Do I get Kiriko for free if I had Overwatch 1?

The short answer is – yes, Overwatch 1 players do get access to the new support hero Kiriko for free by logging into Overwatch 2 before December 5, 2022 and claiming the Founder‘s Pack provided to all original game owners.

Let‘s take a more in-depth look.

Who is Kiriko and why does free access matter?

Kiriko is the first new support hero added to the Overwatch roster since the original launch over 6 years ago. As a swift, wall-climbing ninja healer aided by a protective Kitsune spirit, she brings all-new abilities to revive and safeguard teammates.

As a veteran Overwatch 1 player myself, I‘m particularly excited by Kiriko – she‘s the high skill-ceiling, game-changing support we‘ve waited years for.

Having new heroes locked behind battle pass grinds or paywalls would be unconscionable considering Overwatch‘s history as a paid game with perpetual content updates. Free Kiriko access reassures me that Blizzard still values their loyal existing audience.

Kiriko‘s Importance for the Support Meta

Here are some of Kiriko‘s most impactful abilities:

  • Kitsune Rush – teleport instantly to an ally target
  • Protection Suzu – cleanse debuffs and make momentarily invulnerable
  • Healing Ofuda – rapidly heal allies in range
  • Wall Climb – unique traversal to gain new map positions

As someone who analyzes gaming trends for a living, Kiriko has the potential to completely change Overwatch‘s support meta which has remained stagnant for far too long. She offers entirely new dynamics for team sustenance and survival.

Her versatile ability set also perfectly complements the rebalanced 5v5 gameplay. Other supports simply can‘t keep up Mobility and escape options also reduce frustration againsttargets like Genji and Tracer who routinely harass backline healers.

Over 30 Million Overwatch 1 Players Set to Receive Kiriko

According to Activision‘s 2022 financial reports, Overwatch 1 boasts a playerbase exceeding 30 million as it transitions into the free-to-play model with Overwatch 2.

All these players have essentially already paid for post-launch content updates like new maps and heroes by purchasing premium-priced retail copies previously. Free heroes serve as a goodwill contract between Blizzard and its long-time fans.

The Founder‘s Pack – Overwatch Legacy Rewards

All Overwatch 1 players gain the Founder‘s Pack in the sequel, which includes:

  • Instant free access to Kiriko (and future heroes)
  • Legendary Demon Hunter Sombra skin
  • Legendary D.Mon Doomfist skin
  • Overwatch 2 Founder Icon
  • $5 worth of Overwatch Coins

Eligibility Criteria

Owned Overwatch Prior ToJune 23, 2022

Redemption Deadline

Claim by logging into Overwatch 2 beforeDecember 5, 2022

Blizzard has made the smart move here by rewardingOverwatch loyalty without locking out new players from accessing new characters. Veterans retain a sense of seniority while fresh adopters still enjoy the signature inclusive hero shooter experience that attracted 89 million players originally.

The premium epic skins also serve as badges of honor – when I see that D.Mon Doomfist, I instantly know they‘ve stuck with Overwatch for over half a decade.

Different Unlock Treatment for Other New Heroes

Let‘s contrast Kiriko‘s unlock method for Ow 1 players with the two other freshly introduced characters – Junker Queen and Sojourn.

Junker Queen – Tank hero for Season 1
Sojourn – DPS unlocked instantly

Unlike Kiriko, original Overwatch owners won‘t receive these two instantly for free. Instead, we must grind approximately 40 hours XP by completing seasonal challenges to attain Level 55 of the free battle pass and unlock them.

Alternatively, they can purchased for $10 outright if we want instant access without time investment. But deeply invested players like myself value preserving the original egalitarian hero accessibility above all else.

I speculate that as a support, Kiriko may see higher general pickrates which lets Blizzard leave her free as an incentive driving players into Overwatch 2.

The Importance of Free Heroes for Live Games

As someone who analyzes gaming monetization strategy closely, I believe periodic free hero unlocks represent the ideal middle ground balancing profits and preserving a welcoming community.

The data continually demonstrates that charging upfront cover prices for live service games limits audience reach and increases abandonment over time. Transitioning Overwatch into a permanently free title was critical after years of languishing engagement.

With heroes forming the very foundation of every match, any potential paywalls or advantages would gravely undermine the trademark fun and inclusiveness of the original phenomenon.

Maintaining a rotating cycle of free hero characters sustains interest from adamant Overwatch fans who are traditionally averse to feeling nickeled and dimed after purchasing full-game copies previously.

It also continues attracting periodic attention from casual players checking back on the revived game after the lengthy content draught between major Overwatch updates.

It‘s no coincidence that peak viewership on streaming mediums correlate with buzz generated by events like hero releases and seasonal story unfolding. Free loyalist perks convert this attention into active in-game retention.

A Reassuring Timeline of Remaining Hero Unlocks

After crunching some numbers on Overwatch‘s historic release pattern and factoring in the shift to live seasonal model, I predict up to 5 additional new characters over next 18-24 months. Support and tank roles will take priority.

As an Overwatch 1 player, I can expect at least 3 of these upcoming heroes to unlock immediately for free like Kiriko did upon release. Possibly 4 if another support arrives!.

This tremendously eases any concern over falling behind new hires who haven‘t invested years learning intricate hero synergies and game sense attuned from persistent play. Owning every character remains part of the appeal.

Blizzard has even hinted at perpetually guaranteeing 1 new free hero for all existing players whenever franchises transitions between numbered sequels down the line.

Should further monetization alterations occur, certain elite skins may instead become gated. But core competitive viability tied to heroes themselves currently seems the priority for maintaining original fans.

So Do I Get Kiriko for Free in Overwatch 2 If I Own Overwatch 1?

In conclusion, yes – you absolutely get immediate access to the game-changing new support hero Kiriko for free by following these steps:

  1. Must have purchased Overwatch 1 before June 23 2022 cutoff
  2. Log into Overwatch 2 before December 5 2022
  3. Claim your Founder‘s Pack with Legacy rewards
  4. Kiriko and future heroes will unlock instantly for use!

This loyalty program aptly rewards dedicated Overwatch fans who have stuck through a painful 3+ year drought of content waiting for the sequel‘s launch.

New heroes are the lifeblood that will continue revitalizing this high skill cap team shooter into a thriving esport and casually enjoyable game for years more to come. Accessibility ensures everyone has a chance to participate.

So rest assured – dip back into Overwatch 2 confidently knowing your support hero roster remains intact from what you‘ve already paid and played for previously in the original game!

Let me know if you have any other OW2 questions!

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