Should You Say Yes or No to Aldia in Dark Souls 2? A Comprehensive Breakdown

As a fellow Dark Souls enthusiast and content creator, I strongly recommend saying yes when Aldia offers peace, to unlock vital lore and an alternate ending that provides deeper context on the true origins of the curse.

Who is Aldia and Why Does His Choice Matter?

Introduced in a patch, Aldia is an enigmatic scholar who experimented extensively to uncover the secrets of life and the nature of the Undead curse. He serves as a conduit for Miyazaki to reveal key pieces of series lore.

Aldia appearing as an optional boss fight further clarifies the Age of Fire was an age of unprecedented and unnatural prosperity for the Gods, while the Undead Curse represents the world’s attempt to return to a natural order without fire or disparity.

Simply put, Aldia reveals the extent of Gwyn’s wrongful efforts to cling to power by perverting nature‘s course. Engaging with his content provides crucial context.

Implications of Aldia‘s Alternate Ending

Choosing to battle the scholar unlocks an alternate ending that directly challenges the standard premise of linking the fire. As the cinematic monologue explains:

"There is no path. Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark…what could possibly await us? And yet, we seek it, insatiably… Such is our fate."

This thought-provoking commentary on the futility of perpetuating the cycle in a realm beyond the influence of both fire and dark is what cements Aldia as one of the most significant additions in Scholar of the First Sin.

Aldia Boss Fight Stats and Strategy Guide

While formidable, Aldia is an extremely fair optional challenge that principally tests observation and patience. Below are key stats and tips:

Aldia Boss Stats
Weaknesses:Magic, Lightning
Resistances:Dark, Fire
Souls Awarded:0
  • His attacks are heavily telegraphed – patience is key
  • Mix both melee and ranged attacks to monitor movement
  • Utilize pillars for cover during AOE attacks
  • Save stamina for escaping his long combos

The lack of souls reward signifies Aldia abandoned such worldly pursuits, making him a battle of principles over typical motivations.

Lore Expanded Through Aldia Dialogue

In accepting Aldia‘s offer, you also open additional dialogue at hidden primal bonfire locations that expand on vague areas of lore:

  • The true deception behind the Undead Curse
  • Experiments on Giants to understand life essence
  • Imprisoning his brother Gwyn over ideological disputes
  • Speculation on what lies beyond the cycle of fire and dark

As one of the few characters not motivated by personal gain, Aldia‘s academic ponderings make him one of the deepest NPCs when accounting for backstory.

Why Aldia Represents Souls Storytelling at its Finest

In my opinion as a passionate gamer, Aldia encapsulates what makes Souls lore so compelling – mysterious characters and events open to interpretation, with surface narratives belying hidden truths that complete multiple playthroughs to unfurl.

Rather than blunt exposition, the scholar demands inquisitiveness from engaged players, rewarding the community with crowdfunded insight that masterfully expands on the world and mythology without detracting from player agency.

So in summary: tracing Aldia‘s winding dialogue and challenging his unconventional beliefs offers one of the most sublime conclusions to Drangleic‘s enigmas. That is why you should say yes!

I hope this guide gives fellow fans plenty to discover with Scholar‘s most engrossing addition. Let me know in comments if you still have any other Aldia questions!

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