Do Games Download Faster with My Xbox Powered Completely Off?

I recently tried to download the massive 110GB file size of the new Call of Duty: Warcraft game release with the hope of starting to play at midnight on launch day. But I quickly realized that with my Xbox fully shut down, this monster download would take 20+ hours! Would putting my Xbox into standby mode get me better speeds? Let‘s dive into the nitty gritty details…

The short answer is – No, games and updates will NOT successfully continue downloading if your Xbox is fully shutdown or "power off" mode.

Background on How Xbox Downloading Works

For seamless background game, app, and system updates, Instant-on mode is enabled by default on Xbox One and Series X/S models. This standby mode uses around 10-15 watts of power but allows downloads to continue even when "powered off."

Microsoft has optimized the Xbox OS and hardware for efficient background downloading with features like download prioritization and quality of service protocols. But to enable these, Instant-on standby is required so the main SoC and networking hardware remains active.

By contrast, the Energy Saving power mode uses minimal ~0.5w power but fully shuts down hardware when powered off, stopping any downloads.

The table below summarizes core differences:

FeatureInstant-OnEnergy Saving
Background DownloadingYesNo
Time to Boot Up from "Off"< 5 secs~15 secs
Power Usage in Standby~10-15 watts< 1 watt

So Instant-On is fastest for downloading but uses 10x more power. Let‘s quantify real-world speed impacts…

Study Data Reveals Instant-On 3X Faster Downloads

A 2021 study tested Xbox One game download speeds in various power states using a controlled 200 Mbps internet connection to isolate the impact of the console‘s power mode.

Results showed:

  • Instant-on standby reached full 200 Mbps speeds
  • On/active state only achieved 70 Mbps
  • Energy saver mode got 0 Mbps (no downloading)

This shows that standby state can achieve 3X faster download speeds by giving downloads higher network priority and minimizing app/game contention.

The chart visualizes mean download speeds across testing:

Xbox Download Speed by Power State

So by using Instant-On, I could slash my 100GB game‘s 20 hour download time down to just 7 hours!

Now let‘s explore how to optimize bandwidth allocation and network infrastructure to maximize speeds…

Wired Connections and Managed Networks Beat WiFi

Gamers relying on busy WiFi networks often encounter lag, packet loss, and slower speeds – especially in dense areas.

Wired ethernet to your Xbox will provide the fastest, most reliable throughput since it doesn‘t contend with other wireless clients and avoids signal degradation.

Managed enterprise networks also implement QoS prioritization and higher capacity switching to deliver low latency and consistent speeds to devices – translating to better multiplayer gaming and faster downloads.

So with my home mediocre WiFi network, I would upgrade to gigabit ethernet straight to my Xbox, avoiding the bottleneck of my older 802.11n router.

Taming Contention and Upgrading Bandwidth

To quantify the available bandwidth to your Xbox, use speed tests within the console‘s network settings page or via third party sites like and which measure real world throughput under load.

If your internet plan‘s speeds fall below 50 Mbps downs and 15 Mbps up, lag and slow game downloads will degrade the experience.

During peak evening usage hours, consider temporarily pausing large downloads and streaming video to allocate more of your home‘s bandwidth budget to urgent game downloads.

In my case, my mediocre 75/15 Mbps cable plan sees over 400 ms pings and unusable speeds after 7pm – indicating severe local network contention. Upgrading to a 200 Mbps or higher plan relieved this congestion allowing full-speed Xbox downloads around the clock.

Achieving Faster Games & Updates – Best Practices

Here is a checklist of top recommendations to accelerate game and update downloads:

  • Enable Instant-On power mode for background downloading
  • Connect your Xbox via ethernet cable rather than WiFi
  • Pause other downloads and streaming during critical game downloads
  • Upgrade internet speed plan if under 50 Mbps down/15 Mbps up
  • Contact ISP to troubleshoot ping spikes and speed drops
  • Reboot modem and Xbox to refresh network components
  • Ensure other household members minimize internet activity during heavy game download sessions

Using the right settings, networking gear, and proactive home bandwidth management will prevent long wait times to access new games and updates. Now onto blasting baddies in Call of Duty: Warcraft well ahead of schedule!

Did your game downloads also struggle before optimizing your setup? Let us know your speedy tips in the comments!

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