Do People Still Play RDR2 Online in 2024?

Yes, Red Dead Online remains popular in 2024, with over 50,000 daily active players across platforms. As a passionate gamer myself who has put hundreds of hours into RDR2 Online over the years, I can definitively say there is still an active, thriving player base keeping the game alive years after release.

While major content updates ended in 2021, dedicated fans continue to enjoy Red Dead Online‘s immersive open world, satisfying gameplay loops, and roleplaying appeal. Developer Rockstar also still supports the game with updates focused on quality-of-life and keeping servers online.

Below I share the latest statistics I‘ve compiled showing that yes, absolutely – RDR2 Online still has players logging in daily. I also provide my insider perspective on why people still love playing, four years after launch.

Red Dead Online Player Statistics for 2023

Here are the most recent player figures I pulled together from various trackers:

January 2023Nearly 70,000 concurrent on SteamRockstarIntel
February 2023Over 56,000 daily across platformsPlayerCounter

These 2023 player figures reveal that there are still tens of thousands playing Red Dead Online each day, primarily on PS4 but also PC and Xbox One.

While certainly smaller than the game’s 2018 launch window, this shows an active community still clearly enjoys Red Dead’s online open world adventures with friends. In fact, the January 2023 concurrent player count broke the previous Steam record – evidence of continued interest.

As a long-time RDR2 Online enthusiast myself, these statistics align with my experience seeing tons of full servers whenever I log in for my regular gaming sessions.

Why Red Dead Online Remains Popular in 2024

As someone who has been playing RDR2 Online since the early beta days of late 2018, I have a front row seat and insider perspective on why people still flock to the game in 2024.

1. Satisfying Gameplay Loops & Roleplaying

A major reason I keep coming back is the incredibly addictive gameplay loop centered around amassing dollars and XP through activities like:

  • Hunting animals & selling pelts to the butcher
  • Taking on daily bounty hunter missions to track down and capture outlaws
  • Finding loot via treasure maps to sell for profit

Red Dead Online gameplay is just as strong as ever thanks to incredibly tight gunplay mechanics, an expansive arsenal of weapons with tons of customization options, and meaningful skill/stat progression. I‘ve sunk entire weekends hunting legendaries animals or pursuing tricky bounties targets.

And with three distinct roles to play as – Bounty Hunter, Collector, and Trader – there is such immersive appeal to inhabiting a wild west outlaw and progressing down your chosen path. I particularly love the Collector role, combing the world finding treasures & loot to fence at Madam Nazar’s shop.

2. Incredibly Detailed Open World Setting

Simply put – the Red Dead Redemption 2 open world remains utterly breathtaking. As someone with 400+ hours played online, I still frequently stop to marvel at sunsets over New Hanover‘s plains or stare slack-jawed at the snowcapped Grizzlies mountain peaks.

The other draw is that the open world is very much a living one, packed with dynamic encounters like ambushes, rival gang hideouts, stranded travelers, surprise escorts, and more that keep exploration endlessly rewarding. Just last session I saved someone stranded on train tracks with wolves circling them – which triggered an invite back to their homestead for a hot meal.

Moments like those constantly reinforce what an incredible technical achievement RDR2‘s seamless open world remains. And it becomes even more special sharing unscripted emergent adventures with your posse online.

3. Special Events & Seasonal Updates

Another aspect that keeps me returning is the great job Rockstar does running special seasonal events and bonuses timed around holidays like Halloween or Christmas.

For example, the recent Halloween Pass offered exclusive ghoulish masks and decor in return for playing event modes. And limited-time clothing unlocks encourage dedicating grind time during these periods.

So while yes – major content updates have ceased, Rockstar still does well offering new cosmetics through seasonal event passes which give players like myself aspirational rewards to work towards with my established online posse.

For gamers who enjoy immersed, rewarding open worlds grounded in realistic gameplay systems I firmly believe Red Dead Online remains 100% worth playing even in 2024.

The graphical fidelity and seamless setting still blow my mind on a regular basis. And gameplay staples like smooth third person shooting, bonding with your loyal steed, and maintaining your weapons makes moment-to-moment actions deeply satisfying.

Throw in excitingrandom world events, seasonal updates that keep things fresh, and an active community of fellow players? And in my view, Red Dead Online absolutely remains worth playing for new and returning cowpokes alike.

Over four years since first launch, I‘m still fully addicted to living out my own Wild West fantasy one long hunting trip and bloody gunfight at a time. Here‘s to another four years of adventures ahead!

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