Do the Reapers help the 100?

In one word: no. The Reapers in the hit TV series "The 100" unequivocally do not help the 100 delinquents sent to Earth. As violent servants to the antagonist Mountain Men group, they capture Grounders to serve the sinister purposes of their masters. While one rehabilitated Reaper named Lincoln later assists the 100 after breaking his addiction, the Reapers as a group remain sadistic enemies.

Origins and Purpose: The First Reapers

The Reapers originated from a mysterious group called "The Primes". Little is known about their early history, but evidence suggests the Primes used exiled Grounders from various clans, dosing them with a brutal drug called "RED" (Rhapsody in Entrails Drug). This drug transformed captive Grounders into the first Reapers – hyper-violent shock troops drugged up to carry out the bidding of their masters without question.

According to notes from The Primes, the intended purpose of the Reapers was to sow chaos and help consolidate power:

"And so in the darkness we did create legions, born of the blood and bone of this land‘s people… engine of chaos and messenger of death."

The first Reapers served The Primes for an unknown period, using brute force and shock tactics to dominate the scattered Grounder clans. However, The Primes mysteriously disappeared, leaving the original Reapers without leadership or their supply of RED.

New Masters: Enter the Mountain Men

This vacuum was soon filled by the technologically advanced Mountain Men group, who discovered the addictive nature of RED and took over supervision of the wayward Reapers. They manufactured more of the brutal drug and expanded the ranks of the Reapers by capturing and transforming more Grounders.

The Mountain Men utilized Reapers to help capture more Grounders for sinister experiments:

Grounders viewed Reaper tunnels as places of death. No Grounder dared to enter knowing they would face capture or worse.

Reapers set traps and launched raids into Grounder villages and land, capturing victims to bring back to Mount Weather for the Mountain Men to drain their blood and harvest bone marrow.

Terrifying Legends: Why Grounders Feared Reapers

Reapers instilled tremendous fear among the Grounder clans through their violent, crazed tactics:

  • Hyper-aggressive attacks on villages using blunt weapons and brute strength
  • No concern for defense – Reapers sustained grievous wounds without slowing
  • Disappearance of captured Grounders into Reaper tunnels
  • Rumors of cannibalism – Reapers only fed decaying Grounder flesh by Mountain Men

No sane Grounder dared approach Reaper territory. Some preferred suicide to potential capture.

Key Events Involving Reapers

While Reapers as a group remained deadly enemies of the 100, their paths did cross at pivotal moments:

Lincoln‘s Capture and Rescue

Lincoln – an ally of the 100 – was captured in a Reaper trap and transformed using RED. He struggled greatly with addiction when rescued by Octavia and the 100. Though he recovered with difficulty, his ordeal revealed troubling insights into the Reapers.

Infiltration of Mount Weather

When the 100 infiltrated Mount Weather to rescue their captured people, Reapers attempted to stop them alongside Mountain Men guards. However, the 100 managed to destroy the RED production facilities and free the Grounders.

Downfall of Mountain Weather

After the 100 defeated Mount Weather, Reapers lost their leadership and source of RED once more. Its likely many died during painful withdrawals, while some may have returned to Grounder clans if rehabilitation was possible.

Could Any Reapers Return in Future Seasons?

Given their tragic history of manipulation, some fans speculate whether healed Reapers could return in future seasons now that RED production has ended. Perhaps to make amends after years of violence against their will?

While possible, such a reconciliation seems unlikely given the brutality of Reaper actions under RED‘s influence – even if unwilling. And the 100 group remains wary of threats even after major victories. Still, we‘ve seen stranger alliances formed from the ashes on this show!

The Bottom Line

So in summary – no, the Reapers as a group did not assist the 100 juvenile heroes. They remained loyal enforcers and terror weapons of the Mountain Men antagonists until both organizations met their demise. The only friendly Reaper was Lincoln, who required rescue and rehabilitation after capture.

The Reapers ultimately failed their masters, unable to stop the 100‘s heroic infiltration of Mount Weather. Without RED to control them, its likely the few remaining Reapers perished from withdrawal symptoms alone in their tunnels.

While there is fan speculation that healed Reapers could return cooperatively, substantial obstacles make this unlikely. The 100 prevailed against them despite the odds once before, so any future encounters would likely bring fierce resistance to perceived threats.

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