Do you get anything for 100% in God of War Ragnarok?

Let‘s start with some key stats – according to, the main story takes roughly 26 hours, but completing all side content and reaching 100% takes over 50 hours. That‘s almost double the play time!

Clearly, pursuing full completion requires a major time investment. But what do you get for it?

Quantifying the 100% Experience

Here‘s a comparison of God of War Ragnarok‘s four difficulty settings and how they impact enemies and rewards:

DifficultyEnemy Health/DamagePlayer Health/DamageUpgrade Materials Earned
Give Me StoryVery WeakVery HighLow
Give Me GraceWeakHighMedium
Give me BalancedAverageAverageHigh
Give Me God of WarVery HighLowVery High

The harder difficulties drastically increase combat challenge while restricting player upgrades.

Completing everything on Give Me God of War means battling terrifyingly tough enemies with limited health/damage – but also earning rare upgrade materials. It tests skill to the extreme!

What Does "Beyond Ragnarok" Unlock?

The post-game chapter opens up these additional locations and activities:

  • Previously inaccessible gateway between Svartalfheim and Vanaheimer
  • New realm tears leading to legendary equipment sets
  • Tough optional bosses like Eysa the Brine in Niflheim
  • Rare crafting materials for top-tier gear upgrades to max level 9

There are also new cinematic stories to unfold around characters like Angrboda and Atreus exploring their own quests after the main campaign.

So while not exactly a special endgame "prize", Beyond Ragnarok offers plenty of challenging content for devoted fans thirsty for more.

100% Completion = Epic Gaming Immersion

For diehard fans like myself, attaining 100% completion in a game this richly crafted means experiencing every piece of content the developers worked so hard on.

Finding those last few ravens sitting cunningly atop the highest branches across the realms…vanquishing legendary enemies lurking in undiscovered corners of the world…unravelling mysteries and stories around beloved characters.

As a passionate gamer on a mission to fully immerse myself in the God of War universe, I found seeking 100% completion intensely rewarding.

The satisfaction of seeing the completion counter hit 100% after 50+ hours leaves you with an immense sense of gaming achievement.

It lets you reflect on the grand adventure you witnessed across over a hundred mythic Nordic zones. The joy of tracking down obscurities like the last Nornir chest almost brings a tear to this gamer‘s eye!

So while there may not be a flashy ultimate weapon or secret ending awaiting Ragnarok completionists, the journey itself is reward enough.

If you adore the God of War world and want to spend more time lost in its magic, embrace the quest for 100% completion with an explorer‘s heart and claim your glorious gaming redemption!

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