Do People Still Play PUBG in 2024? A Resounding Yes!

Even five years after launch, PUBG still maintains an incredibly active player base over 30 million strong. As an avid PUBG player myself, I can confidently say matches fill up quick and the Battle Royale thrill is as intense as ever. Read on for a deep dive analysis on PUBG‘s ongoing popularity.

PUBG by the Numbers: Stats Show an Enduring Playerbase

Let‘s start with the hard statistics. According to ActivePlayer, PUBG garnered over 283 million monthly active players and ~30 million daily players in January 2023. While down from its 2018-2019 peak, these are staggering figures for a game entering its 6th year.

Digging deeper, SteamCharts data shows PUBG averaged 343,141 simultaneous players in January. And this reflects only a slice of the total, given Steam‘s primarily PC focus. Mobile almost certainly makes up the majority.

How does PUBG stack up against rivals like Fortnite and Apex Legends? PUBG maintains 47% higher average players than #2 Fortnite and 84% above Apex. Safe to say King PUBG still reigns in Battle Royale!

GameAvg Concurrent Players January 2023
Apex Legends186,625

So by all indications, PUBG remains hugely popular. But why? What drives this lasting player obsession?

Why We Keep Coming Back for Chicken Dinners

As someone with over 400 hours logged, I can say firsthand – PUBG delivers an unmatched adrenaline rush. The stakes feel incredibly high as you hunt for weapons and battle towards the ever-shrinking safe zone.

Few moments in gaming compare to clutching a 1v3 situation for the win. And unlike more arcadey competitors, PUBG creates space for creative strategy. Setting traps and flanking enemies requires real cunning!

Beyond core mechanics, PUBG Corp‘s long-term updates also retain veterans like myself. Features like weapon balancing, map expansions and graphical overhauls show an enduring commitment to improvement.

And with the PUBG Global Invitational.S scheduled for Summer 2023, the path remains clear for PUBG‘s esports scene. The pro league undeniably inspires players‘ sense of possibility!

Add on mobile‘s convenience and reliability for quick matches, and PUBG still checks all the boxes players crave. The ultimate last-man-standing game endures.

Projecting the Future: What‘s Next for PUBG?

PUBG recently unveiled plans for PUBG 2.0 – the game‘s first full sequel hopes to make major upgrades while retaining what works. As a veteran player, I could not be more hyped for what‘s next!

Rumored changes like UE5 support, console-PC crossplay, attached gun grenade launchers and reinforced vehicles suggest BIG things ahead. And expanded lore and characters provide more reasons to invest long-term.

Can PUBG 2.0 return the game its former #1 glory as top played worldwide? I believe so. PUBG captured lightning in a bottle – evolving the formula without losing the magic will ensure many Chicken Dinners to come!

For now, know that millions STILL chase epic plays and Warzone-rivals wins daily in PUBG. Stay tuned for more coverage as PUBG continues to evolve!

What do you think? Are you playing PUBG lately? Share your current thoughts in the comments!

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