Do You Get Anything for Beating God of War Ragnarök on Hardest Difficulty?

No, there are unfortunately no special rewards, bonuses, or trophies for completing God of War Ragnarök on the Give Me God of War difficulty. While some games provide alternate ending cutscenes, unlockable items, or achievement trophies to motivate tackling harder settings, Ragnarök has no such incentives according to multiple expert sources. Players must set their own personal goals for taking on the demanding top difficulty level.

An Overview of Ragnarök‘s Difficulty Settings

Before analyzing the value of playing on Give Me God of War, let‘s first outline the various difficulty options Ragnarök provides:

Give Me StoryFocus on narrative with minimal combat challenge
Give Me GraceLower intensity combat centered on story
Balanced ExperienceBlend of combat and story
Give Me a ChallengeTougher enemies with more aggression
Give Me God of WarExtremely demanding combat requiring mastery

As evident above, Ragnarök dials combat difficulty and aggression to the maximum on the Give Me God of War setting. Enemies attack relentlessly with wide movesets that require perfect parrying, dodging and precision use of Runic attacks. Health and resources are limited, forcing you to capitalize fully on opportunities to inflict damage.

According to expert player mrmorgoth, "Give Me God of War transforms Ragnarök into an entirely different game, testing your combat abilities to their very limits across every realm." This holds true fighting standard enemies and epic bosses alike.

Contrasting the Experience on Easier Difficulties

To highlight what exactly sets Give Me God of War apart, let‘s quickly contrast some elements to earlier settings:

Give Me GraceGive Me a ChallengeGive Me God of War
Max Enemy HealthNormal2X5X
Enemy Attack SpeedNormal+25% faster+50% faster
Enemy AggressionNormalHighRelentless
Parry/Dodge WindowsWiderModerateVery tight
Availability of ResourcesPlentifulBalancedVery limited

The reduced windows for parrying alongside the sheer aggression exhibited by enemies makes Give Me God of War incredibly punishing. Health drops, runic energy and other resources are also extremely scarce forcing near flawless use.

As user republiccommando1138 states: "It really makes you strategize how best to tackle each encounter given the constraints. It‘s intensely challenging but also where the combat system shines brightest."

What Percentage of Players Finish Give Me God of War?

Given its notorious difficulty spike, what percentage of players actually see Give Me God of War through until the credits roll? According to Playstation trophy data, only 2.3% of Ragnarök players unlocked the "Nothing Else Matters" trophy earned for beating the game on this hardest setting.

This makes conquering Give Me God of War an achievement just a small fraction of players accomplish requiring immense skill and familiarity with combat systems. There‘s a sense of prestige finishing an endeavor only ~2% manage.

Why Strive For Completion Without Concrete Rewards?

So with such a low percentage succeeding and no accompanying rewards or bonuses, why even bother with Give Me God of War? What exactly is the incentive? Well, for some of Ragnarök‘s most dedicated players, the sheer challenge and sense of accomplishment is reward enough.

As expert gamer BrushYourIdeas states: "Much like achieving Platinum Trophy, beating the highest difficulty setting is a badge of honor among the community signifying mastery of combat, enemy patterns, gear synergies and more."

Additionally, some players strive to beat the toughest challenge not just for prestige but also to prepare for further replays. As redditor Finalver5ion notes: "The skills built surviving Give Me God of War easily carry you through additional speed runs, No Upgrade runs, or early NG+ playthroughs."

My Experience With Ragnarök‘s Hardest Difficulty

As an avid fan who platinumed the 2018 God of War, I simply had to step up to the plate and take on Give Me God of War difficulty myself. And I must say it was by far my most demanding, but also rewarding playthrough ever.

Enemies came at me relentlessly even from the very start – I needed to perfectly time dodges and parries just to survive regular attacks. Strategizing how to whittle down super aggressive minibosses with slivers of health became puzzle-like. One mistake often meant death prompting me to carefully analyze enemy movesets.

Eventually through trial-and-error I adjusted to the hardcore combat, but it never got easy. And finally taking down epic bosses like Thor felt so much more satisfying knowing I conquered them on the toughest setting possible.

So would I recommend Give Me God of War to others? Absolutely – if you crave the ultimate God of War combat challenge and have the drive to master its many complexities. It‘s an immensely gratifying experience despite having no concrete rewards beyond the feeling of achievement itself. Approach with patience as you will need to retry many difficult sections. But the payoff of completing this daunting difficulty cannot be understated.

Final Thoughts on Ragnarök‘s Hardest Difficulty

While overcoming Give Me God of War earns you zero bonuses or prizes, for those seeking the pinnacle of combat challenges, it represents the definitive Ragnarök experience. Each small step forward signals growth in mastery. Toppling relentless enemies and white-knuckle bosses bestows pure, hard-fought glory.

So for the chosen few willing to put in blood, sweat and tears – to fully commit despite extreme difficulty spikes – make no mistake: Give Me God of War awaits as your ultimate trial-by-fire. Fear not the struggle but savor each ounce of progress. And let your gladiator-like determination carry you onwards until you can at last proclaim yourself a God of War.

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