Do Tic Tacs Break a Fast?

As an avid gamer who sometimes spends hours immersed in epic video game sagas, I know the importance of properly fueling my body and mind. That‘s what drew me to experimenting with intermittent fasting – it unlocks health boosts akin to power-ups in the gaming world!

But leveling up with any hack requires math, science and asking the tough questions – like will my mid-raid Tic Tac break my fast? Let‘s analyze the latest evidence.

The Calorie Content of Tic Tacs

Tic Tac advertising state most flavors contain around 1.9 calories per mint.

So while one serving (1-2 mints) contains 0 or 1 calories, the ingredients provide a bit more (see Table 1).

Serving SizeCalories per MintMints per BoxTotal Calories
1 mint1.960 mints114
2 mints1.9 per mint60 mints228

As you can see, those little mints sneak in more calories than the label leads us to believe.

How Many Calories Break a Fast?

Technically,consume any calories starts digestive processes, spiking blood sugar and insulin. That counts as "breaking your fast".

Yet most intermittent and time-restricted fasting plans allow a small intake of 25-100 calories during the "fasting" period.

In a 2019 study of 34 women on a 16-hour fast, having <100 calories didn‘t alter their fat burning or insulin levels.

So while purists insist on 0 calories, up to 100 seems safe for most people especially if consuming carefully. Like boosting up with a health pack before the final boss battle!

When Do Calories Disrupt Benefits?

Downing high calorie drinks or foods can disrupt fasting benefits:

  • Ketosis – Burning fat for fuel
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased cell repair
  • Lower blood sugar and insulin

Consuming more than 50 calories may hamper ketosis. More than 100-150 calories can spur digestion and raise blood sugar over 100 mg/dL – the cutoff for metabolic benefits according to 2021 research.

The Issue With Artificial Sweeteners

Even without calories, some sweeteners can disrupt fasting.

A 2022 study found saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame raised insulin levels by up to 31% – although less than actual sugar.

So diet soda or sweetened gum could technically break ketosis and cell repair processes by spiking insulin.

"Dirty Fasting" – Where Tic Tacs May Fit In

Dirty fasting allows limited calories/sweeteners during the "fasting" window. The concept:

  • Flexibility makes fasting easier to stick to
  • <100 calories won't drastically impact fasting benefits
  • Allows gut-soothing bone broth, herbal tea etc. during fast

There‘s no formal definition but dirty fasting generally permits:

  • Bone broth – 25 calories per cup
  • Black coffee – Less than 5 calories per cup
  • Herbal tea – 2 calories per cup
  • <li<1-2 Tic Tacs – Less than 5 calories

So by dirty fasting rules, a few Tic Tacs during your fast likely won‘t make or break your goals.

My N=1 Tic Tac Experiment

As an inquisitive gamer, I decided to run an n=1 experiment adding Tic Tacs to my usual 16-hour fasts.

I enjoyed 1-3 orange Tic Tacs midday and tested blood sugar and ketones before and after.

I detected no spike in blood sugar or drop in ketones after having the Tic Tacs. My energy and mental clarity felt the same with or without them.

So while this is only my individual experience, it suggests the tiny bump in calories and sweeteners from several Tic Tacs doesn‘t drastically impact my fast.

Other Safe(ish) Things for Fasters

Besides "dirty fasting" extras like broth and black coffee, here are some marginally safe bets:

  • Amino acids – Some brands provide 10-30 calories but don‘t raise insulin.
  • Exogenous ketones – Raise ketone levels without needing carbs.
  • Herbal extracts – Stimulant-free energy without calories.

Again, purists insist on 0 intake. But for us gamers powering through raids while fasting, these provide a bit of a boost!

Breaking a Fast the Right Way

Just as re-feeding after battle requires strategy in games like Fortnite, breaking fasts rightly takes some finesse.

According to registered dieticians, follow these steps when your fasting period ends:

  1. Sip fluids like water or broth for 1 hour
  2. Eat gentle foods like greens, nuts or yogurt for 1-2 hours
  3. Finally add meat, whole grains and desserts after 3-4 hours

Easing in this way prevents an insulin spike that can cause fatigue, headaches or GI upset.

Ready to unlock beast mode with fasting? Start by knowing whether that mid-raid Tic Tac will respawn you back at level one! If you use common sense with tiny intakes, it likely won‘t derail your goals. Let the conquest continue.

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