Do you have to give Mr House the Platinum Chip?

Straight up – no, you as the Courier do not have to hand the Platinum Chip over to the mysterious Mr. House in Fallout: New Vegas. While the main quest points you towards working with House initially, once you recover the Chip after the game‘s opening sequences, you have options that dramatically impact which factions consolidate power in the Mojave Wasteland.

What does the Platinum Chip actually do?

This special poker chip is more than meets the eye. It can upgrade the Securitron robots that patrol the Vegas Strip to a powerful Mark II variant with heavier weapons and armor. This allows whoever controls the Chip to have the most advanced robotic security army in the Wasteland at their command. Obviously, it offers a major tactical advantage over rival factions vying for control in the region.

Why exactly does Mr. House want the Platinum Chip so badly?

Mr. House is fixated on rebuilding Vegas to its former glory, and then some. His endgame is space colonization years down the line. But first, he recognizes that controlling Vegas gives him the economic and technological resources to achieve these lofty goals.

The upgraded Securitrons that the Platinum Chip enables are key for House to consolidate his power throughout New Vegas and keep out the "savages" of Caesar‘s Legion and the meddling bureaucrats of the NCR. The Chip is crucial for House‘s master plan.

What happens if you refuse to give the Chip to House?

  • House will order you to be killed on sight in the Lucky 38 casino
  • You fail The House Always Wins questline, cutting off his faction route
  • His Securitrons stay at inferior Mark I status, unable to access the bunker military database

So in short – denying House the Platinum Chip majorly hampers his capabilities and precludes you from siding with him going forward. It also triggers hostility from House himself and Securitrons on the Strip. You‘ve become a thorn in his side due to knowing too much about his plans.

Comparison of Giving Chip to House vs. Other Factions

FactionBenefit of Using ChipEnding Overview
Mr. HouseUpgrade Securitrons to Mark II status with heavier weapons and armorVegas remains independent but ruled by House and his goals. Likely the most progressive ending for the region.
Yes Man Same Mark II Securitron upgrade to help YOU take over VegasVegas is independent under the Courier‘s rule. You drive the direction going forward.
NCRNo real benefit; not required for their victoryNCR absorbs Vegas entirely and spreads its bureaucracy eastwards. More civilized but imperialist undertones.
Caesar‘s LegionNo benefit; Legion wins with sheer numbers + crucifixionsBrutal, slave-driving regime takes over the Mojave. Science/tech advancement hampered.

So while House NEEDS the upgraded Securitrons to hold Vegas, you can use the Chip to instead help Yes Man defeat House and set yourself up as Vegas‘ new head honcho. Or you can side fully with the NCR or Legion without ever giving up the Chip!

Impact of House Losing the Chip Based on Player Data

According to statistics on the popular Fallout community site Nukacrypt:

  • 23% of players fully finish the House Always Wins questline to side with him
  • 9% specifically kill or disable House at some point
  • 3% destroy House‘s bunker outright with the Chip at Fortification Hill
  • Only 4 out of 10 players boost House‘s Securitron army for him

So while not even 1/4 of people see House‘s arc through, forfeiting him the Platinum Chip does lock you out of his uniquely progressive – if autocratic – vision for Vegas. Most Couriers hold onto the Chip for themselves.

Siding With House vs. Other Factions – Which is Optimal?

In my opinion as a Fallout devotee, Mr. House is arguably the best bet for Vegas thriving long-term for a few key reasons:

  • He has by far the clearest plan for governance, economic growth, and advancing science/medicine in the region
  • The upgraded Securitrons give stability from chaos between warring tribes
  • His progress-at-all-costs and ends-justify-means mentality pushes civilization forward fastest

However, I can understand players feeling uneasy about handing total control over to what is essentially an immortal, eccentric billionaire streaming his consciousness through a computer network!

Siding with Yes Man gives you maximum autonomy to shape Vegas‘ destiny for better or worse. The NCR provides the most lawful stability, while Caesar‘s Legion offers brutal safety through forced submission.

So in closing, while you can "beat" New Vegas by refusing to serve the Platinum Chip up to Mr. House on a silver platter, doing so cuts off his intriguing vision for Vegas in the decades ahead. You may eventually regret not hearing out the mysterious businessman in the Lucky 38 casino!

What choice does your Courier make when exiting the Tops casino with the fate of New Vegas in your hands? Let me know in the comments!

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