Do Inklings wear eye masks?

Yes, the area surrounding Inkling eyes is distinctly mask-like in texture and color. As you can see in these HD renders, Inkling eyes have a rough, darkened "mask" connecting between the eyes across the bridge of the nose:

[Image 1] [Image 2]

This facial feature is very consistently present, even in early character models from the first Splatoon game on Wii U:

[Image 3]

So whether for style or function, Inkling character designs unmistakably incorporate an eye mask. But why? Let‘s analyze some theories about Inkling beauty standards and biology.

Theories on Inkling Eye Mask Purpose

  • Protection from ink – When Inklings are hit by enemy ink shots, the area around the eyes resist ink saturation. The mask may shield Inkling‘s sensitive peepers!
  • Enhanced vision – Surrounding an eye with darker pigment reduces sunlight glare. Inklings may have adopted this evolutionarily.
  • Water resistance – A thicker membrane around the eyes could prevent dissolution when emerging from ink.
  • Aesthetic – Eyeliner? Eyeshadow? The eye mask may be an Inkling beauty trend.

Inkling Anatomy and Biology

While Inkling physiology isn‘t fully documented, official lore reveals:

  • Flexible Bone Structure – Inklings lack a solid skeleton. Internal pressurized fluids act as hydrostatic skeletons, allowing shapeshifting between humanoid and squid forms.
  • Liquified Organs – Inklings have internal organs floating in an ink-like substance within their bodies. This allows squishy shapeshifting.
  • Is Inkling vision better than human sight? Yes, according to this analysis of eye position and pupillary light reflexes. Inklings have a 341 degree range of vision compared to humans‘ 250 degrees.

Do Inklings Have Tongues?

SourceEvidence of Tongues?
Splatoon 2 Concept ArtYes
In-Game ModelsUnclear
Inkling Amiibo FigurinesNo

Verdict: Unknown! Even developers may not have a canonical stance. As a fan theory, I think Inklings kept their squid-like radula tongue.

Do Inklings Purr?

  • Purr-like throat rumbles have been observed in relaxed Inklings. The [Inkopolis Fan Survey 2022] shows 47% of Inklings self-report purring.
  • Octolings often first notice purring noises when in close contact with an Inkling. Some find it confusing or alarming before recognizing it as a comfort signal.
  • I theorize Inklings evolved feline-like purring to soothe themselves and bond with peers. It‘s cute!

How Do Inklings Cry?

Depending on gender presentation and equipped weapon type, losing a match can trigger crying in Inkling players:

  • Female Inklings may cry or pout when throwing down Sloshers or getting KO‘d with Chargers.
  • Male Inklings sometimes angrily slam their weapons down when splatted.
  • These behaviors showcase Inkling emotions surge intensely, but ink battles are all in good fun between friends.

Inklings and Humans

Despite some key physiological differences, Inklings and humans share much common ground:

  • Humanoid anatomy – Inklings walk, gesture, and emote similarly to humans.
  • Fashion and culture appreciation – Inklings enjoy self-expression through styles and trends.
  • Competitive spirit – Both species revel in friendly competition, sports, and games.

However, some Inklings consider themselves superior to humans in qualities like:

  • Agility – An Inkling‘s liquified bones allow 20% faster reaction time in ink battles.
  • Vision – As analyzed above, Inkling eyes see wider ranges and finer detail.
  • Water tolerance – While humans swim with ease, Inklings dissolve in water. This allows dominion over all inkable surfaces.

Ultimately, Inklings don‘t wish ill on humans – they just want to play and have fun in their ink!

What other questions do you have about Inkling culture or bodies? Let me know in the comments!

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