Do I need to play Dragon Quest 4 before 5?

The Short Answer

No, you absolutely do not need any experience with Dragon Quest IV to fully understand and enjoy Dragon Quest V. The Dragon Quest games are intentionally crafted as standalone adventures, with a few small exceptions. Feel free to start your DQ journey with the masterful DQV!

Examining Connections Between the Games

As an expert on all things Dragon Quest, I‘m often asked about the best play order for these seminal JRPGs. Specifically, whether there is an overarching story spanning multiple games that requires starting from the beginning.

The answer is more nuanced than a simple yes or no. While most Dragon Quest games stand completely alone, there are some interesting links between certain entries:

  • Dragon Quest I, II, and III do form a loose trilogy in order of release.
  • Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI are considered a "Zenithian Trilogy", named after a floating castle that appears in all three games.

However, these trilogies are very loose. Besides the castle, DQIV, DQV, and DQVI feature totally different maps, lore, characters, and stories.

In other words, you‘ll miss no critical backstory or worldbuilding jumping into any Dragon Quest game! They are masterfully crafted as self-contained adventures.

Dragon Quest Games as Standalone JRPG Masterpieces

Let‘s examine why Dragon Quest games stand so solidly on their own, requiring no prior knowledge:

  • Each Dragon Quest world is unique, with its own sprawling world map and no shared continuity.
  • The colorful cast of heroes, villains, and monsters are tailor-made for each game.
  • While there may be a cute reference here or there, the overarching story is created specifically for that game.
  • The turn-based combat and gameplay also evolves with each numbered sequel.

This is why I always compare Dragon Quest structure to the Final Fantasy series. Both allow newcomers easy access to any entry without needing 100+ hours of past lore! Feel free to start anywhere the premise intrigues you.

Now, let‘s see why Dragon Quest V specifically has such glowing reviews:

What Makes DQV a Masterpiece Among Masterpieces

As a passionate gaming expert and content creator, I make it my quest to break down precisely why certain games resonate so strongly. In Dragon Quest V‘s case, several key factors come together to deliver an emotional and unforgettable experience:

  • Generational Storytelling – Unlike any previous game, DQV chronicles the hero‘s adventures from childhood and fatherhood!
  • Monster Recruitment – DQV pioneered letting players recruit, train, and befriend iconic DQ monsters into their party.
  • Memorable Story Moments – Players cite many tear-jerking and shockingly dark story moments that stick with them for life.

For these reasons, Dragon Quest V is commonly placed along with modern greats like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI as transcending the JRPG genre. I wholeheartedly agree and believe DQV remains the perfect franchise entry point.

Now, let‘s overlay some hard data about gameplay length, bosses, and more with DQIV and DQV!

Dragon Quest IV vs. Dragon Quest V – By the Numbers

GameMain Story LengthMain + ExtrasHardest Boss
Dragon Quest IV27 hours44 hoursBonus Dungeon Boss
Dragon Quest V30.5 hours49 hoursFinal Boss

As this quick data comparison shows:

  • Both DQIV and DQV will last in the 30 hour range sticking to core objectives.
  • Completionists can sink 40+ hours into really mastering both games!
  • DQV is often noted as more difficult, with a final boss that gives even seasoned players trouble.

So in summary – DQV delivers a similar or slightly longer quest than DQIV, with amped up difficulty and emotional delivery to match.

Should You Play Dragon Quest Games in Order?

I‘m often asked if new players should start from the early NES era Dragon Quest games and work their way up. As a gaming expert, I cannot recommend that approach.

While it allows you to see the incremental evolution of mechanics and storytelling, the very first Dragon Quest contains a lot of archaic JRPG design that may turn off newcomers. I‘d compare it directly to nasty platformers like the original Castlevania or Mega Man.

Instead, I advise starting with a more modern and polished entry (like Dragon Quest VIII or Dragon Quest XI) to appreciate the masterful craft the series has honed over 35+ years of iteration and improvement since the first game.

Or for story-first players like myself, just dive right into the timeless classic Dragon Quest V!

The Verdict: Embark on DQV Without Delay!

So after all this analysis, my verdict is clear – embark on Dragon Quest V as soon as you can! No need to prepare with earlier entries in terms of narrative or gameplay systems. DQV stands completely alone as a JRPG masterpiece and introduces gameplay innovations that became genre-wide staples.

Have more Dragon Quest questions? What entry should I play next? Feel free to reach out! As a gaming expert and content creator, I live for discussions just like this!

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