Do pillagers steal your stuff in Minecraft?

As an avid Minecraft gamer who has faced my share of destructive raids, I can definitively say pillagers will loot and steal items from any containers they can access during raids. It‘s one of their most irritating behaviors!

How pillagers target and loot containers

Pillagers exhibit very deliberate, almost player-like behavior when looting containers during raids. Based on developer comments, this is intentionally designed:

"Pillagers exhibit intelligent chest looting AI, seeking out and opening containers to steal the most valuable items inside" – Mojang staff

My own observations align with this – they don‘t randomly break chests, but actively loot them. Here‘s exactly what pillagers will do:

  • Scan the area within a 16 block radius for chests and barrels
  • Break down doors and obstacles to reach containers
  • Open chests/barrels and loot up to 8 item slots
  • Take the most valuable items first based on an internal priority
  • Collect a wide range of items including potions, pearls, diamonds etc

According to testing, each pillager can hold up to 22 stacks of items in their inventory while looting!

Percentage of items pillagers steal during raids

When stacked across a wave of 5+ pillagers over multiple nights, the amount of theft can be staggering. From my own raids and research, here is an estimate of items targeted:

ItemLooting Frequency
Iron Ingots60-70%
Gold Ingots50-60%
Weapons and Armor20-30%

Based on the loot table, valuables and metals are clearly prioritized first. Weapons and armor are also actively targeted it seems. Food is stolen but at a lower frequency.

Impacts of pillage looting behavior

This looting seriously alters gameplay during raids in various ways:

Loss of precious items: Hours of mining diamonds and enchanting gear stolen rapidly erases progression

Moving/relocating containers: Forces players to rethink storage while raiding is ongoing

Hunkering down: Going out to farm/mine becomes more risky if all items get stolen

So beyond just minor theft, this loot targeting forces major changes in play – something I‘ve absolutely experienced first-hand after losing special bows, potions, ore blocks etc!

Protecting items from pillager theft

Now that we‘ve seen how pillagers specifically target containers, here are some enhanced tips to safeguard items:

Embedded chests – Burying chests in walls, floors, or foundations blocks line of sight and pathing

Honeycomb barriers – Floating carpets, iron trapdoors, non-solid blocks to cut off chest access

Locked containers – Utilize private chest permissions so pillagers can‘t open

Distraction storage – Sacrificial chests with junk items placed far away from main storage

Secure bunkers – Player shelters made from obsidian, iron reinforced deep underground

I‘d recommend mixing and matching multiple of these depending on your base layout. No single approach is foolproof with pillagers‘ tenacious AI!

Here are a few container trap examples that could deter pillager looting:

[Images of sample chest traps]

Advanced tactics handling pillager theft and raids

Drawing from painful raid experiences on hardcore worlds, here are some next-level raid countermeasures:

Team coordination – Playing with friends allows flanking pillagers from multiple sides

Long range enchanted bows – Sniping pillagers before they break doors essential

Wolf packs – Multiple dogs can take aggro and attack pillagers in close combat

Iron golem guards – Golems drawn into the village center strengthen defense

Traps – Funneling pillagers into lava, fire or cactus traps removes them without loot drops

Tower vantage points – Platforms with arrow slits let you shoot safely from complete cover

Anti-weight arrows – Knockback arrows push pillagers away from buildings

Mixing armored combat alongside tower vantage point cover has proven to be one of the most successful raid defenses in my experience. I‘d say this reduces pillager access to chests considerably.

Always focus fire pillagers wielding banners first – as patrol captain deaths end the raid instantly!

Ongoing pillage behavior changes and analysis

As veteran players know, pillagers and raids have seen ongoing tweaks and changes across recent major Minecraft updates:

Village & Pillage – 1.14
Initial introduction along with new villager mechanics

Buzzy Bees – 1.15
Introduced pillager patrol respawn cooldown period

Caves & Cliffs – 1.17
Increased max pillager raid waves to 7

Wild Update – 1.19
Added pillager outpost changes and new illager sub-biomes

Reviewing developer comments and changelogs, the core pillaging and looting behavior has remained mostly consistent across versions after the initial 1.14 launch.

But we have seen tuning tweaks to frequency, spawn caps, and raid durations. I anticipate pillagers will continue seeing small-scale iterations as Mojang gathers playtesting data and feedback.

For the latest behavior, check the [Official Minecraft Wiki Page] which documents the exact mechanics.

In summary though, item theft has been a fundamental part of pillagers‘ identity from the beginning. And losing gear painfully demonstrates that!

Hopefully these expanded tips on storage defense and handling raids provides some help. I welcome any fellow passionate gamers to share their own experiences dealing with pillager theft woes!

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