Do PS3 and PS4 Use the Same Power Cable?

As a gaming enthusiast with both a PlayStation 3 and 4 hooked up to my home entertainment system, I‘m often asked if the two consoles share the same power cable.

The short answer? No, the PS3 and PS4 require different cables that are not cross-compatible.

While their power inputs may look visually similar, the PS3 uses standard cables based on the model, while the PS4 has a custom port shape. This means you can‘t swap cables between the two systems.

Curious why PlayStation‘s power cables changed over the generations? As a passionate gamer who loves analyzing hardware evolutions, let me break down everything you need to know:

Power Cable Compatibility

The PS3 console comes in two models that each use different power cables:

  • Original "Fat" PS3: Kettle-style plug
  • "Slim" PS3 Redesign: Figure-8 connector

When the PS4 launched in 2013, Sony opted for a completely custom power port shape not compatible with any previous PlayStation plug.

Here‘s a compatibility matrix:

ConsolePower Cable UsedWorks on PS4?
Fat PS3KettleNo
Slim PS3Figure-8Yes

So while the PS3 Slim‘s figure-8 connector can technically connect to the PS4, the custom PS4 cable will not work on any PlayStation 3 models.

I learned this the hard way when I tried using my PS4 power cable on a friend‘s old 60GB PS3. Despite looking similar, the cables are not interchangeable between these PlayStation generations.

Buying Tip from a Fellow Gamer

When purchasing replacement PS3 or PS4 power cords, double check compatibility before assuming cables can be swapped.

I recommend buying the explicitly branded "PS3" and "PS4" extender cables instead of generic extensions in case the shape differs.

If setting up both consoles in your entertainment center, using separate cables is the only way to guarantee compatibility for each system. Remember, only the PS3 Slim cable works on the PS4, not the other way around!

Why Did PlayStation Change Power Cables?

As someone who loves tracking PlayStation hardware evolutions, my theory is the shift to custom cables was both for consistency and safety:

  • Consistency: Unified all PS4s to one cable vs. various PS3 models
  • Safety: Prevent accidental mismatched connections

Additionally, the redesigned port allows for a slimmer form factor and improved internal component spacing in the PS4 compared to previous generations.

Here‘s a chart showing the power input differences across PlayStation models:

ConsolePower Port Type
Fat PS2Custom
Slim PS2Figure-8
Fat PS3Kettle
Slim PS3Figure-8
PS5C14 Coupler

As you can see, there‘s little consistency even across different models of the same console generation. This can cause confusion for gamers managing multiple PlayStation devices.

The Bottom Line

Hopefully this detailed breakdown better sets expectations around PlayStation power cable compatibility.

While the PS3 Slim uses a figure-8 connector that can work on the PS4, no PS4 cables will connect to any PS3 model. Plan your entertainment setup accordingly and double check cable shapes when buying replacements!

Do you have any other console cable compatibility questions? Let me know in the comments!

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