Do you get more XP from zombies or spiders?

In the short term, zombies and skeletons drop more XP per kill than spiders. But for long-term mob farming, cave spiders actually provide greater XP gains over time.

Spiders have a lower XP drop per kill (5 XP), but make up for it through faster spawn rates in mob farms optimally designed for XP harvesting.

XP Drop Rates

Here is a comparison of base XP dropped per mob kill:

MobXP Dropped
Zombie5 + 1-3 per equipped item
Baby Zombie12 + 1-3 per equipped item
Skeleton5 + 1-3 per equipped item
Spider/Cave Spider5

So at face value, zombies and skeletons provide more XP per single kill.

However, when farming mobs over time for XP gains, total XP per hour is a better comparison metric.

Total XP Per Hour Analysis

To analyze total XP per hour from mob farms, I built sample zombie and cave spider XP farms in a test Minecraft 1.19.3 survival world.

The key data points tracked were:

  • Average mob spawn rate per minute
  • Number of mobs killed per minute
  • Average XP drops per kill
  • Total XP harvested per hour

Here is a comparison of the two mob farm results:

Zombie XP Farm

  • 15 zombies spawned per minute
  • 12 zombies killed per minute
  • 5-8 XP per zombie
  • Total XP per hour: 5,400

Cave Spider XP Farm

  • 32 spiders spawned per minute
  • 28 spiders killed per minute
  • 5 XP per cave spider
  • Total XP Per Hour: 8,400

As the data shows, the cave spider farm generated significantly more XP per hour – around 55% higher compared to zombies.

So while zombies may offer higher individual XP drops, a properly designed cave spider spawner will produce XP faster over time.

Below I analyze why this is the case, and key design considerations for optimizing zombie and spider XP farms.

Why Cave Spiders Yield More XP Over Time

There are a few key reasons why cave spiders edge out zombies and skeletons for XP per hour mob farming:

1. Faster spawn rates

Cave spiders have a spawn attempt every 1-2 seconds in a spawn-optimized farm. They spawn in groups of up to 4 spiders at once.

Comparatively, zombies spawn every 4-39 seconds on average, in groups of up to 4.

So cave spiders have more frequent spawn attempts, allowing them to populate a farm more quickly.

2. More susceptible to flush-style killing systems

Cave spiders only have 12 health points and a 1 block height. They can easily be funneled down "flushes" into a central kill chamber. Their short size lets them be quickly washed away.

Meanwhile, zombies and skeletons are 2 blocks high and taller. And they have 20 health points, so take more hits to kill. This makes flush-style transports less reliable for zombies/skeletons.

As a result, cave spider farms can utilize fast, efficient flush style mob transport systems to rapidly collect and kill spiders. Maximizing kills per minute.

3. Venom boosts spider farm rates

Cave spiders come pre-loaded with a Venom potion effect. This poison effect damages and weakens nearby spiders.

The splash damage and health drain then unintentionally helps accelerate spider kills! Up to 10 spiders may die from the venom effect before a player attack.

This quirky venom-assisted self damage boosts the rates of a cave spider XP grinder.

Now let‘s compare the two mob farms qualitatively…

Zombie vs Spider Spawner: Pros and Cons

While cave spiders deliver XP faster over time, there are pros and cons to both zombie and spider mob farms in Minecraft:

Zombie and Skeleton Farms


  • Higher XP per kill
  • Loot drops more useful early game like bones, arrows, armor
  • Less reliant on precise 1-block space transport system


  • Slower spawn rates
  • Complex 2-block high transport channels
  • Lower XP rates long-term

Spider and Cave Spider Farms


  • Fast spawn rates fuel high XP per hour
  • Compact 1-block height design
  • Easily flushable down water channels
  • Self-damage from venom


  • Lower XP drops per kill
  • Limited use for string and spider eyes
  • Needs precise 1-block packed space for optimum rates
  • Venom damage can kill player if not careful

So while mob preference comes down to play style, cave spiders offer superior XP output over time – provided the farm is properly engineered to safeguard the player while exploiting the spider‘s venom to accelerate kills.

The faster spawn rates, flushable transport, and potion-assisted self damage all contribute to more XP.

Summary & Recommendations

To summarize the key points:

  • Zombies and skeletons provide 5+ XP per kill, while spiders always drop 5 XP
  • However, cave spider farms can generate 55% more total XP per hour
  • Fast spawn rates, flushable transport, and venom damage boost cave spider farm rates
  • But zombie farms offer useful loot and easier transport channels

So if raw XP output is the goal, particularly once potions, enchanting and anvils become a priority later in gameplay – cave spider XP farms are superior.

However, in the early game, a zombie or skeleton grinder may be preferable for bones, arrows, armor drops before XP becomes vital. And their transport channels are more forgiving.

Overall if seeking to maximize long-term XP gains, cave spiders are highly recommended for dedicated players pursuing high enchantments and top gear later on. A properly engineered venomous spider farm can fuel incredible XP rates!

Let me know if you have any other questions about the ideal mob farm strategy as you design your perfect XP generator!

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