Do I Need to Play Ni no Kuni 1 Before 2? A Deep Dive Analysis

As a long-time fan who has completed both classic JRPGs multiple times, I firmly believe you do not need to play the original Ni no Kuni before enjoying the masterful sequel Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. However, experiencing these rich, emotional journeys in order does enhance the experience and connections for veteran fans.

Comparing Story, Setting, and Characters

Ni no Kuni‘s first entry follows a young boy named Oliver who embarks on a grand adventure to another world to rescue his mother and stop the vile wizard Shadar. Along the way, Oliver befriends quirky characters like the feisty fairy Drippy, mighty wizard Marcassin, and kindhearted Esther. He also collects and trains the adorable Izzy familiars.

The sequel focuses on a new cast lead by Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, the orphaned prince who quests to claim his rightful throne and unite warring armies. Evan builds his visionary new kingdom of Evermore alongside Roland, a grizzled president sucked into this fantasy realm. And of course more delightful creatures like the sky pirate bat Tani and Lofty the pint-sized Kingmaker.

While both feature the rich fantasy world of Ni no Kuni, they tell separate self-contained stories generations apart. However, Ni no Kuni 2 does contain clever references to heroes and events from the first game, rewarding eagle-eyed veterans. For example, Oliver and his allies are revered in legend as great sages who once saved the world. And Marcassin appears later on in a meaningful extended cameo.

Contrasting Gameplay, Combat, and Progression

In terms of gameplay, the first Ni no Kuni employs a traditional turn-based battle system where players command Oliver and his tamed fabled animals called familiars. Raising and evolving new familiars adds monster collection elements similar to Pokémon. Oliver also wields spells while his familiars mix melee, ranged, and magical attacks. In contrast, Ni no Kuni 2 utilizes faster-paced real-time combat focused on chaining together combos with melee weapons and skills.

While Oliver spends his journey helping various citizens across a world map, Evan constructs his kingdom from the ground up in Ni no Kuni 2, adding resource management, town-building, and even some RTS elements. Both offer rich involved progression systems, but very different core mechanics.

Critical Reception and Sales Success

Both Ni no Kuni games were extremely well-received and sold well across multiple platforms. The original holds an 85 critic average on Metacritic. Reviewers praised its visual flair, charming world, and old-school gameplay. It later released on PS4 and Nintendo Switch. The sequel scored an 81 Metacritic average, with critics admiring its improved combat and new kingdom builder features, while missing some of the first game‘s magic. Ni no Kuni 2 sold over 1.1 million copies within its first few months based on publisher Bandai Namco‘s financial reports.

Playtime Length and Replay Value

According to, main story playtimes average around 44 hours for Ni no Kuni 1 and 39 hours for Ni no Kuni 2. Completionist gamers pursuing all side content will spend over 90 hours with both epic adventures!

And the replay value remains high in my opinion. With varying stories, evolving approaches to combat, deep crafting/progression, and hidden post-game content, starting fresh playthroughs always feels rewarding.

The Verdict: Should You Play These RPG Masterpieces In Order?

So while prior Ni no Kuni knowledge isn‘t required, I highly recommend playing these whimsical, poignant RPG epics in series order if possible. Both represent the pinnacle of traditional turn-based JRPG and modern action-oriented console RPG experiences respectively.

However, newcomers can dive right into the faster thrill ride of Ni no Kuni 2 if desired. The direct storytelling connections are subtle – this remains Evan and Roland‘s separate self-contained journey first and foremost. But their quest gains extra resonance and significance realizing it honors the brave heroes who came before according to revered legend.

And the reverse also rings true should one start with the sequel first! Going back to experience young Oliver‘s origin adventure afterwards adds appreciation for the long-term influence his courageous exploits set in motion. Both games truly stand tall alone while building upon each other‘s fantastic fantasy world in subtle, masterful ways.

So while you technically don‘t ever need to play Ni no Kuni 1 before 2, doing so weaves together their tapestries in grander fashion. Hopefully this deep dive analysis helps newer fans make the best choice for their epic Ni no Kuni playthrough order! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.

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