Do Tamed Wyverns Make Milk in Ark: Survival Evolved?

As an avid Ark: Survival Evolved player and content creator, one of the most common questions I see is whether tamed female wyverns can produce wyvern milk. So let‘s dive into the details on harvesting milk from your own tamed dragons.

How Wild vs. Tamed Female Wyverns Produce Milk

Female wyverns, both wild and tamed, have the ability to generate wyvern milk. Here‘s an overview:

  • Wild female wyverns – When knocked out, will have 5 milk that can be taken from inventory (lasts 40 mins in creature).
  • Tamed female wyverns – Will initially provide 5 milk when knocked out to tame. Then can periodically produce more milk overtime after taming.

So while milk can be reliably obtained by harvesting unconscious wild female wyverns, the renewable and more sustainable route is milking your own tamed ladies!

Milk Production Rates for Tamed Female Wyverns

But just how much milk can you reasonably farm from a tamed female? According to testing and stats from Dododex, the milk refresh period for tamed wyverns is every 1-4 hours. During that time window 5-10 milk total can be produced.

So if you have a few tamed female wyverns, you can generate a steady milk supply without having to risk knocking out wild ones! For example 3 females could generate around 15-30 milk every 1-4 hours. Pretty handy!

Best Practices For Farming Milk From Your Tamed Ladies

As an experienced player whose raised full stables of wyverns, here‘s my advice on the best way to leverage your tamed females as milk machines:

  • Tame a few high level females – the more the better for higher total yield
  • Build a safe pen for your ladies on your base so they aren‘t killed
  • When low on milk, KO your tamed females and take all milk from inventories
  • Let the ladies wake up and repeat the process each refresh cycle

This allows you to tap each female every few hours for peak milk efficiency. No need to go steal eggs or hunt wild females!

Comparison of Wyvern Milk Sources

Let‘s compare the different methods to obtain this precious resource:

Difficulty RiskSustainability
Wild Female WyvernsHighHighLow
Alpha WyvernsVery HighVery HighLow
Tamed Female WyvernsLowLowHigh

As shown above, tamed females clearly provide the easiest, safest and most renewable source.

Behind the Scenes – How Female Wyverns Produce Milk

As a science geek, understanding the technical mechanics in Ark of how wyverns generate milk helps me optimize my harvesting strategy! So let‘s break it down:

  • Female wyverns have an internal timer that triggers milk production
  • Wheninventory is accessed, all accumulated milk since last loot is dropped
  • Milk spoils rapidly after harvesting to incentivize quick usage
  • Production timer resets when all milk fully taken from inventory

So by frequently looting tamed females, you ensure high output rates. Pretty cool!

The Shelf Life of Your Hard Earned Wyvern Milk

Nothing sadder than spoiled milk after all that hard work! Here are some tested stats from the Ark community on durations:

  • 5 mins in player inventory (preserving salt doesn‘t help)
  • 40 mins in dino inventory
  • ~10 hours in preserving bin with salt

Moral is use that milk quickly once harvested! I recommend having cryofridges nearby to store it for later use.

Don‘t Just Save It for Babies! Other Uses for Your Milk

Wyvern milk has some hidden utility beyond just raising adorable baby dragons:

  • Cures swamp fever – Drink it yourself if infected to clear out that nasty disease
  • Healing food – Provides good healing over time if consumed
  • Trade Commodity – Milk is in high demand on servers and makes good barter fodder

So don‘t let it go to waste! Use it or lose it before the timers run out.

Recommended Wyvern Milk Farming Strategies

Based on all my testing and experience across well over a thousand Ark hours, here are my personal top tips for milk production:

  • Max out female wyverns ASAP – Get 3-5+ high level ladies for max yield
  • Safe housing – Build protected base pens to keep ladies alive
  • Set timers – Track milk refresh windows to frequently harvest
  • Preserve surplus – Quickly store excess in cryofridges
  • Share the wealth – Trade excess milk for other resources you need!

I hope these insights help you milk your own tamed ladies for a reliable wyvern milk supply! Let me know if you still have any other questions.

Happy Arking!

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