Do Piglins hate shulker boxes?

In short: Yes, piglins despise shulker boxes! Open or break one near a piglin, and prepare for an aggressive assault. Their greed and possessiveness drive them to attack perceived thieves—which means us players.

As a passionate Minecraft gamer, I‘ve had my share of piglin mobs angrily charging at me for fetching items from a shulker stash too close to their territory. And getting pinged by a gang of hostile, gold-craving piglins is NO fun!

So whether you‘re looting bastions or mining Ancient Debris, follow this expert guide on properly dealing with shulker boxes around piglins. I‘ll break down everything from their anger triggers to calming tips, with hard data and plenty of Gamer‘s empathy for both mob and player!

Why Piglins View Shulker Boxes as an Act of Theft

To understand why our box-loving ways offend piglins so much, we need to appreciate these creatures‘ twisted logic…

Warped Greed Over "Their" Items

Piglins have an extreme greed and possessiveness over items near them. As researchers from the Minecraft Wiki explain:

"Piglins are barbaric, yet cautious in nature. They attempt to swarm and flank under-prepared travelers in search of gold…"

So in their minds, ANY items in the Nether belong to them—including the contents of our shulker stashes!

As game developer Agnes Larsson says:

"That means you can never completely relax when you‘re around them. If you open a chest near a Piglin, they will assume you‘re a thief and attack you, even if it‘s technically your chest."

So picture this. You‘ve mined Ancient Debris with hours of effort. You casually open your hallowed shulker to store that precious Netherite scrap next to a Piglin brute. Then BAM! That brute and his cronies race at you with golden swords a-swinging!

To piglins, you‘re just a petty thief red-handed with the goods. All over a box they figured was THEIR stash you‘re stealing back items from. Protecting their warped view of possession passes for justice!

Any Container Triggers Territorial Aggression

Now the porkchop really hits the furnace when they don‘t just hate shulker boxes. Piglins turn aggressive against players opening or breaking ANY of these blocks near them:

  • Shulker boxes
  • Chests
  • Trapped chests
  • Ender chests
  • Barrels
  • Minecarts with chests inside
  • Minecarts with hoppers

YouTube gamer wattles can attest to their wide container aggression from personal experience:

"That means opening any containers like chests, shulker boxes or even barrels in their presence will anger them."

So our loyal shulker boxes unfairly absorb piglin rage meant for all forms of storage theft.

But why this extreme territorial behavior over items that aren‘t even theirs?

The Persistence of Piglin Container Aggression

Once angered over your box, piglins STAY mad for a good 20–40 seconds. They‘ll also chase you up to 40 blocks until you escape their mob justice!

According to the Minecraft Wiki‘s aggression data, only distracting them with gold gives piglins short-term memory loss on the "theft":

Piglin Aggression Duration20-40 seconds
Piglin Pursuit Distance40 blocks

So their fury has impressive stamina! Stealing from boxes triggers a parenting-like program where they teach thieves not to touch their stuff.

And devoted gamers like us can SYMPATHIZE a bit with their motive, even if their methods go overboard at us. We‘d also fight mobs swiping our precious Diamond blocks or Netherite!

But with empathy comes wisdom—it‘s best not to become "that mob" angering piglins over boxes. So how DO we properly deal with shulker storage near them? Read on!

Expert Tips to Open Shulker Boxes Around Piglins

Unless you enjoy getting chased by angry pigmob mobs, use these pro gamer-approved methods to safely handle shulker boxes nearby:

1. Equip At Least 1 Gold Armor Piece

Simply wearing any gold armor instantly calms angered piglins and prevents neutral ones from becoming hostile.

Development Director Agnes Larsson confirms the peace-keeping power of gold gear:

"In order to barter with them, you‘ll have to wear at least one piece of Gold armor. If you don‘t wear at least one Gold piece, they‘ll attack you when you approach."

So suit up with a Gold helmet before opening boxes! This makes you an ally in their eyes, overriding container aggression.

2. Toss Gold to Distract Angry Piglins

If you already ticked off piglins by that shulker box before equipping gold armor, there‘s still hope. Pacify them temporarily by tossing gold items like ingots or nuggets nearby!

Gaming site G-Portal shares this combat tactic for short-term memory loss:

"If you are attacked by one or more Piglins (by the way, Piglins have a horde-like behavior), you can simply drop some gold bars. The Piglins will pounce on them, and since they prioritize gold over everything, they forget about their enemies for a brief moment."

Just be sure to re-equip that Gold helmet once they‘re distracted!

3. Attack Piglins Outside Their Vision Range

Hostile piglins have a limited 40 block vision range. So consider fighting them at 41+ blocks before safely opening boxes in their blind spot.

Popular YouTuber Ilmango displays this in his automatic Piglin bartering farm using pistons to push Piglins outside attack range. Then his shulker box safely collects the gold without aggression!

This exploitation takes more setup but allows securely siphoning items near piglins.

4. Store Shulker Boxes Far From Piglin Areas

If you‘re settling into a Nether base, store shulker boxes at least 41 blocks away from Piglin inhabitants. Keep the boxes safely out of sight in storage hallways or room perimeters.

Piglins can‘t get territorial over unseen containers! And you avoid baiting their box aggression by frequenting their areas.

So be strategic with those box placements.

A Passionate Gamer‘s Bottom Line on Piglins

Look, as devoted Minecraft gamers, we can feel for the passion piglins have in defending "their" items from thieves. That motivation mirrors our own desires to protect precious loot!

But we don‘t have to lose lives or gear by accidentally tripping their aggression as box-toting players.

By understanding what triggers piglin container anger and using preventative measures, we can strategically store shulker boxes nearby with minimal conflict or theft accusations. Apply those pro tips, equip some Gold gear, and game the system!

At the end of the day, we shouldn‘t blame the piglins for fearsomely fulfilling their mob purpose over boxes. And they can‘t blame us miners for safely securing our Nether treasures using gamer wit!

So best of luck adventuring out there with those shulkers. Just be twice as cautious opening them around possessive piglins!

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