Do I Need to Play the First Evil Within Before The Evil Within 2?

As a long-time survival horror fanatic who has reviewed over 50 titles in the genre, I get asked this question a lot. In this comprehensive guide for both newcomers and veterans to the franchise, let‘s analyze if playing 2014‘s The Evil Within is required before jumping into the 2017 sequel.

No Prior Experience Needed

The Evil Within 2 easily stands on its own even if you didn‘t play the original game. Developer Tango Gameworks ensured the sequel sets the stage for new players through opening cutscenes and NPC dialogue explaining lead character Sebastian‘s backstory and motivations.

Early reviews praised this accessibility for series newcomers, like GameSpot calling The Evil Within 2‘s "opening hours unintimidating" compared to the first game‘s brutal difficulty spike right out the gate.

So if you‘ve ever had a passing interest in the franchise but didn‘t want to feel behind, TEW2 allows anyone to dive right in. While having context from the first story provides helpful backstory for main characters like Sebastian and STEM creator Mobius, I never felt lost in the well-contained plot set three years after events of the original game.

What Returning Fans Gain

For those like myself who loved the first Evil Within, The Evil Within 2 smartly rewards that dedication in subtle ways. For example, Sebastian still carries physical and emotional scars from his experiences at the nightmarish Beacon Mental Hospital. Side character Julie Kidman, who turned out to be a double agent in the original‘s DLC, also plays a key investigative role here.

Little eerie touches like haunted houses in Union recalling similar horrors from the first game will give longtime fans goosebumps too.

Let‘s Compare Key Gameplay & Story Elements

The Evil Within (2014)The Evil Within 2 (2017)
Main protagonistSebastian CastellanosSebastian Castellanos
Main settingBeacon Mental Hospital/STEMUnion city in STEM
Combat/stealth balanceLeans combatImproved stealth options
Level designLinear stagesSemi-open world hubs
Graphical enhancementsEnhanced visuals/lighting
Story premiseInvestigate gruesome mass murderRescue Sebastian‘s daughter Lily

There‘s definitely consistency and connective tissue between the two titles. Recurring characters and themes make each game feel part of a cohesive universe. The Evil Within 2 even regularly calls back to key identities and events from the first game with by NPC dialogue or hidden documents.

So in summary – TEW2 effortlessly onboards new players while giving loyal fans of the first game plenty of "aha!" story moments and evolved gameplay to chew on.

The Bottom Line

Not only does The Evil Within 2 work great enjoyed entirely on its own, in many ways it surpasses the first game with its expanded toolset and refined mechanics. The new semi-open world design hugely diversified the terrifying encounter possibilities too.

Given how strong TEW2 stands independently, I wholeheartedly believe newcomers to the franchise can jump right in with this sequel and have an incredible time. The self-contained plot means background from the first game is informative but absolutely not mandatory. This might be one of those rare cases where starting with the second part actually works best!

I‘d love to hear your own experiences with the series in the comments below! Did you play the games in order? Or were you introduced to The Evil Within universe with the excellent second installment like many? Let me know!

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