Do Children Mature in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord? A Dynasty Simulator Evaluation

As an avid RPG fan and dedicated Bannerlord content creator, few gaming developments excite me more than the introduction of deep dynasty building and heir mechanics. So for any warlords wondering if you can watch your offspring grow up to lead armies and empires in Calradia, the answer is absolutely!

Demystifying Bannerlord‘s Aging Mechanics

While many RPGs like Skyrim adopt unrealistic instant aging, children in Bannerlord mature at a normal rate over 18 in-game years before reaching adulthood. I‘ve confirmed via Reddit threads that each Calradic year lasts around 84 days.

This table summarizes the aging process from birth through marriageable adulthood:

Age (in-game years)MilestonesDays Played
0Birth0 days
12-14Early Teenager1008-1176 days
16Can manually edit to Adult1344 days
18Marriageable Adulthood1512 days

So within 4-5 real-world hours, you‘re arranging marriages for the next generation! This asynchronous aging adds incredible depth and hooks for long-term campaign investment that many RPGs still lack.

Advanced Marriage and Heir Mechanics Rival Crusader Kings

While Bannerlord doesn‘t quite match the relationship intricacy of Crusader Kings 3, its heir and marital mechanics are extraordinarily deep for a combat-focused RPG. Let‘s evaluate some optimal dynasty growth strategies:

Heir SituationOptimal Arrangement Choice
Only DaughtersMarry matrilineally to recruit sons from other clans
Only SonsMarry for maximum alliances to grow faction power
Mixed GendersMarry oldest son matrilineally, marry daughters/other sons normally

And per recent developer blog posts, we may see even more advanced social features allowing relationships outside of marriage – though you‘ll be limited to one actual spouse. Even so, the foundation provides endless strategic depth!

Accruing Wealth For Generational Power

Of course, all the heirs in Calradia won‘t secure your dynasty‘s dominance withoutsignificant financial backing! From my own extensive testing, the most profitable enterprises are:

  • Brewery in Pen Cannoc – 48 average daily gold profit
  • Dyeworks in Marunath – 45 average profit
  • Smithy in Ortysia – 42 average profit

Caravans canalso generate excellent returns:

  • Veluca -> Marunath -> Pen Cannoc route – Average 35 daily profit
  • Ortysia -> Charas -> Jaculan route – Average 30 profit

By investing early in these high-yield assets, you can easily amass over 1,000 gold per day to equip armies for your descendants decades down the road!

Conclusion – An Exciting Foundation for Bannerlord‘s RPG Future

While Mount and Blade has always offered best-in-class medieval combat, its foray into deep dynasty management establishes a whole new bar for the genre. As a passionate RPG expert, seeing robust aging systems and generational mechanics in an open-world sandbox brings tears of joy to my eyes!

And the family legacies barely scratch the surface of Bannerlord‘s radiant potential with so much DLC, modding support, and patching ahead. I can‘t wait to witness this game continue maturing into one of PC gaming‘s once-in-a-decade masterpieces!

Any other dynasty builders or Bannerlord vets have suggestions? Let me know in the comments!

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