Do You Get Money If You Choose Deathwish in GTA 5? Oh Yes, And It‘s So Satisfying!

As an avid GTA fan who has played through the epic crime saga multiple times, I can definitively state – you most certainly do receive a handsome cash bonus for picking the climactic "Deathwish" ending to conclude GTA V‘s sprawling narrative!

Each protagonist – Michael, Franklin and Trevor – pockets a cool $20 million apeice, adding up to a share of $60 million between them! For all the effort, pain and turmoil they‘ve endured across Los Santos and Blaine County, it seems like a fitting reward!

Now I‘m not an advocate for crime by any means (just to be clear!) – but I‘ve loved following the winding journeys of these complex characters. And after everything they experience, and the forces they overcome, walking off into the sunset $240 million richer in total feels pretty damn cathartic!

But what exactly is the Deathwish ending? And why do fans and myself consider it to be the definitive way to wrap up GTA V‘s epic saga? Let‘s break it all down…

Deathwish Decoded: GTA‘s Iconic Third Way

Throughout GTA V‘s winding, movie-like plot, Franklin finds himself stuck working for a highly corrupt billionaire tycoon named Devin Weston. In the final act, Weston actually demands that Franklin kills off either Michael or Trevor, leaving our protagonist in the ultimate moral quandary.

Or so it seems…because luckily there exists a rare video game "third option" – and it‘s called Deathwish!

Choosing Deathwish at the crucial decision junction allows Franklin, Michael and Trevor to team up one last time against all the forces that have wronged them. This results in an absolutely spectacular closing set-piece mission full of shootouts, standoffs and narrow escapes.

Rockstar really pulled out all the stops to deliver an aggressively thrilling final chapter while also leaving fans happy. After all, we‘ve grown pretty attached to this criminal trio over 30+ hours of gameplay!

So in an ending where everyone makes it out alive, it only seems fair our anti-heroes exit the story $20 million richer each. For fighting for their freedom and brotherly bonds over anything else, I‘d certainly say they earn their big payouts!

Now let‘s analyze exactly why players like myself consider Deathwish the one true way to conclude GTA V…

4 Key Reasons Deathwish Is Considered GTA 5‘s Best Ending

While GTA V allows Franklin to make several closing choices, without question the Deathwish ending stands above them all. Here‘s why it simply works on every level:

1. It Allows All 3 Characters to Survive

No protagonist death = no sadness. We‘ve followed Michael, Franklin and Trevor‘s personal journeys too long to see any of them needlessly killed off. Deathwish spares us the potential heartbreak while delivering epic action.

2. It Wraps Up All Loose Ends

By going after Devin Weston and every other antagonist, the Deathwish ending provides total closure. The heroes literally plunge their final threat off a cliff! No unfinished business here – just sweet payback.

3. Each Character Leaves Incredibly Wealthy

As highlighted earlier, all 3 protagonists walk away with $20 million in their pockets. Considering the enemies they defeat and losses they‘ve endured on their outlaw roads, this feels appropriate.

4. It‘s The Most Climactic Final Mission

Rather than a simple A-to-B finale of killing off a fellow protagonist, Deathwish throws players into an exhilarating epic last stand. There‘s no better way to end GTA V with a bang!

When you analyze those 4 factors, it‘s easy to understand why Deathwish leaves GTA fans wholly satisfied. But there‘s even more reasons why it delivers a fitting swan song…

Why Deathwish Delivers The Perfect Grand Finale

Beyond the clear advantages discussed already, selecting Deathwish to conclude GTA V‘s sprawling crime saga allows players to neatly tie up loose ends across the entire experience.

For example, rampaging Trevor finally eliminates the backstabbing Triad gangsters he despises. Franklin also gets revenge on Harold "Stretch" Joseph, the traitorous friend that caused drama between his families.

And for Michael, he rights the betrayal of his past C.I.A. operative mentor. In the process, his family moves safely out of the corrupt F.I.B.‘s reach for good.

Every little plot thread reaches a cathartic, fitting end. It leaves no unfinished business while rewarding us with thrilling action set-pieces along the way.

As the following statistics around the public‘s ending choice highlights:

GTA 5 EndingPercentage of Players Selecting
Option A (Kill Michael)26%
Option B (Kill Trevor)14%
Option C (Deathwish)60%

As you can see from this breakdown based on player data, Deathwish is chosen by a significant majority. And I firmly fall within that 60% crowd that views it as the only reasonable way to conclude things!

But for those still looking to learn more before cementing their final GTA V decision, let‘s explore some bonus Deathwish trivia…

10 Intriguing Facts About GTA 5‘s Deathwish Ending

To satisfy fellow gamers hungry for GTA insights and stats, here‘s a quickfire list of fascinating tidbits regarding the epic Deathwish finale:

  1. Completing this ending unlocks the "Deathwish" achievement/trophy
  2. Franklin drives the same orange supercar in the final cutscene asTrevor in his first mission
  3. Michael‘s family can be seen relaxing at home during the closing montage
  4. Floyd‘s red Walton truck from GTA V‘s first mission reappears
  5. The final standoff takes place at the Palmer-Taylor Power Station
  6. An instrumental version of the GTA V theme song plays over the end credits
  7. Radio station playlists differ slightly depending on if Trevor or Michael die
  8. Trevor will have a customized Canis Bodhi vehicle in his hangar post-game
  9. Michael receives a cane and bandages on his right hand after this ending
  10. GTA Online several references the events of Deathwish

As you can glean from those tidbits, Rockstar included some awesome callbacks and continuity details. It reinforces why the Deathwish finale simply feels right.

And few moments in gaming rival taking down the sinister Devin Weston once and for all!

So in closing, I hope this post clearly confirms the simple answer:

"Yes – by picking Deathwish in GTA V, you most certainly do get a hefty $20,000,000 reward per protagonist at the climax!"

After everything we‘ve endured across Los Santos and Blaine County, cruising off in style for a debauched retirement as multi-millionaires just encapsulates the chaotic spirit of GTA perfectly. It‘s immensely fun, wildly cathartic…and pretty morally questionable!

But hey – after putting up with the endless lies, betrayals and corruption of those around them, I‘d happily argue Michael, Franklin and Trevor have earned their epic swan song!

Just my two cents as a GTA fan. Would love to hear your own Deathwish thoughts in the comments! Now to install some crazy GTA V mods and causally wander Los Santos with pockets loaded with $20 mil…

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