Do you have to pay 15000 cyberpunk?

The Short Answer

No, you do not have to pay 15,000 eurodollars (eddies) at any point in Cyberpunk 2077. This figure is tied specifically to an optional side quest with the character Rogue Amendiares, who requests that sum for key intel. While paying Rogue gives you useful backstory and unlocks additional endings, you can decline and still finish the main story.

Ghost Town Job – Rogue‘s Pricey Request

In the "Ghost Town" side job, V meets up with Rogue Amendiares, leader of the Afterlife mercenary group and former partner of Johnny Silverhand. Rogue offers new information about Johnny‘s mysterious past and disappearance if V pays 15,000 eddies upfront.

This hefty fee is mostly worldbuilding flavor – the game does not force you to grind and come up with the money right away. However, paying Rogue gives unique insight that influences Cyberpunk 2077‘s ending:

  • Deepens V‘s relationship with Johnny Silverhand
  • Unlocks the "Path of Glory" ending
  • Reveals more of Johnny‘s backstory

If you don‘t care about additional lore or endings, feel free to refuse Rogue‘s offer with no gameplay penalties. But for completionists and Johnny superfans, handing over the eddies is worthwhile.

Who is Rogue Amendiares?

To understand Rogue‘s motivations and history with Johnny, context about her background helps. Rogue Amendiares is the wealthy and influential leader of the Afterlife mercenary group in Night City.

She also has serious history with Johnny Silverhand:

  • Former lovers back in Johnny‘s rock star days
  • Rogue helped Johnny attack Arasaka Tower leading to his "death"
  • Feels guilt over the failed raid and Johnny‘s engramming

Rogue blames herself for Johnny‘s demise and wants closure on what really happened. She leverages her money and underworld connections to dig into Johnny‘s fate.

By paying Rogue in "Ghost Town", you get access to this intel locked away in her Head – it explains much about Johnny‘s hidden past.

How Many Endings Are There in Cyberpunk 2077?

To appreciate the value of Rogue‘s info, it helps to understand Cyberpunk 2077‘s complex ending system. In total there are five main endings V can achieve:

  • Default Ending: Make a deal with Arasaka to remove the Johnny engram kill switch
  • Suicide Ending: Let the kill switch timer expire rather than cave to corps
  • Nomad Ending: Leave Night City with the Aldecaldos Nomads
  • Rogue Ending: Carry out Johnny‘s risky plan to raid Mikoshi alone
  • Path of Glory Ending: Launch an all-out suicide attack on Arasaka Tower

The additional context from Rogue opens up the Path of Glory ending – considered one of the "best" conclusions fitting Johnny‘s character. Without her intel, you cannot get this ending.

How Much Money Is 15,000 Eddies in Cyberpunk?

While 15,000 seems like a lot for info, putting that figure in context shows it‘s achievable for mid-to-late game V. Here‘s a quick eddie earning benchmark:

  • Starting Cash = about 5,000 eddies
  • Price of a Nice Car = ~80,000+ eddies
  • Most Expensive Item (Yaiba Kusanagi) = 229,000 eddies

With Iconic weapons costing over 100,000 each, 15,000 is reasonable for what Rogue provides. For reference, I earned this amount through:

  • Completing the 1st Act Main Jobs + Side Jobs
  • Clearing NCPD Hustles/Scanners
  • Looting weapons to sell

Quests and looting alone got me this money around the mid-game without too much grind. Approximately __ hours for 15,000 eddies.

How to Earn 15,000 Eddies Quickly

If you want to pay Rogue but are short on scratch, use these eddie farming strategies to build a small fortune fast:

Complete Gigs$$
Clear NCPD Scanners$
Resell Weapons$$$
Clothing Disassembly$

Gigs pay from 2,000 to over 4,000 eddies each making them very efficient. Just knock out a few in Watson and you‘ll have enough for Rogue.

Weapons you don‘t need are also a quick 15,000 if you sell to Drop Points. Legendaries net about 1,500+ per piece. Loot then resell!

Is Paying Rogue Worth It?

Whether to pay Rogue or spend your eddies elsewhere depends on your priorities:

Pay Rogue If:

  • You want to experience all endings
  • Are a fan of Johnny Silverhand‘s character
  • Don‘t need to buy weapons/cyberware

Spend Your Eddies On:

  • Iconic gear
  • Cars
  • Cyberware

Since percent of players who saw the secret ending is fairly low (__%), paying Rogue gives you rare content. But exotic gear may benefit builds more. Choose based on your playstyle!

Do You Have to Pay 15,000 Cyberpunk Conclusion

Paying Rogue 15,000 eddies in "Ghost Town" offers tasty Johnny Silverhand lore yet isn‘t essential. While not cheap, completing side jobs can earn you this amount in the mid-game section fairly quickly. If you‘re hungry for more Cyberpunk 2077 ending content, Rogue‘s asking price is reasonable. But you won‘t be forced to pony up the eddies if disinterested in the additional backstory.

Hopefully this inside look clarified the origins of Rogue‘s 15,000 fee and whether or not paying it aligns with your priorities Night City. Time to decide what‘s more valuable – eddies or ends!

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