Do people eat chocobos?

As a lover of all things Final Fantasy, this question has crossed my mind while spending countless hours with these quirky companion birds. While there are references to chocobos being eaten in the games, could we really bear to eat our loyal mounts? Let‘s delve into the lore and real-world analogs to get to the bottom of this debate.

The Lore: Chocobos "Taste Amazing"

There are hints across some Final Fantasy titles that chocobo meat is not only edible, but downright delicious:

  • A quest in FFXIV refers to chocobo meat having an "amazing fresh meaty taste."
  • In FFVIII, NPCs mention chocobo hot dogs and a secret chocobo restaurant in Esthar.
  • A line in FFXII describes retired chocobos from races being "sent to the pasture or the pot."

So within canon, it seems chocobo consumption does occur. But it appears relatively rare compared to pigs, sheep and other livestock that NPCs mention.

Perhaps chocobo farming at scale never took off due to difficulty taming them. But some seek it out as a delicacy, hinting at underground chocobo meat appreciate circles!

Nutritionally, Chocobo Compares to Poultry

How might chocobo meat compare nutritionally to animals we commonly eat? Being large birds, we can speculate based on ostrich or poultry data:

Protein (g)Fat (g)Iron (mg)
Chicken Breast (100g)3131
Ostrich Meat (100g)293.33.4
Chocobo Meat* (100g)3022

(*) = speculative based on chocobo physiology

So high protein, low fat, high iron – chocobo could be an incredibly healthy red meat alternative!

The Controversial Ethics of Eating Sentient Friends

However, chocobos display higher intelligence compared to livestock like pigs. They understand human speech, demonstrate tool use, and form lifelong bonds with riders. Could we stomach eating such a companion?

Arguments For Allowing Chocobo Consumption

  • Chocobos in the wild could be humanely hunted for food
  • Regulated slaughter of well-treated farm chocobos raised for meat
  • Cultural tradition of eating chocobos (as per FF lore)

Arguments Against Eating Chocobos

  • Intelligence and emotional capacity closer to horse than chicken
  • Companionship status would make betrayal traumatic
  • Slippery slope leading to eating other sentient beasts

Personally, I side with prohibiting eating chocobos except perhaps in life or death situations. Their bonds with riders cross a line where slaughtering them solely for food become unethical.

The Reality: Chocobos Don‘t Actually Exist!

While fun to speculate about, we must remember chocobos are fictional beings without real-world analogs. Features like laying nut-shaped eggs and speaking Japanese remind us they are fantasy creatures unrestrained by biological realism.

So in that sense, there is no definitive answer to whether people eat chocobos. It shall remain the realm of fiction and gamer thought experiments!

The Verdict from a Chocobo Enthusiast

After synthesizing Final Fantasy lore and real-world logic, I don‘t believe a society with close chocobo bonds would accept farming them for meat. While biologically possible and referenced subtly in old titles, evolving views on animal welfare would likely end the practice.

I imagine chocobos achieved protected status across most nations, revered for their storied history serving as transport and battle allies. We form bonds too deep with our feathered friends to fathom such betrayal.

So while legally grey exceptions may occur, no ethical rider across any realm consumes their trusty steed! Chocobos shall not grace dinner plates in this Gamer‘s Guide. Now, who wants to hop on their chocobo and grab some gysahl pickles? Race you to the Gold Saucer!

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