Do Overwatch 1 Players Get Kiriko? An Insider‘s Guide

Yes, Overwatch 1 players do receive Kiriko for free via the Founder‘s Pack! As an OW1 loyalist myself, I‘m thrilled Blizzard enabled instant access for existing players as a "thank you" for years of support leading into OW2.

In this guide from a passionate OW fanatic, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about acquiring Kiriko along with how she‘s shaking up ranked. Let‘s dive in!

Unlocking Kiriko: Battle Pass vs Founder‘s Pack

As a nimble support ninja, getting your hands on Kiriko is key. Here‘s the breakdown on access between new OW2 players and veterans:

Kiriko Guide Image

New Players: Must reach Tier 55 (free track) or purchase premium Battle Pass for instant access

OW1 Players: Granted immediate access via the Founder‘s Pack!

This founder‘s perk gives long-time fans exclusive day 1 access. It rewards our years grinding ranked as we eagerly awaited this sequel. Really smart gesture by Blizzard to keep us veterans invested!

So How Does Kiriko‘s Kit Stack Up?

Alright, now you‘ve got Kiriko – but should you play her? At a high-level:

  • Hybrid Heal+DPS kit enables flexible play
  • Strong burst healing output (65 HPS)
  • Teleport provides fluid escape and pursuit
  • Great enabler for dive team comps

I‘d position her somewhere between Zen and Moira. She lacks raw throughput but makes up for it with utility.

Here‘s how her healing output compares across all supports:

HeroHealing Per Second (HPS)

Plus with talents like Swift Step, she enables an evasive "hit-and-run" style:

  • Toss healing ofuda
  • Swift Step in for head shots
  • Evade and re-position

This unique agility and versatility is where I think she really shines!

Early Comp Viability and Meta Thoughts

I expect Kiriko will see play across ladder but have the most success enabling dive comps:

  • Winston loves the cleanse and mobility to chase frags
  • Great pairing with slippery DPS like Genji and Tracer
  • Can talent for team-wipe wall hacks

In organized play however, her output struggles to match Ana or Bap. I still foresee niche usage situationally:

  • Strong on Control maps like Oasis and Nepal
  • Great pivot if dive tanks are prevailing in meta
  • Solid backup option if Ana/Bap banned or taken

As far as tuning, her HP could see a minor reduction but overall she feels balanced. The wall-hacks definitely have abuse potential though, so keeping an eye there!

Final Thoughts from an OW Addict

As someone with 500+ hours grinding ranked, I live for these new hero drops. Theory-crafting comps, talent builds, meta placement…it‘s just so fun!

Overall Blizzard NAILED it by gifting Kiriko to OW1 players. Can‘t wait to support role queue as her with my day 1 access!

Now to grind some ranked before next season lands. See you on Ilios 😉

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