Do I Need to Play Watch Dogs 1 Before Watch Dogs 2?

The short answer is no, you do not need to play Watch Dogs 1 before jumping into Watch Dogs 2. The sequel stands on its own with a new setting, protagonist, and self-contained story. I‘ve put over 50 hours into both games, and here is a detailed look at how the two compare.

Overview of Watch Dogs 1 vs 2

Let‘s start with a quick overview of how the original Watch Dogs and its sequel differ:

Watch Dogs 1 (2014)Watch Dogs 2 (2016)
ProtagonistAiden PearceMarcus Holloway
SettingChicagoSan Francisco Bay Area
ToneSerious, grittyHumorous, satirical
PlotRevenge thrillerHacker counterculture

As you can see, the games feature completely different protagonists, settings, and narrative tones. Watch Dogs 2 moves away from the dark, brooding vibe of the original towards something more fun and lighthearted.

This table summarizes the key differences:

Watch DogsWatch Dogs 2
ProtagonistAiden Pearce – tough vigilanteMarcus Holloway – young hacktivist
CharacterizationSerious, stoic, broodingSmart, witty, rebellious
Gameplay FocusCombat, drivingHacking, parkour
SettingChicago – rainy, grittySan Francisco – sunny, colorful
StoryRevenge thriller narrativeHacker counterculture themes
ToneDark, moody, seriousBright, humorous, fun

As you can see, Watch Dogs 2 took the franchise in largely new directions in terms of characters, tone, and gameplay. On the surface, the two games share very little in common besides the hacking elements.

Do You Need to Play Watch Dogs 1 to Understand Watch Dogs 2?

The answer is no. Watch Dogs 2 stands completely on its own. While it continues the conflict between hacker group Dedsec and the evil Blume corporation, it features an entirely new cast of characters and a different storyline.

Here are some of the key reasons playing Watch Dogs 1 is not required to understand the sequel:

  • New protagonist – Marcus Holloway is a brand new hacker unconnected to Aiden Pearce‘s story.

  • Self-contained narrative – Watch Dogs 2 focuses on taking down Blume with lighthearted, satirical tone.

  • Different setting – Moving the location from Chicago to San Francisco resets the status quo.

  • New supporting cast – None of Marcus‘ Dedsec crew appeared in the first game.

  • Separate plots – There are only minor references to Watch Dogs 1 events. Nothing crucial.

Ubisoft designed Watch Dogs 2 to be highly approachable for new players. I was able to follow the story perfectly fine without any knowledge of the first game. Everything is explained contextually.

According to reviews on Polygon:

"Watch Dogs 2 feels like a fresh start. New characters, new attitude, new city. It helps you forget about the first game…"

Overall, playing Watch Dogs 1 first provides interesting background but no crucial story information. Feel free to jump right into Watch Dogs 2!

Is Watch Dogs 2 Better Than Watch Dogs 1?

In my opinion as an avid gamer, Watch Dogs 2 is superior to the original in almost every way. Here is a data-driven comparison:

Watch DogsWatch Dogs 2
Metacritic Score7481
Fan ReceptionMixedMostly positive
Tone / SettingGritty, rainy ChicagoBright, fun San Francisco
ProtagonistBlandVibrant, humorous
GameplayUnevenGreatly improved
Sales (opening month)Over 4 millionOver 2 million

As the table shows, Watch Dogs 2 received better critic reviews, fan reception, and fixed many of the gameplay issues from the first game. Set in colorful San Francisco with vibrant characters, it was a major tonal shift that worked.

However, Watch Dogs 2 initially sold less than its predecessor – around 2 million copies in its first month, versus over 4 million for the original. While it was a critical success, it did not match Watch Dogs 1‘s commercial performance.

Here are some of the ways Watch Dogs 2 improves on the first game:

  • Superior protagonist – Marcus is far more charismatic and humorous than the bland Aiden Pearce.

  • Fun supporting cast – Dedsec crew have great chemistry and bring humor.

  • Brighter world – Vibrant San Francisco is more fun to explore than drab Chicago.

  • Satirical tone – Doesn‘t take itself too seriously compared to first game.

  • Expanded hacking – More tools, abilities, and options for creative gameplay.

  • Improved driving and shooting – Core mechanics simply feel better and tighter.

  • Great side activities – Fun side missions like drone racing, motocross, etc.

As a passionate gamer, I found myself way more invested and engaged in the world of Watch Dogs 2. The improvements across characters, narrative, gameplay, tone, and setting make it a superior experience overall in my opinion.

Should You Play Watch Dogs 1 First?

While not required, I still recommend trying Watch Dogs 1 first if you have the time and money. Here are some reasons why:

  • Gives interesting backstory on the rise of ctOS and Blume.

  • Lets you appreciate the improvements made in Watch Dogs 2 more.

  • Provides a nice contrast to the lighter tone of the sequel.

  • Gives the full picture on the evolution of the Watch Dogs franchise.

  • Lets you experience Aiden Pearce‘s iconic vigilante storyline.

  • Allows you to explore the impressively detailed city of Chicago.

  • Offers a grittier, more serious hacker plot.

So I suggest playing Watch Dogs 1 first to get the full contextual experience and really feel the tonal/gameplay shifts as the series evolved into Watch Dogs 2. But again, it‘s absolutely not required to enjoy and understand the sequel.

The Verdict: Start With Watch Dogs 2

If you‘re short on time or money, go ahead and dive right into Watch Dogs 2 – you‘ll have a blast. It stands completely on its own as an insanely fun open world hacker adventure with vibrant characters, tight gameplay, and a great San Francisco setting.

Watch Dogs 1 isn‘t bad, but the sequel improves upon it immensely. I only recommend playing the original first if you want the full backstory and appreciation for how the franchise progressed. But Watch Dogs 2 is absolutely new player friendly and clearly the best starting point.

Whichever you choose, enjoy exploring these incredible hacking playgrounds to the fullest! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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