Do You Score Big Cash from GTA 5‘s Climactic Heist?

As an avid GTA fan, I‘ve helped countless players maximize their virtual bank accounts across the series. So when it comes to earning epic piles of cash from Grand Theft Auto V‘s epic finale, I‘ve got the inside scoop! Keep reading for a complete guide to scoring huge payouts from The Big Score.

Overview: Making Millions from GTA 5‘s Final Heist

In short – yes, you can earn up to $40 million per protagonist from The Big Score! This climactic, six-part mission caps off GTA 5‘s main story in epic fashion. Successfully rob the Union Depository and you‘ll become almost as rich as the game world‘s corporate fat cats!

However, the payout doesn‘t land in your account right away. And the final take depends on factors like:

  • Your chosen approach
  • Skill during the heist
  • Following Lester‘s advice

This guide covers it all. I‘ll walk fellow heisters through optimizing decisions for the biggest possible score.

Choosing the Best Big Score Approach

Planning is key! Before tackling the multi-stage Union Depository job, Lester lays out two options:

The Obvious Approach: Rely on brute force and a full-frontal assault during the final heist.


  • Fast, aggressive, straight to the cash
  • Higher risk and casualties
  • Large cut goes to hired gunmen

The Subtle Approach: Spend more on prep to enable covert infiltration instead of a guns-blazing attack.


  • Less risk of getting shot
  • No cuts going to extra crew
  • Slower, more complex prep

Based on my experience with the heist, the subtle way is vastly superior despite higher prep costs. Effort invested pays off big time!

Sure you feel badass bursting straight into the vault for the money. But stealth and precision gets the job done with no main characters getting filled with bullets!

Plus, with no extra crew to pay, the entire epic $201 million score goes straight to Michael, Franklin and Trevor.

Subtle Approach Prep: What to Spend Big On

If taking the quiet path, investing cash in the right gear is critical.

I recommend buying:

  1. Hacking Device
  2. Vanguard Hydraulic Ramps
  3. Security Pass Level 2

The full prep budget I invest upfront is $795k total. This lets me infiltrate without a shot fired or lives lost during the finale!

Here‘s a look at payouts per protagonist by approach based on my data:

ApproachTotal TakePayout Per Character
Obvious$201.6 million$26 million
Subtle$201.6 million$40 million

As the table shows, keeping things quiet pays an extra $14 million per person!

Below I‘ll cover what happens after finishing the mission to get your money. But first, let‘s recap the optimal subtle approach process:

Walkthrough: Stealth Route for Maximum GTA 5 Big Score Payout

Follow these steps and you‘ll earn up to $40 million per character – no gunfire required!

Gather Equipment

  • Purchase necessary gear for covert infiltration
  • Obtain security passes and clothing disguises
  • Secure armored ramp car for accessing underground vault

Enter the Union Depository

  • Use disguises and keycards to bypass exterior security unseen
  • Drive ramp car straight into underground access tunnel

Descend to the Vault Access Point

  • Use ramp car to jump down to vault level undetected
  • Exit vehicle and head for high-security vault door

Breach the Vault

  • Use hacking device to open vault door
  • Enter and grab $201 million in gold bullion bundles!

Escape to Sewer Tunnel

  • Load gold bars into getaway vehicle
  • Drive to sewer tunnel escape route

Rendezvous Outside

  • Meet getaway helicopter at other end of sewer
  • Fly off into the sunset with the epic score!

Executed properly, this approach lets the crew stealthily swipe all $201 million in gold – culminating in one of gaming’s most satisfying and lucrative heists!

After the Score: Cash Payout and Story Finale

A common question players have is: when do you actually get the money after finishing The Big Score?

The answer: not until after GTA 5’s final storyline mission.

Here’s how events unfold:

  1. Complete the epic vault heist mission
  2. One last story mission opens starring Franklin
  3. Finish this final chapter
  4. BIG payouts hit your characters’ accounts!

So while pulling off the big vault robbery is super exciting, I recommend staying focused through the end of GTA 5’s closing act. Only then can Michal, Trevor, and Franklin retire in extreme wealth!

In terms of narrative impact, the aftermath plays out differently based on player choices leading up to the game‘s culmination. But however events unfold, the cash you score from the final heist is sure to provide a nice retirement nest egg!

For the optimal subtle approach players, $40 million per protagonist means $120 million total to invest, splurge, and set up Micheal, Trevor and Franklin to live like kings. Not bad for career criminals!

Just be wary of crew members getting greedy once the dust settles. And avoid cocky moves like visiting the in-game casino – no need to risk losing a cent!

GTA 5 Big Score Guide Recap

In summary:

Do you get money from GTA 5’s big finale heist?

Absolutely! Up to $40 million per protagonist if you plan properly.

When can you access the cash?

After completing the final storyline mission post-heist.

By using an optimized stealth strategy for The Big Score, keeping casualties and payout splits low, retiring from a life of crime in extreme luxury is assured. Just stay sharp through the final act!

Hopefully these tips from a fellow fan help players end their time with GTA 5 on the highest possible high note. Feel free to reach out with any other questions!

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