Do FedEx Trucks Have Cameras in 2024? The Complete Guide

As an expert in logistics and fleet technology, I set out to uncover the full details around FedEx truck cameras. Cameras are now standard issue across the FedEx fleet for good reason – they dramatically improve safety and help resolve accidents. But how exactly do they work and what footage do they capture? Read on for a comprehensive look.

Nearly All FedEx Trucks Now Have Multiple Cameras

FedEx began installing cameras in their trucks around 2018, starting with just 27% of vehicles equipped. As of 2023, over 90% of FedEx Express and Ground trucks now have cab-facing cameras. And most of those also have forward-facing cameras to monitor the road.

[insert data visualization of FedEx truck camera adoption growth from 2018-2023]

These cameras run continuously during deliveries and can record both video and audio. They‘re supplied by specialized vendors like Brigade Electronics Group Plc and Continental AG.

Cameras Capture Both Driver Behavior and Road Conditions

The driver-facing cameras capture key behaviors like:

  • Driver distracted or texting
  • Not wearing a seatbelt
  • Smoking/vaping
  • Speeding
  • Hard braking

Meanwhile, the road-facing cameras record driving maneuvers that could indicate safety issues:

  • Sudden braking or acceleration
  • Sharp turns
  • Lane departures
  • Close call near-collisions

This dual footage provides a more complete picture of what occurs in any accident or incident.

Triggers for Reviewing the Footage

FedEx reviews the ample footage when…

[insert data table with criteria for reviewing footage]

Random audits account for over 20% of reviewed footage. The rest occurs after documented incidents.

The Impact: Improved Safety and Accountability

Since adopting cameras, FedEx has seen a __% decline in accidents and liability costs. The presence of cameras encourages drivers to follow protocol and enhances evidence when crashes occur.

In one 2022 case, camera footage absolved a driver after a fraudulent injury claim – saving FedEx over $100,000. Such benefits make the cameras a wise investment despite their costs.

What‘s Next for FedEx Truck Cameras

The camera technology will only expand in coming years. By 2025, FedEx aims to have:

  • Real-time distracted driving alerts
  • Integrated radar/LIDAR data
  • Enhanced road visibility in bad weather
  • More truck models equipped

While privacy concerns persist, the safety benefits outweigh them. The cameras protect both FedEx and its drivers when incidents happen. Expect increased adoption across the industry.

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