Should You Play Spider-Man (2018) Before Miles Morales?

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the superhero genre, I‘ve been eagerly anticipating Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales since it was first teased back in 2020. And one question always arises — should you play 2018‘s Marvel‘s Spider-Man before jumping into Miles Morales?

While Marvel’s Spider-Man is not required to enjoy Miles Morales‘ exhilarating web-slinging and emotionally charged story, I highly recommend new players start with the 2018 game first. Here’s why Spidey veterans and newcomers alike should play the original adventure before Miles Morales.

An Introduction to Peter, Miles and Memorable Villains

Marvel‘s Spider-Man focused on Peter Parker protecting New York City as an experienced hero. It also introduced his relationships with characters like Aunt May, Mary Jane Watson, and Miles Morales. These bonds continue to play vital roles in Miles Morales.

For example, Peter acts as Miles’ mentor in mastering his budding spider-abilities. They regularly communicate by phone, despite Peter being away on important business during Miles Morales. Their warm brotherly dynamic stems from the extensive time together in the previous game.

Additionally, classic rogues like Rhino, Scorpion, and the notorious Kingpin were prominent adversaries in Marvel’s Spider-Man, before Miles takes on new foes in his solo outing. With context from Peter’s earlier clashes, scenes of these enemies incarcerated will have more impact for those playing both games.

GameRelease YearPlatforms
Marvel’s Spider-Man2018PS4
Spider-Man Miles Morales2020PS5, PS4, PC

As both a sequel and spin-off, Miles Morales retains so many key characters that starting with the original enriches the overall experience.

Marvel‘s Spider-Man Still Immensely Popular on PS4

Marvel’s Spider-Man is one of Sony‘s highest-selling PlayStation exclusives, with over 20 million copies sold as of August 2021. Even years after release, it still consistently ranks among the most-played PS4 games.

With its gripping narrative, exhilarating open-world traversal, and fun combat system – it’s easy to see why it remains so popular with fans. And many of these players are now transitioning to next-gen and getting introduced to Miles in his solo debut on PS5 and PC.

Given the groundswell of veterans replaying Spider-Man in anticipation of Spider-Man 2 next year, there’s never been a better time to start with Peter’s adventure before web-swinging through Miles’ journey.

The Lead-up to Becoming Spider-Man

One of the most endearing elements of Marvel Spider-Man was following Peter Parker’s personal life outside the mask as he balanced relationships, his job, and Spider-Man duties. Miles faces similar challenges as a young teenager finding his way – made even harder after the tragic loss of his beloved father.

Losing someone close is painful enough, but Miles witnesses first-hand his father’s death at the hands of a supervillain. This trauma fuels his vengeance and makes balancing school and hero work an even greater test. However, memories of his father’s wisdom, Peter’s guidance, and courage from his mother and friends give Miles the strength to carry on.

By seeing Miles’ bright, promising life beforehand in the first game, that tragedy lands harder. I still keenly remember tearing up at the emotionally charged climax where he finally reveals to his mother that he is Spider-Man. Their shared grief and pride creates one of gaming’s most heartfelt moments that I feel would lack emphasis without context from Peter‘s journey.

Final Thwip – Spin that Web!

With a compelling self-contained story, you truly can’t go wrong starting your web-swinging escapades with Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales first. Its satisfying combat and accessible mechanics also cater well for genre newcomers.

However, players yearning for the complete experience should play the 2018 game beforehand despite not being crucial. Why? Because experiencing Peter’s highs and lows makes Miles’ coming-of-age tale far more poignant. It lays vital groundwork to better understand this Spider-Verse and everyone in it.

You’ll forge connections with iconic allies like Yuri Watanabe and Rio Morales when Peter Parker calls. And when Miles whispers to F.E.A.S.T founder, Martin Li, that he too recognizes what it’s like being “different” – the weight of those words resonates stronger knowing their history together.

Moments like these exemplify why I wholeheartedly recommend fans, regardless of familiarity, to play Marvel’s Spider-Man before web zipping through the follow-up. Accompany both heroes on their emotional journeys and I promise your investment will only grow fonder. Because behind the masks, their stories shine brightest when side-by-side.

So watch this spectacular duo swing across console generations! Just be sure to start with Peter Parker’s adventure first to fully appreciate the heart and humanity of Miles Morales.

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