Do You Need to Keep the Runed Lexicon in Skyrim?

The Short Answer

No, there is no reason to keep the Runed Lexicon after finishing the "Discerning the Transmundane" quest in Skyrim. This dwarven artifact serves purely as a key to unlock an Elder Scroll and access the real reward – the powerful Oghma Infinium skill book. With no special powers or functions outside that role, the Runed Lexicon is little more than a paperweight once its purpose is fulfilled. You can safely sell it or store it as decoration.

Understanding the Runed Lexicon

Now that the essential answer is out of the way, let‘s take a deeper look at what exactly the Runed Lexicon is and does.

The Runed Lexicon begins its existence as the Blank Lexicon – an odd contraption with a button assembly next to a crystal lens adorned with Dwarven metal plates. It fits neatly into a receptacle found at the Tower of Mzark.

Once slotted into place, the Lexicon can have Dwarven runes etched onto its surface by manipulating four buttons to align parts of an ancient Dwarven mechanism. Successfully configuring the buttons transforms the Blank Lexicon into the Runed Lexicon.

So what does this newly etched hunk of Dwarven metal actually do?

The Runed Lexicon serves as a key that gives you access to the vast Dwemer lockbox sealed away deep in the ruins of Blackreach. And contained within that lockbox is the coveted Elder Scroll needed to defeat Alduin and complete Skyrim‘s main quest.

Unlocking this Dwemer Puzzle Box

In order to unlock the lockbox, you need to take the Runed Lexicon and hold it up to an enormous Dwemer mechanism. A tremendous array of gyroscopes, Arctic resonators, and linguistic processing units will spring to life in a cacophony of hissing steam and clicking dwarven gears.

Green lasers project out from the Lexicon in a slow scan across the sealed door to the lockbox, energy arcing wildly. With a final thunderous clunk, the lockbox slides open, exposing the Elder Scroll resting inside.

As you can see, the Runed Lexicon essentially serves as the final key needed to access this ancient Dwemer vault. Once you have the Elder Scroll in hand, the Lexicon has fully served its singular purpose.

Should You Keep It or Not?

After unlocking the Dwemer lockbox, the Runed Lexicon is wholly spent of any magical charge or mechanical purpose. From a practical standpoint, there is no real reason to keep carrying around this inert dwarven artifact.

However, as an intrepid gamer and explorer myself, I totally understand the instinct to retain it. It definitely carries some badass Dwemer style points!

Let‘s weigh the pros and cons:


  • It looks incredibly cool displayed in your home
  • Makes for an awesome Dwemer, steampunk-esque decoration
  • Rare item with deep lore significance
  • Conversation starter for sure!


  • Weighs 20 points
  • No special abilities
  • Sells for only 75 gold
  • Takes up a slot in your inventory

So in summary – feel free to keep it if you really love the Dwarven aesthetic or want a memento from this lengthy quest. But sell or stash it if the extra encumbrance isn‘t worth it. Up to you!

Now, as a fellow gamer, I personally think the Runed Lexicon looks fantastic displayed on one of my shelves alongside Dwarven arrows and scrap metal. It reminds me of the epic journey through Alftand‘s glacial ruins and Blackreach. I can gaze at its etched runes and reminisce.

But you better believe I stored that sucker in my house before traipsing halfway across Skyrim! Didn‘t need it slowing me down. To each their own!

The True Reward – Oghma Infinium

While the Runed Lexicon makes for an interesting keepsake, the real prize you want from completing "Discerning the Transmundane" is the Oghma Infinium.

This powerful Daedric artifact grants the reader access to the knowledge and wisdom of ages – boosting skills in one of three paths:

  • Magic – +5 to all Magic skills
  • Combat – +5 to all Combat skills
  • Stealth – +5 to all Thief skills

Selecting a path will instantly grant +5 skill levels to every skill in that triad – an insane power spike. As far as I‘m concerned, well worth collecting blood samples and rooting through glacial ruins!

Now, you only get one read, so choose carefully based on your character build and style of play. If this is your first go-around, Combat or Stealth are solid choices for well-rounded adventuring.

So in summary:

Runed Lexicon – Cool paperweight

Oghma Infium – Game changing power boost

I know which reward has my vote!

Parting Thoughts

The Runed Lexicon definitely carries some Gandalf-esque mystique. And I‘d be lying if I said activating the lexicon didn‘t make me feel crazy powerful.

But at the end of the day, it‘s a single-use relic that gets stashed as soon as that 50 pound lockbox cracks opens. Still, it does look damn good gathered alongside other Dwarven artifacts.

So if embellishing your in-game homes with lore-rich treasures and conversation pieces is half the fun for you, I say slap that Lexicon up on display! Just not while you‘re out exploring – that‘s valuable carry weight, my friend.

Your mileage may vary when it comes to collectible clutter vs practical inventory management. But the Lexicon‘s usefulness stops once you snag that Elder Scroll.

Hopefully this gives you what you need to decide if the Runed Lexicon deserves a coveted spot within your stronghold or should be sold for spare gold. Let me know what you decide! Happy questing!

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