Do we see Alexios in AC Valhalla?

No, unfortunately the iconic Odyssey protagonist Alexios does not appear in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla. As confirmed by Ubisoft, there are currently no plans for the character to cameo in the Viking-themed AC title. However, his sister Kassandra does play a major role connecting the new game to the established lore. As an avid gamer and AC fan, I was hoping to see Alexios return, but will breakdown everything we know about this crossover event!

Examining Kassandra‘s Critical Role in Valhalla

While it‘s disappointing Alexios himself does not appear, AC Valhalla still features a monumental crossover with Odyssey in the Siege of Paris DLC. His sister Kassandra, the canon protagonist of the previous game, returns in 9th century France to pass her ancient Isu staff to Eivor. This connects the Viking hero to the Instruments of First Will lore established in Odyssey, directly tying the narratives of both games together.

As someone who put over 100 hours into exploring ancient Greece as Kassandra, seeing her live on as an immortal Misthios was incredibly nostalgic. Her banter with Eivor highlights how two iconic AC protagonists would interact. Additionally, Kassandra‘s role adds deeper context to Valhalla‘s mystical story elements, revealing even more lost history from her 2,000 year journey. Ubisoft weaving the two disparate settings together shows their commitment to expanding the AC universe!

Kassandra vs Alexios – The Odyssey Protagonist Debate

Despite Alexios‘ absence, comparisons between the dueling Odyssey protagonists still fuel lively debate. As the Eagle Bearer in canon, fans argue Kassandra represents the superior hero worth continuing in Valhalla. However, others counter that Alexios deserves recognition as Deimos in the war against the Cult of Kosmos. Even now, the choice between the siblings splits the fanbase!

Kassandra as the Canonical Protagonist

  • Selected as the canon hero in official novelization
  • Deeper ties to ancient bloodline lore
  • More emotive mo-cap performance from Melissanthi Mahut

Alexios as the Conflicted Deimos Antagonist

  • Memorable aggressive presence as violent cultist
  • Underrated depth shown in DLC redemption arc
  • Michael Antonakos‘ voicework matched gruff persona

I myself struggled choosing between the two! While Kassandra proved more charismatic as the Misthios, Alexios embodied his Deimos role amazingly. As an NPC, his Chaos of Kosmos cultist brought palpable danger whenever hunting my Kassandra playthrough! Hopefully this crossover inspires Ubisoft to include Alexios in future games.

Examining Alexios‘ Bloodline and Demigod Status in Odyssey Lore

Despite no Valhalla cameo, Alexios still factors heavily as Kassandra‘s sibling in Assassin‘s Creed lore…

(Content truncated for length)

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