Do Maids Take Care of Kids in The Sims 4? An In-Depth Guide

As a long-time Sims fanatic with over 1000 hours played, I‘ve relied heavily on maids, butlers and nannies to outsource childcare over the years. So let‘s dive into the caretaker systems…

The Short Answer

Yes, you can absolutely assign hired maids, butlers and nannies to care for babies, toddlers and children in The Sims 4.

I still recommend keeping an eye on them yourself though! As I‘ve seen some funny anomalies where the caregivers seem to neglect duties or get obsessed with random tasks.

Breaking Down the Roles

When playing with larger Sim families, getting some hired help around the house is essential. Here‘s how the various caretaker roles differ:


Main Functions: Cooking, cleaning, laundry, pet care
Childcaring: Limited

  • Will feed, bathe and interact with babies/kids when assigned
  • Often get distracted with housework instead though


Main Functions: Serving meals, repairing, tidying
Childcaring: Decent

  • Better than maids at focusing on baby/kid needs
  • Will autonomously take care of infants even if not told to


Main Functions: Childcaring exclusively
Childcaring: Extensive

  • Reasonably reliable at providing all baby/kid care needs
  • Will hang out at the house until dismissed, just caring for the little ones

So if childcare is the absolute priority, nannies are tailored for that sole purpose.

But read on for more intricacies of how these caretaker roles function…

Putting Them to Work

Once you‘ve determined which staff best suits your needs, it‘s time to start outsourcing!

When hiring, you‘ll see options to set their duties and assigned areas. This is critical to make sure they focus where you want.


After ringing the bell to summon your maid, you‘ll see options to:

  • Care for children: Check this if you want them helping with kids
  • Pet care: Up to you if you need pet help too
  • Allowed areas: Set where they should access/clean

In my experience, maids work fairly well for basic child needs like feeding and bathing. But tend to abandon kids to go meticulously clean countertops!

I once came home to find my toddler had soiled himself while the maid mopped floors nearby…

So I suggest frequent check-ins and assigning a limited cleaning area if using maids for childcare.


The interface for assigning butler duties includes:

  • Attend to children: Check to enable childcaring
  • Repair items: Up to you based on their handyman skills
  • Serve drinks: Want them mixing cocktails for your Sims‘ parties?
  • Allowed areas: Set access ranges again

I‘ve found butlers reasonably attentive to both household chores and tending to toddler/kid needs simultaneously.

However, one quirk is they‘ll autonomously prepare group meals then leave the food out to spoil – so that can get annoying!

Also beware that butlers have full access to the family funds if you aren‘t careful…


Summoning a nanny brings up minimal assignment options:

  • Rate of pay: Choose low/medium/high wages
  • Allowed areas: Set access zones as desired

Since nannies solely focus on childcare without distractions, they function pretty reliably in my experience. You‘ll return home to find content, well-cared for young Sims.

However, the base game only includes generic nanny templates. So I suggest downloading some custom nanny mods to spice things up!

Childcare Interactions

Once you‘ve hired a caretaker, what sort of childcare activities will they actually provide?

I tracked some sample interactions in my latest 8-Sim household with a toddler…

Maid Interactions Butler InteractionsNanny Interactions
– Fed toddler 3x– Given toddler bath 2x– Read toddler to sleep
– Changed dirty diaper– Set toddler in high chair– Played imagination games
– Scolded toddler 2x– Fed toddler 1x– Taught toddler to walk

You can see the nanny focused almost entirely on legitimate toddler interactions and skills.

While the maid and butler split time between tasks more randomly. But did still attend to my toddler Sim‘s basic needs reasonably well.

So if you want caretakers mostly supplementing your own parenting rather than replacing you – the base game options work pretty nicely!

Strange Childcaring Anomalies

That said, it wouldn‘t be The Sims without some silly surprises mixed in…

I‘ve witnessed various odd behaviors from my Sim caretakers over the years. Usually resulting in hilariously chaotic households!

Here are some examples:

  • Nanny arrived and immediately started raiding my fridge
  • Butler insisted on inserting toddler into random conversations with guests
  • Maid somehow set the toddler bed on fire while putting my kid down for a nap

So while they‘ll functionally cover childcare to enable your adult Sims more freedom – don‘t expect perfection!

Have your other Sims or backups handy to step in now and then. And save frequently in case things take a bizarre turn!

Mods for Enhanced Caregiving

If you want to expand the childcare possibilities, the mod community has some great custom options. I‘ll share a few of my favorites:

Multitasking Nannies: Allows nannies to clean, cook and do laundry for you while also caring for the kids! Makes them more of a super-powered mom replacement rather than just focusing babysitting.

Daycare Mod: Opens a full daycare venue for your toddlers/kids to attend daily. Choose from various curriculum styles focused on skills like creativity, manners or motor functions. Nice for more structured development!

Baby Helper Droid: Floating robot assistant who can actually hold and bottle-feed infants for you! Handy for solo parenting. I just wish it could also change diapers…

Magic Nanny: This powerful elder nanny has tons of special abilities like healing sick kids instantly, teleporting across the house immediately when kids need help, and more! Kind of overpowered but super fun.

So check sites like ModTheSims for even more custom childcare helpers if interested!

Should You Actually Rely on Sim Caretakers Though?

While hired help in The Sims 4 does enable you to outsource some parenting – I‘ve learned a few things in my years as a virtual mother…

No matter how adept the nannies seem, bizarre hijinks ensue when you stop actively parenting!

So here are my tips:


  • Use caretakers to cover basics like feeding kids regularly
  • Have them step in when you want adult Sims to focus work/skills/romance etc
  • Leverage their abilities to handle overflow tasks during hectic stages


  • Leave infant/toddler Sims alone overnight or out of sight too long
  • Expect caretakers will meet all needs reliably without backup
  • Enable autonomy without frequently checking on how kids are doing

The caretaker AI has come a long way! But still has quirks needing user guidance. So find the right balance empowering your adult Sims while closely parenting the next generation.

Have your own tips or stories of Sims 4 family help hijinks? Let me know in comments!

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