No, not all raids have a 100% catch rate

As an avid Pokémon raider since the EX raid system debuted in 2017, I‘ve defeated countless raid bosses across various games. And if there‘s one question I get asked more than any other, it‘s this: do you have a 100% catch rate on every raid boss you battle?

The short answer is no. While exceptions exist, most raid encounters are not guaranteed catches. But that doesn‘t mean you can‘t dramatically boost your odds with the right strategies.

Let‘s dive deeper into catch rates for different raid types, factors that influence your chances, and most importantly – how to maximize your Poké Ball throwing skills when it matters most!

The Generous World of Tera Raids

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet shook up the traditional formula by introducing Tera Raids, a new spin on the Max Raid format debuting in Sword and Shield. And these vibrant crystal-infused battles buck the trend of dicey post-fight catch rates. All Tera Pokémon are guaranteed captures, regardless of Ball type!

So feel free to go wild with those standard Poké Balls accumulating in your bag. No need to worry about your quarry bursting free. However, I have noticed the capture animation tends to be more dynamic the higher tier the Tera Raid. My Level 6 Salamence put up one heck of a struggle before that climactic clinch!

But while the catch itself is preordained, the true prize is discovering which shiny new Tera Type your Pokémon will display…

The Gift of Legendaries

Travel a few years back with me to the Crown Tundra DLC, and another set of unusually benevolent raid hosts. Within the Dynamax Adventure mode, iconic legendaries like Mewtwo, Lugia, and Ho-Oh await capture after you defeat them.

And just like the newest Tera additions, these legendary Dynamax raids bestow a 100% catch rate to participants as rewards for completing their multi-stage challenges.

Fond memories of my heart pounding as I flung Ultra Balls turn by turn at my first Aux Power Kyogre sighting. Catching the Sea Basin Pokémon was a moment of exhilaration – followed promptly by two teammates also nabbing their own copies!

Standard Raids – Earn Your Catch

For traditional 5-star raids however, those plum catch rates simply don‘t apply. Outside of special events like Raid Hour weeks, only your skill – and luck – can influence a positive outcome once you whittle that boss HP down.

I distinctly recall an early Sword and Shield event testing this hypothesis through fiery trial. Pokémon GO transplants will remember the frustration of 100% IV legendaries fleeing raid capture attempts. Now imagine that anguish amplified tenfold!

During a surprise Champion Iris event featuring her mighty Haxorus, I rallied my friends list to battle the sword-tusked powerhouse over 20 consecutive times. And despite my best Golden Razz curveball efforts…that gorgeous green dragon eluded me on every single throw!

Since that humbling 0-20, I‘ve studied every tip and technique to bend post-raid capture rates in my favor. From Berry types, throw bonuses, Gym control and Premier Ball multipliers, to attack animations signaling likelihood of escape – I‘ve experienced it all in pursuit of building flawless raid catch mastery.

Let‘s explore extra ways to avoid waking up in cold sweats like that winless Iris faceoff!

1. Choose Your Raid Ball Wisely

Poké BallEffect
StandardLow catch rate
GreatSlightly better odds
UltraHighest base catch rate
PremierAwarded for Gym control, raids completed
LuxuryCurrently unavailable

While Ultra Balls give the best baseline shot at locking in your prize, items like Golden Razz Berries confer more impactful bonuses multiplying your success rate several times over.

If you know the tricks to consistently land Great or Excellent curveballs, the extra Premier Balls from Gym control can make a bigger difference than Ultra‘s marginally better catch rate.

And while Luxury Balls don‘t formally exist yet, their cosmetic flourish would look simply dashing on my future Shiny Noivern!

2. Maximize Your Bonuses

Earning bonus Premier Balls through raid/Gym multiplier effects, then pairing with advanced throw accuracy for additional chance boosts, stacks the odds precipitously in your favor.

Here are common ways to secure those precious extras:

  • Gym Control – +2 for your Team controlling the raid location
  • Gym Badge – Bronze/Silver/Gold badges confer +1/2/3 Premier Balls
  • Friendship Bonus – +4 for raiding with a Best Friend
  • Curveball – 1.7x catch rate for landing a curve throw
  • Nice/Great/Excellent – Throw bonuses giving +1.1-1.85x catch rate!

Combining these compounding benefits makes a world of difference. Iobilize the circle lock technique to chuck flawless curved Great or Excellent shots almost every time – then use those 8-12 Premier Balls to chip away at the base catch chance until you find it cracked!

3. Consider Type Badges

Sufficiently leveled Gym Badges matching the raid boss‘ Pokémon type also buff your Premier Ball allotment AND catch rate percentages.

While less impactful than throw skill and Premier Boosts, every variable plays a part. And Gold medals confer a 1.30x catch multiplier that could make or break a combative catch like Darkrai!

4. Memorize Escape Indicators

Learning visual tells signaling a failed catch can minimize heartbreak. Does the boss break free almost immediately, aggressively swatting your Ball away? Chances are that Pokémon is not staying put.

Meanwhile, multiple rolls or sudden bursts from the Ball indicate a down-to-the-wire scenario that could go either way!

5. Recruit a Friend!

Raiding with Best Friends nets a +4 Premier Ball advantage along with damage contribution bonuses. Combine with the trade chance for Lucky Pokémon, and duo raiding is almost strictly superior to solo attempts!

The Cream of the Crop: Hardest Raid Bosses to Catch

Let‘s say you somehow master every catching method imaginable. Are certain boss creatures still capable of humbling your hubris? Oh you betcha.

While individual experiences may vary based on RNG, these species historically torment my raid group above all others:

Raid BossCatch Difficulty
Lugia 😈😈

I have seen Cobalion, scourge of raids past, resist dozens of Excellent Golden Razz combos beyond reasonable statistical probability. And while the iconic lidded legendaries are guaranteed captures in Dynamax Adventure mode…regular raid Lugia continue the soul-crushing escape legacy of their EX raid era.

Psychic/Flying may endure as my personal weakness. But I fear no remixes like Mega Aerodactyl anymore after so much practice!

Take Your Best Shot!

While Tera Raids and Dynamax Adventure legendaries lift catch rate requirements, typical events demand precise execution. But arming yourself with the knowledge to get those Premier Ball, Gym Badge, throw bonus, and Berry effects multiplying together can profoundly turn the odds in your favor!

What tricks have you used to achieve your greatest raid catches? Which bosses seem virtually uncatchable? Let me know your own stories of both bitter defeat and triumphant capture!

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