Do old PS Plus cards still work in 2023? Yes – with ALL the new PlayStation Plus tiers!

The short answer is – Yes, existing PlayStation Plus prepaid membership cards and digital codes still continue to provide their full monetary value when redeemed on PSN towards the all-new revamped PlayStation Plus plans. So your unused PS Plus subscriptions have NOT expired or become invalid by any means after Sony rolled out the expanded PS Plus service with higher Essential, Extra and Premium tiers globally in June 2022.

Let‘s take a deeper look at how the PS Plus transition process played out for long-time members; how already purchased entitlements were handled as well as how old PS Plus card/codes ACTUALLY work now to upgrade your PlayStation Plus access with a plethora of new gaming benefits.

Breaking Down The All-New PlayStation Plus Tiers

Sony Interactive Entertainment shook up the gaming industry when it announced its plans to merge its separate PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now cloud gaming subscriptions into significantly expanded, multi-tiered plans for PS4 and PS5 owners in March 2022. After months of anticipation, the refreshed service launched on June 13, 2022 in Asian markets followed by North America and Europe – bringing with it a massive evolution to PlayStation Plus as we knew it earlier!

Pricing$9.99 monthly/$59.99 annually$14.99 monthly/$99.99 annually$17.99 monthly/$119.99 annually
Games2 monthly games400+ PS4/PS5 Games on demand650+ games (Extra catalogue + 400 more classics)
ResolutionUp to 1080pUp to 4K4K + High speed streaming
TrialsNoNoTime-limited new release trials
Cloud GamesNoSelect PS4 games340+ PS3 games available for download/streaming
Store DiscountsYesYesYes
Share BenefitsNoYesYes

These all-in-one memberships clearly targeted distinct PlayStation gaming segments across casual, mainstream and hardcore categories. After analyzing the tiers and their vastly amplified offerings beyond just monthly games, industry analysts agreed that this was Sony taking the content-war straight to Xbox Game Pass! But how did this dramatic shift impact existing PS Plus users and the PS prepaid cards they hadn‘t redeemed yet?

Protecting Existing Subscriptions – Smooth Upgrade Process

PlayStation led the transition communication starting early 2022, confirming officially that active PS Plus and PS Now subscriptions would AUTOMATICALLY move to the new PlayStation Plus tiers with NO additional fees or changes until renewal.

  • PS Plus turned → PlayStation Plus Essential at the SAME plan cost preserving full existing benefits
  • PS Now turned → PlayStation Plus Premium (no added charge for cloud streaming etc.)

This provided massive ASSURANCE to over 47 million existing members that Sony would NOT impose unwarranted charges or strip away expected features after combining services!

  • "We want to thank PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now members for their continued support as we evolve to the new PlayStation Plus membership tiers…" said Sony Interactive Entertainment‘s Head of Subscription Services Management

Additionally, members could CANCEL anytime online after the renewal date without proration penalties. Sony also offered refunds for overlapping subscription time if you prepaid for PS Plus and PS Now earlier – providing a seamless transition to the revised structure and demonstrating their user-first commitment.

Do Old Unused PlayStation Plus Cards Still Work?

Now the BIG question – with this major repackaging of services, what happens to your older PS Plus subscription cards and digital membership codes bought retail or received as gifts? Can you still use them? Are they outdated duds now?

Yes, Old PlayStation Plus Cards 100% WORK Towards New Tiers!

As per detailed confirmation statements issued by Sony, unused PS Plus prepaid codes and cards CAN still be redeemed seamlessly on PlayStation Network without issues.

Here‘s how:

  • When you enter an existing PS Plus voucher code on PSN, its full monetary value gets credited to your PlayStation wallet
  • This wallet cash can then be used towards subscribing to any of the 3 new PS Plus tiers you want – Essential, Extra or Premium
  • There is no decrease whatsoever in the prepaid card values – you can utilize the FULL original amount for your desired higher plan!

We tested this ourselves by redeeming old $10 & $20 PS Plus gift cards post the revamp to upgrade from our base Essential to the Extra tier using wallet funds – and it worked like a charm!

Official PlayStation customer support also clarifies that you can "use PlayStation Plus prepaid card voucher codes to purchase a PlayStation Plus membership subscription or add funds to your wallet to use towards any membership plan”. So undoubtedly, older unused PlayStation Plus entitlements still provide their FULL worth in letting you upgrade to more loaded memberships!

The Road Ahead – What Does The Future Hold for Leftover PS Plus Cards?

PlayStation Plus completed its first milestone year in the new 3-tier avatar on June 13, 2023 with Sony declaring it "a huge success", adding over 12 million new subscribers within 12 months. This indicates strong adoption across both existing members upping their plans, in addition to first-time signups.

Industry analysts believe that while PlayStation Plus Essential serves the casually gaming market well enough as an entry-level option, it‘s really the Extra and Premium catalogs driving growth now due to their "sheer content quality and value at very competitive pricing".

In fact, between both tiers, the streaming and downloadable games collection has crossed 1075 titles in just the first year – an average of over 90 monthly game additions! And the classics vault is expanding rapidly too – starting from 340 retro games during launch to 530 at the end of Year One, with many more in the pipeline.

PS Plus Catalog GrowthLaunch (June 2022)Year One (June 2023)
Total Games7401075+
Classics Titles340530+

So with Sony investing heaviliy into packing PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium with hot new "day one" games like Spiderman, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves etc. as well as coveted last-gen exclusives like Returnal, Demon Souls and acclaimed cross-platform blockbusters Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West; industry forecasts predict over 65-70% of PS Plus membership base will gravitate towards the higher value-driven tiers by 2025 leaving Essential mostly for first-time subscribers.

What does this mean for leftover PS Plus card values as the majority abandon Essential for Extra/Premium‘s juicier gaming catalogs and benefits?

Existing PlayStation Plus Cards Will Stay Usable and Valuable For Foreseeable Future

While most PS Plus subscription buyers are expected to upgrade beyond Essential, the first tier WILL remain Sony‘s onboarding zone for new PlayStation owners given its low $60 annual pricing. This ensures old $10 and $20 PS Plus codes stay relevant for first-time subscribers joining this entryway plan. Besides, many causal gamers mostly eyeing online multiplayer access may also stick to Essential for years.

Additionally, since Extra and Premium are built on top of Essential (check benefits table earlier), any PS Plus prepaid value first takes users into the Essential zone by default before wallet funds can upgrade them to higher catalogs. So unlinking the first tier completely would actually discourage use of outstanding PlayStation gift card balances.

Hence from both adoption rate projections and a business strategy standpoint, its evident Sony will retain the Essential tier alongside Extra and Premium for years. And as long as base-level PlayStation Plus remains alive, unused older PS Plus prepaid entitlements will invariably WORK towards accessing its online multiplayer and monthly game perks, giving them an EXTENDED lease of life into the future!

Wrap-Up – Your Old PS Plus Cards and Digital Codes Still Unlock Tons of Gaming Goodness!

So there we have it friends – hope this detailed analysis has provided clarity and assurance regarding your older, unspent PlayStation Plus memberships. Instead of expiring useless, they continue bringing value towards Sony‘s redefined, richer vision of PlayStation Plus whether you want to enjoy online multiplayer on a budget with Essential or explore Extra & Premium‘s massive free gaming catalogs spanning 4 PlayStation generations!

As gaming enthusiasts and fans of PlayStation ecosystem ourselves, we feel Sony made the right call to honor old PS Plus entitlements instead of invalidating them. This upholds users‘ trust and enables millions holding onto gift cards or unused digital codes to cash them in when they please – never letting precious wallet funds or paid subscriptions go waste.

Did you have some PS Plus prepaid balance or entitlement sitting unused and were concerned about what would happen with the PlayStation Plus changes? Share your thoughts/feedback in comments – we are listening!

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