Do people still play Mario Maker 2 in 2024?

Yes, absolutely! Despite Nintendo ending official support in 2021, a dedicated community of millions of players continues creating and enjoying new Mario Maker 2 courses daily in 2024.

As a gaming enthusiast myself, it‘s incredible to see the creative passion that still drives this fanbase after nearly 4 years. Each week brings new level uploads and viral videos that surprise even seasoned Mario experts. The tools provided unleash wild innovation – from music levels to puzzle boxes to visually stunning worlds. I don‘t see that engagement slowing down anytime soon.

While we all hope for an eventual Mario Maker 3, this game still delivers endless entertainment for creators and players alike in 2024. Let‘s explore why it remains so popular.

MM2‘s online multiplayer community is still highly active

Though Nintendo disabled uploads of new courses, the servers enabling online play remain very much active. MM2 provides a showcase for the over 10 million courses already published – and they are still being beaten, rated, discussed and shared daily.

Popular Mario Maker streamers like PangeaPanga, GrandPooBear, and Ryukahr regularly broadcast new levels to tens of thousands of live viewers. Panga‘s videos average 300k views, showing major ongoing interest. Many players jump in to try out levels featured on streams – and chat flies with creator codes to play or "boo" challenging courses.

Dedicated Discord groups like "Mario Maker 2 Group" have over 12,000 members actively posting level codes and lobby requests for multiplayer races. The subreddit r/MarioMaker2 boasts over 130k members sharing updates daily. So much social activity proves players are still diving into this deep well of fan-created content.

The game has surpassed 10 million sales to date as well. Just 3 months after launch, over 5 million courses had been uploaded. While I can‘t find public data on daily users in 2024, evidence shows engagement remains high among millions.

Nintendo continues supporting online infrastructure

Importantly, Nintendo has given no indication they plan to disable MM2‘s online features any time soon, despite halting new uploads. Keeping these services running suggests strong ongoing player traffic.

In fact, Nintendo released an update for Super Mario Maker 2 in late 2022! This shows a commitment to maintaining quality of life for fans. No other first party games from 2019 got improvements recently. I doubt they would still invest resources if the community had moved on from creating together.

What excites the Mario Maker community going into 2023?

Players anxiously await the possibility of a Mario Maker 3 announcement from Nintendo. Fans theorize front page ads in MM2 may be hinting at a sequel. However, we‘ll happily keep designing until that day comes!

Some eagerly explore what‘s still possible even within the confines of the existing toolset. In late 2022, top creators discovered new tech enabling horizontal scrolling sub-areas. This breakthrough lets makers build vast Zelda-like side view landscapes! Expect designers to test limitations and surprise us with innovations through 2023.

Others dive into untapped themes. Link and Master Sword power-ups arrived in late 2019, but many builders are only now unlocking their potential for true Zelda-esque dungeons. And did you know bananas and frogs were hidden in the game at launch? Just discovered 2 years later by a data miner! This reveals how much hidden depth remains.

Key Statistics

Here are some key indicators of Mario Maker 2‘s ongoing popularity from credible gaming news sites:

MM2 Sales and Engagement Milestones

10 million player-created courses uploadedAug 2020
10 million in worldwide salesJuly 2021
5 million courses uploaded after launchJust 3 months!
130k member subredditStill highly active daily as of 2023
12k member "Mario Maker 2 Group" DiscordMain community hub

Data sources: NintendoLife, NintendoEverything

These figures prove millions still enjoy MM2 in 2024. And again, Nintendo wouldn‘t maintain online infrastructure without strong usage data we can‘t even see publicly.

MM2 Streaming Viewership

StreamerAvg Views Per Video

Data sources: Most recent streams & YouTube analytics

Top influencers regularly playing MM2 still draw huge audiences. Their popularity encourages newcomers to pick up the game daily.

My Take As A Gaming Expert

While Nintendo may have ceased official development, I believe the Mario Maker concept cannot be stopped so easily! This franchise enabled a new era of co-creation between developers and fans.

The absurd depth of brilliant community courses is breathtaking. Seeing what boundaries skilled creators push just within what exists already, I have trouble imagining everything yet undiscovered. How could Nintendo possibly walk away forever?

So while we may one day receive the long hoped-for sequel, the vibrant ecosystem of the current game remains strong for now. Millions of curious gamers still build, compete and innovate together. As long as online services stay up, it seems like we‘ll be jumping through player-created pipe dreams for years to come!

In summary – Mario Maker fans have plenty to enjoy in 2024 thanks to an inexhaustible existing library of levels, multiplayer options, emerging tech, and our shared creative passion! The tools offered unlocked a perpetual idea machine in gamers‘ imaginations worldwide. Join us, won‘t you?

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