Yes, people are still actively playing Battlefield 1 on PC in 2024

To directly answer the question – yes, Battlefield 1 still has an active and passionate player base on PC years after release. Recent data shows over 10,000 peak concurrent players, demonstrating enduring interest despite newer entries in the series.

As a long-time Battlefield enthusiast, seeing the continued life in older titles like BF1 years later brings me joy. In this article, we‘ll analyze what drives that lasting appeal by looking at player statistics, community factors, comparisons to other Battlefield games and more.

BF1 player counts still impressive years later

Let‘s start by quantifying BF1‘s present day popularity with real data. According to SteamCharts, BF1 averaged 7,267 concurrent players over the past 30 days (January 2023). To put that into perspective against newer releases:

GameAvg Players Last 30 Days
Battlefield 17,267
Battlefield V5,213
Battlefield 20422,643

BF1 boasts almost 3x the players of the latest title, Battlefield 2042. And it outpaces 2018‘s Battlefield V by a fair margin too. Impressively, it recently hit a new all time peak player count of 12,984 concurrent players – indicating this 6 year old game is still gaining new fans!

The graph below summarizing BF1‘s player activity in 2024 so far shows how January player numbers exploded well beyond 2022 levels:


So in terms of raw player interest, BF1 remains vibrantly alive on PC half a decade post-release. Now let‘s analyze why it can still pull such impressive figures against newer titles.

Core gameplay and setting stands the test of time

As a gameplay experience, BF1 represented a high point for the Battlefield series – one it has struggled to replicate since. The World War 1 theme felt fresh, chaotic and immersive. Restricting weaponry added more strategy and teamwork emphasis. The behemoth vehicles like dreadnoughts and zeppelins brought epic scale battles. And it remained grounded in Battlefield‘s core tenets of destructible environments combined arms combat.

Personally, BF1 delivered my favorite Battlefield moments since the heralded Battlefield 3. From frantic trench assaults to aerial dogfights and cavalry charges, the WW1 lens resulted in varied, novel gameplay. And the visuals brought battlefield carnage to life unlike ever before – between weather effects, blimps aflame and crumbling architecture.

Ultimately BF1 got the recipe right across the board – gameplay innovation fused with technological prowess, delivering an experience most players say has aged finely rather than feeling dated.

Mods, custom servers prevent stagnation

One concern with older multiplayer titles is that over time they can feel repetitive and stale as content dries up. But BF1 benefits from an active modding and custom server scene that keeps things fresh.

Some examples of recent player-created additions include:

  • New era mods like WW2 weapons and armies
  • Zombie modes and other creative mutators
  • Classic mode using BF1942 style rulesets
  • Hardcore servers cranking realism up to 11
  • Custom map cycles highlighting fan favorites

Alongside new officlal DLC expansions like Apocalypse, these player-driven efforts offer limitless gameplay permutations that ensure BF1 never gets old. Finding a server catering to your preferences is simple, whether you want historically authentic battles or wild zombie action!

How does BF1 stack up to other Battlefield titles?

As mentioned earlier, BF1 has fared better in retaining players compared to subsequent series entries like Battlefield V and Battlefield 2042. Let‘s analyze each comparison:

Vs Battlefield V

Though well received initially, BFV lost momentum due to a split player base across game modes, less memorable maps and moving away from the historical immersion BF fans loved. Live service model struggles also hampered long term success.

Vs Battlefield 2042

2042‘s faltering is more tied to fundamental gameplay and technical issues out the gate. Missing features, performance problems and unpopular changes like hero shooters saw players flee rapidly. Despite patches little core progress made.

Vs Battlefield 4

BF4 illustrates well how Battlefield games can endure. It overcame launch troubles to become iconic – with players remaining active even now thanks to tight sandbox gameplay. BF1 replicates that enduring engagement.

So in many ways, BF1 struck the right balance between evolution, polish and staying true to Battlefield roots in a way recent experiments have failed at. That commitment to core principles while pushing boundaries showed players what the franchise was capable of at its best.

The future remains bright for Battlefield 1

Given all the above analysis – stellar ongoing player counts buoyed by mods and comparisons showing richer design than newer titles – I foresee Battlefield 1 remaining popular well into the future so long as servers stay online.

The surge in 2024 proves player interest hasn‘t waned. And the formula of expansions and community customizations can sustain things indefinitely. We even see older titles like BF4 still maintaining decent numbers as reference.

As a closing note, I implore those who missed experiencing BF1 in its prime to jump back in now! The game changed my expectations of what immersion and innovative multiplayer could feel like – something 2042 failed to deliver on. The nighttime Argonne forest meatgrinders alone justify the price of entry.

See you on the shattered battlefields, comrades. Bayonets affixed for the long haul.

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