Do villagers sell slime?

Out of all villager types, the elusive Wandering Trader is the sole merchant offering slimeballs for trade. This makes slime easier to obtain in a sustainable way without constant hunting. However, there‘s only a 17.2% chance for the slimeball trade to appear when a Wandering Trader spawns. Read on for full details!

What do slimeballs enable you to craft?

Before we dive deeper, let‘s cover why these bouncy balls matter. Slimeballs are key ingredients for:

Sticky Pistons

  • Adhere to blocks to push and pull contraptions
  • Vital for complex redstone mechanics and farms
  • Use when position matters unlike regular pistons


  • Bind and guide passive mobs like cows and pigs
  • Transport animals without a minecart rail system
  • Less investment than rails for basic moving

Magma Cream

  • Brew potions of fire resistance
  • Survive and farm in hot nether environments
  • Craft magma blocks that emit light underwater

Understanding slimeball uses informs smarter collecting goals. A stack can craft 16 sticky pistons for intricate automation!

Swamp and slime chunk spawning

Hunting naturally spawned slimes is the most direct gathering method. Here‘s how they spawn:


  • Only at night with a 8.91% chance
  • Full moon boosts rates to 11.32%
  • Must have light level below 7

Slime chunks underground:

  • Occur below layer 40 (1 in 10 chunks)
  • Unaffected by light level or time
  • Other slime variants spawn here too

So swamp farming needs the right conditions, but caves have consistent slimes!

Mastering the Wandering Trader slime trade

As mentioned, Wandering Traders provide renewable slimeball sources. But reliably trading requires some effort.

  • 17.2% chance for slimeballs to appear in trades
  • Always costs 4 emeralds if available
  • Trades randomize when they resupply daily

Maximize success by:

  • Amassing emeralds via farming and selling
  • Curing zombie villagers to improve prices
  • Checking each Wandering Trader as they spawn

With persistence, you‘ll stockpile slime without hunting constantly!

Alternative slipping slime sources

If trading and hunting come up dry, a few tricky alternatives work:

Panda sneezing
Breed pandas until a baby sneezes up a slimeball. Slow but cute!

Peaceful difficulty
Wandering Traders always offer slimeballs for 4 emeralds on Peaceful.

While less exciting, these options yield slimeballs to get started at least!

Designing advanced slime farms

For large-scale slimeball harvesting, constructing a farm is extremely worthwhile.

Key design principles:

  • Build layers with 3 block height for maximum spawn spaces
  • Water or bubble column funneling to kill chamber
  • Place player afk spot 24 blocks away for highest rates
  • Sort and collect drops with hoppers/chests

Properly built slime farms generate thousands of slimeballs per hour infinitely!

Rare golden and rainbow variants

Most slimes are the common green type. But other environments host exotic slimes with lucrative drops:

Magma Cubes

  • Spawn in nether wastes near lava
  • Split into smaller cubes like regular slimes
  • Drop magma cream when killed

Rainbow Slimes

  • Glowing gelatin in Terraria glowing biomes
  • Produce loads of coins and rare items
  • Dodge quickly making them challenging

Seeking these out takes time but pays off for avid adventurers!

And there you have it – everything you need for obtaining every last slimeball! Let the sticky harvesting begin!

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