Do I Shoot Menendez or Harper in Call of Duty: Black Ops II?

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I‘m often asked for my take on key choices in popular games. One such choice is whether to shoot and kill Mike Harper or Raul Menendez when given the option in Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

Overview of the Choice

In the mission "Judgment Day," Menendez gives the player character David Mason a loaded gun and tells him to kill Harper. The player can either shoot Harper or shoot at Menendez instead.

If you shoot at Menendez, he will dodge and then kill the undercover agent Farid with a Executioner revolver. Harper will survive.

If you shoot Harper, Farid will survive but Harper will be killed.

So in summary, the choice is:

  • Shoot Harper = Harper dies, Farid lives
  • Shoot Menendez = Harper lives, Farid dies

Impacts on Story Outcomes

This choice actually has significant ripple effects on the rest of the game‘s story.

If Farid lives, he is present on the U.S.S. Obama when Menendez attacks and can help defend it. If Farid dies, he is not there to help protect the ship.

Having Farid survive can allow the capture of Menendez and prevention of devastating cyber attacks. So for the "best" endings, many players recommend shooting Harper and keeping Farid alive.

However, Harper also plays an important role later in the game if he survives. So shooting Menendez is not without its benefits too regarding story outcomes.

Ultimately there is no definitively "right" or "wrong" choice here – it comes down to player preference regarding which character they want to keep alive and what chain of events they wish to experience.

My Take

As someone who has played through Black Ops II multiple times, I‘ve tried out both options. While the choice is difficult, I personally tend to shoot Harper to keep Farid alive.

In my view, Farid‘s presence on the Obama seems to contribute more to the better, more positive endings where Menendez is thwarted. I also find Farid to be a more sympathetic character that I want to see survive.

That said, I can understand why some players may wish to shoot Menendez and keep Harper alive instead based on their own preferences.

At the end of the day, it‘s an impactful choice that really makes you reflect on the fates of the two characters. And that level of emotional engagement is part of what makes games like Call of Duty so immersive and memorable even years later.

I hope this overview has been helpful in explaining this pivotal decision point in Black Ops II! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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