between worlds, unhindered by petty commercial fortress walls, carries tomes of wisdom and loot freely across all domains.

…Whoops lost myself in fantasy there. The reality is platform cutting remains deeply ingrained in the gaming industry. Sony even once blocked cross play support entirely out of fear users would switch from PlayStation.

But there is hope on the horizon. Services like Ubisoft Quartz are experimenting with cross-platform cosmetic NFTs. Microsoft now owns Call of Duty and plans to support cross progression across Xbox/PlayStation/PC.

So in the next few years, we could see a major shift. Especially if Google Stadia and cloud gaming catch on, further dissolving traditional platform barriers.

For now Destiny fans remain blocked by bureaucracy. But the omnipotent powers of Light will inevitably break through via the loyalty of millions of brave Guardians who dare reach for Cross Save nirvana.

Tips for Minimizing Destiny 2 Rebuying Costs

Until the day Cross Progression freedom arrives, players yearning to embrace Destiny across multiple worlds must endure mild financial persecution.

Here are pro tips for minimizing costs when rebuying expansions:

  • Buy on Sale: Expansions frequently see discounts, avoid paying full price
  • Buy Season Pass Only: Cheapest access to new content
  • Game Share with Friends: Console licenses can be shared across accounts
  • Stadia Pro: Temporary full Destiny 2 access with a Pro subscription

Choose platforms wisely too. I‘d advise most players stick to just one or two to reduce costs. Buying expansions across PS, Xbox, Steam and Stadia adds up incredibly fast.

Ultimately we accept this financial meta out of our Guardian‘s unconditional love. For grinding the perfect Fatebringer god roll knows no platform bounds. Eyes up, Guardians.

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