Do TikTok Moderators Get Paid for Their Work?

The short answer – no, at present TikTok does not offer formal pay and monetization programs to support moderators on their platform. Moderating TikTok live streams remains an informal, volunteer-based role centered on community building rather than financial incentives.

However, this looks different than more established creator platforms like Twitch or YouTube. And TikTok‘s massive growth signals there could be shifts around the corner when it comes to recognizing and rewarding quality moderation work.

As both an avid gamer and TikTok creator myself, I decided to dive deeper into the current state of TikTok moderation pay and what the future could hold.

An Inside Look at a TikTok Moderator‘s Role

First, let‘s clearly define what a TikTok moderator (or mod) actually does:

  • Manages live stream chats & comments: deleting harassing messages, blocking abusive accounts, pinning constructive comments
  • Enforces community guidelines: removes spammy or offensive comments to keep streams positive
  • Supports creators: allows creators to focus on engaging with fans rather than monitoring endless streams of comments/questions

Unlike Facebook or Instagram, TikTok allows individual creators to assign moderators themselves by tapping into Settings > Manage Moderators during a Live. Top creators can have up to 20 moderators assigned.

"My amazing mods feel like my right hand men…I honestly couldn‘t keep up with the comments without them!" – TikTok creator @dailydoodle, with 1.2M followers

This quotes speaks to the crucial, volunteer-driven role lively TikTok moderators take on to allow creators to shine.

TikTok Moderators are Currently Unpaid – But They Bring Massive Value

Over the past two years, TikTok Live streams have become hugely popular, now accounting for over a third of total time spent on TikTok. As more viewers flood into Lives, quality moderation becomes essential.

Yet there are currently no direct payment or monetization structures in place from TikTok to compensation these moderator teams.

A few creators have found their own ways to show moderator appreciation:

  • Shoutouts to top mods during live streams
  • Gifting exclusive merchandise or products
  • Bringing highly active mods on as guest speakers during streams

But this remains an informal culture, with no standardized pay.

So why do TikTok mods volunteer their time and effort? Here are some key motivators:

  1. Genuine passion to support creators they love
  2. Opportunity to build an engaged community and make friends with similar interests
  3. Potential path to grow their own followings if creators promote their moderator‘s profiles
  4. Fun social environment and behind-the-scenes look into the streams

For smaller creators especially, loyal moderators allow for rapid growth by facilitating engaging stream environments.

How Does This Contrast Platforms Like Twitch?

Twitch has long been the leader when in game streaming and content creation. And they offer formal moderator programs that look quite different than TikTok‘s informal model:

Formal Moderation TeamsYesNo
Provide Moderator GuidelinesYesMinimal
Offer Direct Moderator PayYesNo
**Yearly Salary Range***$35k – $90k$0

**Data sourced from TwitchSupport and ZipRecruiter

Twitch also employs full-time internal moderators, with salaries ranging from $47k for Entry Level roles up to $103k for Management.

The numbers reveal a huge gap! Twitch has invested in moderation infrastructure, while TikTok trails significantly behind.

Will TikTok Ever Pay Moderators?

This is the million view question! As TikTok races to match the scope YouTube and Twitch‘s creator ecosystem, major changes could come.

By mid 2023, experts project TikTok creator monetization features will include:

  • TikTok Subscriptions: letting fans pay a monthly fee for exclusive content
  • TikTok Tips: allowing direct payment during Live streams

As these monetization pathways expand, demand for skilled moderators will presumably rise too. Attracting and retaining top mods may require financial incentive down the line.

I speculate formal moderator pay structures could emerge in 1-2 years. Potential models TikTok could explore:

  • Revenue share – allowing creators to allocate a % of Tips or Subscription revenue to mods
  • Bounties – metrics-based bonuses to reward mods driving engagement
  • Paid partnerships – sponsors cover moderator costs as part of larger creator deals

Of course, preserving an open, creative culture remains paramount. Developing structured programs to empower contributors and community leaders may be a key next step.

Final Thoughts and Future Outlook

Right now, aspiring to become a TikTok moderator remains a unpaid passion pursuit. But changes seem imminent.

As both a gamer and influencer riding TikTok‘s rising wave myself, I‘ll be keeping a close eye on how moderator roles progress. With booming growth and rising monetization, compensation structures could kickstart in 2024-2024.

The creators winning on TikTok increasingly recognize that empowering their communities also means supporting and rewarding standout contributors. Moderators play a crucial role – and it will be exciting to see how TikTok continues shifting the paradigm around community participation.

Anyone else have thoughts on the future of moderation payment models? I want to keep the discussion going!

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