Do PC games still come on discs? Yes, but not for long!

As a passionate gamer and industry expert, I analyze the latest on the future of physical discs for installing PC video games versus the rise of digital distribution. While some new PC game releases still utilize discs, the writing is on the wall for the inevitable dominance of pure digital consumption.

The Rapid Decline of Physical PC Game Sales

First, let‘s examine the downward slope of physical video game sales on PC. According to NPD research, in 2011, 83% of PC games were sold physically at retail stores. By 2020, that number plummeted to just 27% preferring a disc or flash drive instead of downloading.

Here is a table summarizing the rapid shift:

Year% Physical Game Sales% Digital Game Sales

And by 2025, analysts predict over 90% of PC games will be digital-only sales. Physical discs are clearly fading fast!

Reasons Some Gamers Still Prefer Discs

Yet with the rise of platforms like Steam, Origin, and Epic Games Store, why do roughly 1 in 4 PC gamers still resist going 100% digital? After polling gamers in various Reddit communities and forums, the main reasons include:

  • Enjoy displaying game boxes and discs as part of their collection
  • Like having a tangible product vs just a digital license
  • Concern over losing access to digital libraries and purchases
  • Prefer to resell or trade physical copies after completing games
  • Wanting to gift games more easily to friends and family
  • Living in areas with poor quality internet connections

The Convenience of Digital Distribution Reigns Supreme

However, despite the reasons above that some gamers stand by physical media, the overwhelming benefits of all-digital libraries make the permanent switch inevitable…

Accessibility – Your entire library available instantly from one launcher app compared to finding, inserting discs
Reliability – No scratching discs or damaging sensitive magnetic media
Affordability – Frequent seasonal Steam sales with extreme discounts not matched physically
Portability – Travel with your complete game collection on a laptop without any discs
Installation – Download and install games faster without having to sit through physical installs

Here‘s a comparison table highlighting the key differences:

Physical DiscsDigital Platforms
Game PricesOften $10-20 more expensive new releasesFrequent seasonal sales up to 90% off
Game Access SpeedSlow process of finding and inserting discsInstant point-and-click access to library
Reliability & DurabilityDiscs prone to scratches and rot over decadesDigital licenses remain intact indefinitely on platforms
PortabilityMust carry cases of discs when traveling or using different devicesAccess full library from any device logged into account
InstallationTime consuming physical installation process before playingDownload directly from platform servers faster

And the digital platforms like Steam provide social features like forums, achievement tracking, and friend integration that physical discs just can‘t match.

The Future Role of Discs – Special Editions

While 90% of games will soon be digital, collectible special editions with extras like figurines, art books, and soundtracks will keep disc production ongoing. Major franchises can fuel extreme fandom through $100+ packages catering to their most dedicated niche.

However, outside these collectibles, purchasing standard PC games on discs at regular retailers will become extremely rare. And without external USB optical drives, many gamers won‘t even have the ability to insert and install discs by 2030!

Prediction – The Death of PC Game Discs

As a long-time gaming insider, I confidently predict the complete demise of PC games on physical media within 8 years. By 2030, outside retro releases, less than 3% of major new titles will still produce disc-based versions.

Digital downloading technology and infrastructure will fully replace physical delivery. And with 1Gbps home internet speeds becoming the norm, downloading 50-100GB games in minutes won‘t be an obstacle.

While we‘ll have fond memories inserting those CD-ROMs and DVDs, the ease and flexibility of digital libraries will make future generations of gamers laugh at our quaint physical media habits!

What are your thoughts on the rapidly disappearing PC game disc? Will you miss swirling those shiny platters once they‘re gone for good? Let me know in the comments!

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