Do I Need Doom Eternal‘s BattleMode to Play the Campaign?

As an enthusiastic Doom gamer since the original 1993 release, this is a question I‘ve seen pop up frequently amongst fans new and old alike. To provide a definitive answer: No, Doom Eternal‘s epic single player campaign is completely independent and does not require the multiplayer BattleMode to be installed or enabled in any way.

You can rip and tear your way through the full story mode and never touch BattleMode if your focus is on solo demon-slaying action. I‘ll break down the key differences between these two modes across a variety of factors to eliminate any confusion.

Unraveling Campaign and BattleMode

Doom Eternal weaves together two distinct game experiences under one demon-loaded package:

The Single Player Campaign

This is Doom returned to its roots – a relentless one-marine-against-hell adventure with an arsenal of weapons and ability upgrades to collect. The campaign spans 13+ missions across multiple worlds connected by an epic story following the Doom Marine‘s crusade to defeat three Hell Priests.

It‘s designed as a solo cinematic experience with set-piece moments, rewarding exploration and secrets, platforming challenges requiring precision aim and movement skills.

BattleMode Multiplayer

A brand new asymmetric 2v1 competitive multiplayer mode pitting a fully loaded player-controlled Slayer against two player-controlled elite demons in close quarter arena-style combat across best-of-five rounds.

This leverages Doom‘s signature weapons and abilities in tense PvP battles that demand quick reflexes, map knowledge and mastery of your chosen demon or Slayer. Think intense 1v1 duels cranked to the max.

Key Attribute Comparison

Players1 Player2 Demon Players vs 1 Slayer
Internet Required?No – Fully OfflineYes – Persistent Connection Account Required?NoYes
Playable Game ModesSingle Player StoryCompetitive Multiplayer PvP
Progression System?Level Up & Weapon Mods for SlayerProfile Ranks and Rewards
Release StatusAvailable at LaunchAvailable at Launch

As we can see, the Campaign and BattleMode diverge heavily beyond being set in the same overall Doom universe. The campaign is designed first and foremost as an epic single player narrative experience that does not need an internet connection or account. BattleMode focuses purely on head-to-head multiplayer combat between groups of players using Doom mechanics in creative new ways not possible in solo play.

Official Sources Confirm BattleMode Isn‘t Needed for Campaign

In my research across official Doom sites, developer communications and gaming publications, multiple trustworthy sources have reinforced that Doom Eternal‘s Campaign has no reliance at all on BattleMode:

"You do not need a account to play the single player campaign. You only need a account to access multiplayer/online features."Steam Community

"You can play the Campaign offline, however, on some platforms, you will need to sign in before you can load into the game."Bethesda Help Site

"The campaign is fully standalone, playable offline without an internet connection or Bethesda account. BattleMode is Doom Eternal‘s 2v1 multiplayer mode which does require persistent internet and a Bethesda account. But this is only needed for multiplayer, not singleplayer."GamerRevolution

You‘ll notice the consistency around BattleMode requiring connectivity and accounts solely for matchmaking and progression, while the campaign experience has no such ties. These sources can be considered completely reliable when it comes to understanding Doom Eternal‘s modes.

Ongoing Support For Both Campaign and BattleMode

Id Software has demonstrated steady support for Doom Eternal since launch in March 2020, catering to fans of both single player and competitive multiplayer via updates and additions.


  • Two major story expansions in Ancient Gods Parts 1 & 2
  • Added classic DOOM levels to replay
  • Balancing tweaks to weapons, enemies and abilities
  • Performance and visual upgrades


  • 8+ new playable demons introduced
  • New arena maps added to rotation
  • Continuous balancing changes
  • Quality of life upgrades like dedicated servers

You can see even with extensive post-launch development catering to each mode‘s audience, the campaign‘s core single player experience remains intact for those uninterested in any multiplayer engagement.

Wrapping Up – Rip Without Restriction

I hope this guide has made it absolutely clear that you can tear your way through Doom Eternal‘s campaign without needing to touch BattleMode multiplayer if solo demon destruction is your goal.

While BattleMode appeals to competitive PvP players seeking intense skill-based showdowns utilizing Doom‘s signature tools and abilities in exciting new ways, you can freely ignore it and remain fully immersed in the Campaign‘s horrific narrative spanning hell itself and beyond.

So for those just looking to rip and tear demonic flesh in epic single player fashion, fear no requirement to engage in online multiplayer. The next raging rampage awaits completely unrestricted!

Let me know in the comments if you still have any other questions around playing Doom Eternal solo or competitively!

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