Do you lose everything after Guarma?

No, you do not lose all weapons, equipment, and purchases permanently after the pivotal Guarma chapter in Red Dead Redemption 2. However, Arthur Morgan‘s wallet cash is wiped out for good. And you temporarily lose access to most acquired gear until later missions back on the mainland.

What exactly is lost after Guarma

Here is an overview of what happens to gear, weapons, and money:

Lost PermanentlyTemporarily InaccessibleKept Permanently
– All of Arthur‘s cash– Weapons– Purchases via merchants
– Guarma outfits and weapons– Tonics, provisions– Trapper clothing
– Talismans, kit– Satchels
– Valuables, documents– Journal
– Main outfits– Horses

As you can see, the major losses are Arthur‘s wallet contents and special Guarma gear. The rest is regained in later missions.

Getting your inventory back

During the "Fleeting Joy" mission after escaping Guarma, weapons, tonics, outfits and more locked gear gradually becomes available again when retrieving bags scattered across camp.

Additionally, all of Arthur‘s unlocked outfits, custom clothing, weapons and equipment purchases carry over to John Marston during the epilogue. However, unique Guarma weapons like the machete are lost.

So in summary – money disappears, Guarma weapons vanish, but eventually all else returns or transfers to John. Still an unwelcome shock for many players mid-story!

Reactions and Analysis

Losing items temporarily sparked considerable player outrage during early Red Dead 2 gameplay. Especially coming after the jarring location shift to Guarma removed most player agency.

Many fans voiced frustration online:

"Spent forever collecting awesome guns and clothes and it‘s all gone! Annoying and makes no sense."

However creative director Christian Cantamessa defends it as elevating tension:

"It‘s not a punitive thing – it feeds into the emotions of losing stuff and rebuilding."

And the game does provide satchels and $20,000 to ease John‘s transition post-epilogue. Yet some skepticism lingers…

My Take

As jarring as it seemed initially, I‘ve come to appreciate the Guarma twist. Stripping away gear mirrored Dutch‘s unraveling gang left powerless in a foreign land.

The vulnerability created a visceral emotional response still discussed today. And achieving 100% compendium completion would be trivial without additional rare species!


In summary – the Guarma chapter delivers an impactful, if controversial, turning point in Red Dead Redemption 2 by forcing temporary deprivation upon players and protagonists alike.

Let me know your own reactions to this divisive sequence! Did it elevate the experience or ruin immersion for you? I personally believe the story impact outweighs any minor frustration. But reasonable perspectives abound in this complex fan debate full of nuance.

In the end, we all crave returning to roam the vivid forests and sweeping plains of Arthur Morgan’s hardscrabble yet beautiful American frontier.

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