Do Rick and Jessie kiss?

The answer is yes – Rick Grimes and Jessie Anderson share two emotionally charged kisses during their brief but intense post-apocalyptic romance on The Walking Dead TV series.

As a huge TWD superfan, I have analyzed both kiss scenes extensively, and clearly these moments marked major turning points for both characters and their tragically doomed relationship.

Let‘s break down the context and impact of each kiss scene in depth:

The First Kiss – "Forget" (Seasion 5, Episode 13)

After losing his wife Lori early on in the apocalypse, Rick spends years in a dark, grief-fueled haze focused solely on protecting his son Carl and his community of survivors.

But when Rick‘s group reaches the Alexandria Safe Zone and relative stability, his emotional walls finally come down a bit. A spark is lit when he meets Jessie Anderson, a kind, gentle woman trapped in an abusive marriage.

In the episode "Forget", Rick attends a party welcoming his group into the Alexandria community. For the first time in years, Rick lets loose somewhat and tries to relax.

A comfortable rapport has clearly grown between him and Jessie, and after laughing together, Rick gets caught up in the moment. He gently kisses a surprised Jessie on the cheek before walking away.

While the kiss only lasts a second, it represents a major shift for Rick‘s tortured psyche. Letting someone new emotionally close enough to kiss shows he is finally healing and open to love again after losing Lori.

Jessie is more mysterious here, caught off-guard by Rick‘s spontaneous kiss but not pulling away. It‘s unclear if she has feelings for Rick yet or simply craves affection after domestic abuse and isolation in her marriage to Pete.

Either way, this innocent kiss sets sparks flying between Rick and Jessie and clearly alters their dynamic as the season continues.

Fan Reactions to First Kiss

Fans exploded when Rick kissed Jessie in "Forget", shocked that Rick was finally moving on after Lori:

"About time Rick made a move after being hung up on Lori for so long! Jessie might be perfect for him."

"I literally gasped. Did NOT see a Rick/Jessie romance coming but I‘m loving it already!"

"Rick kissing Jessie came completely out of nowhere but was so sweet. There might be hope for our boy after all :‘)"

Clearly the first kiss resonated strongly with fans, getting them invested in Rick and Jessie‘s budding relationship which soon intensified.

The Second Kiss – "Now" (Season 6, Episode 5)

After the cheek kiss sparks an unspoken attraction, Rick and Jessie grow closer helping each other deal with her abusive husband Pete. When tensions with Pete boil over and he murders Reg Monroe, leader Deanna grants Rick permission to execute Pete.

With Pete dead, Rick and Jessie finally give into their mutual passion and share a real romantic kiss.

This kiss consolidates their status as a couple in the aftermath of Pete‘s execution. No longer suppressed, their chemistry ignites onscreen!

While less subtle than the first cheek kiss, this passionate lip-lock represents the same shift in Rick emerging from his emotional cocoon. Jessie is clearly more willing here after being freed from Pete‘s oppression.

The kissing scene here is punctuated by smiles and laughter – Rick and Jessie seem genuinely smitten and optimistic about a relationship going forward.

Fan Reactions to Second Kiss

Fans responded passionately to Rick and Jessie confirming their romance with a real kiss:

"It‘s about time! Get it, Rick!"

"My heart is so happy that Rick found love again. Jessie might not be Michonne, but they sure seem sweet here."

"Wow they are ADORABLE together. But we all know tragedy is coming…"

Viewers clearly relished finally seeing Rick intimate after mourning Lori so long. But many noted how doomed Rick and Jessie likely were in the ruthless Walking Dead world…

The Rick/Jessie Romance Meets a Tragic End

Unfortunately, the long-awaited Rick/Jessie romance ended swiftly and brutally. In the mid-season premiere "No Way Out" a massive walker herd swarms and traps many Alexandria residents.

As Rick leads the group fighting through the herd, Jessie refuses to let go of her dead son Sam‘s hand. When a walker grabs Sam, Jessie also gets attacked.

Despite sharing an entire future together just one episode ago, Rick now has no choice but to hack off Jessie arm with a hatchet to escape the walkers swarming her. He then watches in horror as she and Sam get devoured.

Just like that, Rick‘s hopes for love and stability after Lori die violently along with Jessie. While their relationship was always doomed in the bleak Walking Dead universe, this tragedy clearly devastates Rick.

Losing Jessie so gruesomely right after finding intimacy again traumatizes Rick on his path to healing. And many fans were outraged at TWD again depriving Rick of happiness:


"My heart breaks for Rick. He didn‘t deserve this cruel death for Jessie. Haven‘t we tortured this man enough?!"

Clearly viewers sympathized with Rick‘s trauma losing another woman he cared for. This tragedy haunts him moving forward.

Significance of Rick and Jessie‘s Doomed Romance

While brief, the emotional relationship between Rick Grimes and Jessie Anderson significantly impacted The Walking Dead landscape:

  • For Rick‘s Character Arc – Jessie enabled Rick to finally open up again after isolating himself from relationships following Lori‘s loss. Both kisses represented Rick progressing and healing. Jessie‘s brutal death stalled that progress heartbreakingly.

  • Jessie‘s influence is evident even seasons later when Rick gets involved with Michonne. Rick certainly would likely not have been able to embrace love again if not for Jessie thawing his grief-stricken reserve.

  • Alexandria Power Shift – Rick executing Pete paved the way for Rick to eventually take over leadership in Alexandria. Jessie‘s death was part of the chain reaction of instability allowing Rick‘s group to gain authority.

  • Fan Response – Fans overwhelmingly reacted with delight and relief initially when Rick kissed Jessie, embracing hope of long-awaited happiness for the series‘ male lead. Her shocking death crushed fans vicariously through Rick and fueled TWD condemnation.

So while Rick and Jessie‘s romance met a devastating end, it sparked a glimmer of long-lost hope in Rick and changed the trajectories of many characters for seasons to come. Their two poignant kisses represent a pivot point for Rick‘s journey.

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