Holy Peak Blindside: Exploring Tommy and Polly‘s Taboo Kiss

As a diehard Peaky Blinders fan, I almost fell out of my chair when I first witnessed THE kiss scene heard ‘round the fandom between lead character Tommy Shelby and none other than his aunt Polly Gray! It came seemingly out of nowhere, shattering norms for even this rule-breaking Shelby clan.

Let‘s dive deep into this twist with some fiery fan analysis! 🤯🔥

Tommy and Polly: A Timeline of Intertwined Destinies

To appreicate the full impact, first we need to understand Tommy and Polly‘s history. As consigliere advisor to the Peaky Blinders mob boss, Polly has influenced Tommy‘s path almost as much as any lover. But platonic, right? Well…let‘s review:

YearTommy & Polly Relationship Notes
  • Polly cares for Tommy after parents die
  • She keeps the business running while men are at war
  • With Tommy back, Polly becomes his second-in-command and confidant
  • As Tommy gains power, tension grows over business decisions
  • But unwavering trust in family matters
  • Polly meets with Tommy after Grace‘s death – intimacy hinted?

Like dance partners locked in an intense tango, their relationship has never followed a simple script…making the kiss less implausible in hindsight.

Why This Was A Nuclear-Grade Shock for Fans

However! As a viewer, I was utterly floored to see their embrace unfold on screen. Such taboo-shattering moments are exceptionally rare in mainstream television. What makes it so daring? Let‘s analyze the societal norms challenged:

Incest Taboo – By kissing his aunt, Tommy leaves behind the last remaining boundary between him and moral corruption. Dangerous implications for descent into further deviance.

Women‘s Sexual Liberation – Rare to see storylines around experienced, older women seeking sexual agency.

Polly claiming her own desirability upends stereotypes.

Power Roles – Tommy surrendering fully to intimate vulnerability with a maternal advisor figure is incredibly subversive.

My mind raced through countless implications as their lips locked! Would you have predicted this bombshell storyline? 💣

What Does This Mean for Tommy and Polly Moving Forward?

While the kiss details are scarce, it clearly signals seismic shifts ahead for both characters. Some early predictions if they continued an affair:

❗ Tommy could further sever loyalty to his nuclear family roles as husband/father.

❗ Polly may reclaim confidence and power she‘s lost since Michael left the business.

I expect endless fan speculation analyzing every glare and double entendre next season! Perhaps scenes from the past will also resurface to fuel theories on hidden yearnings finally unleashed. Stay tuned, Blinders!

But I must hear more from YOU, dear reader: Do you see chemistry blooming between Tommy and Polly? How might this change dynamics in the Shelby family crime empire? Share your spiciest reactions with me! 😉

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