Do I have to play the other Dragon Age games before Inquisition?

No, you can happily dive into Inquisition as your introduction to the Dragon Age universe and be brought up to speed on relevant backstory. I personally started with Inquisition and was hooked enough to go back afterwards.

However, this epic franchise develops a powerful emotional connection between the player, companions, and world across the games. I cannot recommend enough taking the time to experience that to its fullest. Inquisition assumes the player already loves key characters like Varric and builds off their shared history, revealed over 60+ hours across the first two titles.

What Background Details Matter in Inquisition

Inquisition keeps new players in mind by having advisors summarize the critical history on the world and companions. Here is the context you will pick up organically through early dialogue:

  • The Breach – tears in the veil allowing spirits/demons to cross over
  • The Mage-Templar War – rebel mages vs the Chantry military faction
  • Corypheus – seeking to become a god, corrupting the Golden/Black City
  • Your advisors like Cullen and Leliana – their past fighting darkspawn, mages, etc.

These events tie back to choices made in prior games but Inquisition handles explaining them naturally through characters asking questions as newcomers ourselves.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Playing the Previous Games

As a fan who went back to play the entire series, I think any gamer eager for full immersion should play from Origins but it‘s understandable wanting to start with Inquisition too. Let‘s analyze key tradeoffs:


  • 60+ hours bonding with characters like Varric, Cassandra, Cullen before meeting again
  • Choices shaping world state carry more weight experiencing through gameplay
  • Increased emotional connection to lore reveals like Solas actually being Fen‘Harel


  • 100% completion requires 160+ hours across all three base games
  • Dated visuals and mechanics vs Inquisition‘s modern polish
  • Slower pacing before payoff of dragon fights, big betrayals, etc.

Ultimately the iconic moments and bonds formed make subsequent events in Inquisition pack an extra punch. But I respect not every gamer can commit hundreds of hours upfront.

Inquisition as Friendly Entry Point for Franchise Newcomers

I firmly believe Inquisition stands on its own two feet whether you‘re a new player or existing fan. Let‘s analyze why:

  • Clean visual overhaul familiarizes unfamiliar/newcomer players with lore
  • Well-written dialogue and codex entries explain need-to-know history
  • Playing an outsider Inquisitor mirrors player entering this rich universe

All companions act as mentors bringing the player Inquisitor up to speed on critical events in an engaging way. The writers clearly worked hard to craft an introductory experience welcoming Dragon Age newcomers.

Inquisition Main Story Playthrough

Main Quests~32 hours
Side Quests+20 hours
Total Playtime~52 hours

This positions Inquisition closer to a traditional RPG experience than the extensive playtimes demanded by the first two titles.

Comparing Playtime Across the Dragon Age Series

Looking at aggregated gameplay statistics reveals just what a massive time investment playing the whole franchise entails:

Main StoryCompletionist
Dragon Age: Origins39 hours96 hours
Dragon Age 224 hours56 hours
Total63 hours152+ hours

That‘s a massive amount of content to get through before Inquisition! Completing all three games is easily a 100+ hour endeavor minimum.

Review Scores Across the Dragon Age Series

While time investment is substantial, the critical reception and fan sentiment indicates strong quality across the board driving high totals played:

Dragon Age: Origins9191
Dragon Age 28284
Dragon Age: Inquisition8589

Each base game meets or exceeds critics‘ high expectations, especially Origins with its 90+ scores. Gamers agree – these are must-play RPGs any fan or newcomer to the genre can wholeheartedly enjoy.

My Recommendations as a Dragon Age Fanatic

I hope I‘ve presented a balanced analysis of factors to consider when debating where to enter this acclaimed franchise as a newcomer. Now as an unabashed fan, I‘ll share my personal advice:

  • Play Dragon Age: Origins first to witness the iconic start
  • Tackle Dragon Age 2 to continue the core plot
  • Then finish with Inquisition for the visual overhaul meeting characters again

Is this asking for a 100+ hour commitment? Yes, but that journey creates bonds and stakes unmatched in gaming. I wish I could experience iconic twists again for the first time.

However, if limited on time, dive right into Inquisition and enjoy especulating on the elusive history between companions. I guarantee you‘ll still be driven to play past games after!

So in summary:

Must you play past Dragon Age games first? No. I started with Inquisition.
Should you for the full experience? Absolutely yes!

Either path leads to an exceptional fantasy saga. Now let‘s gather our party and venture forth. Glory awaits!

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