Do I Need to Play the First 2 Shadow Warriors Before Shadow Warrior 3?

No, you do not need to play 2007‘s Shadow Warrior or 2013‘s Shadow Warrior 2 before jumping into 2022‘s Shadow Warrior 3. While the previous games provide connected backstory and context, Shadow Warrior 3 stands alone as an accessible starting point for new players.

That said, I wholeheartedly recommend fans of this newest game also check out the prior titles. The entire Shadow Warrior trilogy forms an cohesive, rewarding narrative for players willing to commit.

As a gaming enthusiast and Shadow Warrior aficionado, I‘ve outlined everything you should consider about playing the full series:

Connections Between the Shadow Warrior Games

Shadow Warrior 3 continues the story of Lo Wang, the former corporate assassin turned rogue warrior from the earlier games. While this threequel introduces new characters like sexy rabbit assassin Motoko, you‘ll also reunite with series staples like Lo Wang‘s former employer Master Smith.

Replaying the first two titles lets you witness the full progression of these personalities. You‘ll unpack decades of history, rivalries, banter, and camaraderie otherwise unexplained heading straight into part three.

However, developer Flying Wild Hog ensures Shadow Warrior 3 works for first-timers too. As director Kuba Cislo told PushStartPlay:

"New players can easily jump into Shadow Warrior 3. It’s a completely new story and adventure for Lo Wang. But I think old fans will feel right at home – it has the same sense of humor and over the top action the series is known for."

So newcomers won‘t feel left out on inside jokes or references, but loyalists will get the most fulfilling ride witnessing Lo Wang‘s full legend firsthand.

Gameplay and Style Across the Series

As a "new-age Doom clone," the Shadow Warrior DNA stays consistent across all three games:

  • Fast-paced run-and-gun first person shooter action
  • Extreme violence and gallons of gore
  • Vulgar wisecracking and slapstick humor
  • Large arsenals of rifles, katanas, and makeshift weapons

You obliterate demons, monsters, zombies, and corporate soldiers standing between Lo Wang and his goals across exotic locales. The stories give reason to the slaughter, but gameplay prioritizes mowing down hordes of creatively-designed foes.

Each title balances this signature blend slightly differently – Shadow Warrior 2 adds loot progression and four-player co-op, for example – but at their core they feel like siblings. Players fond of one game‘s style will enjoy diving into the others.

What Improvements Does Shadow Warrior 3 Make?

As a decade-later sequel built for modern gaming hardware, Shadow Warrior 3 stands as the most polished entry regarding mechanics and graphics.

Key advancements include:

  • Cleaner parkour movement with double jumps and air dashes
  • Upgraded gore systems and dismemberment physics
  • Larger and more vertically-designed environments
  • Expanded melee options via katana combos and finishing moves

Conversely, the original Shadow Warrior shows its 1997 age despite an HD 2013 remaster. The gritty classic launched on 386 MS-DOS, after all! Shadow Warrior 2 fares better as a 2016 title but still plays like a last-generation game.

Those playing the series chronologically may appreciate Shadow Warrior 3‘s refinements more distinctly after slogging through dated elements in the earlier games.

Are the First Two Games Worth Playing?

So should you play 1997‘s Shadow Warrior and 2013‘s Shadow Warrior 2 if you enjoyed 2022‘s sequel?

In my opinion: yes, absolutely.

I think every Shadow Warrior game stands firmly on its own merits. While they share DNA, their self-contained stories, varied arsenals, unique settings, and legendary one-liners make each distinctly entertaining.

Consider length – completing all three campaigns takes some commitment but offers tremendous value:

GameMain Story Length*Completionist Length
Shadow Warrior (2013)~9 hours~16 hours
Shadow Warrior 2~8 hours~25 hours
Shadow Warrior 3~6 hours~10 hours


Additionally, all three titles frequently discount on digital sales. Shadow Warrior and Shadow Warrior 2 in particular can be purchased for less than $10 during Steam sales. That‘s an incredible amount of blood-soaked content per dollar.

In short, while not mandatory, I strongly believe playing all three games proves an worthy endeavor for FPS fans. The entire Shadow Warrior arc makes for a raucously fun trilogy – even more so if enjoying from start to finish.

The Verdict: Should You Play the Original Shadow Warriors?

Like director Kuba Cislo said, Shadow Warrior 3 welcomes first-time visitors just fine. But the richest experience undeniably goes to veteran players who‘ve been with Lo Wang since the 1990s 3D Realms days.

Witnessing callbacks, recurring jokes, and franchise evolution across decades of demon-slaying debauchery rewarding in ways a lone sequel can‘t provide.

So for the most complete Shadow Warrior saga – and arguably some of gaming‘s best unsung FPS action regardless – playing all three titles comes strongly recommended. Just be prepared laugh, cringe, and bleed if you take the trip.

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