Do You Still Need a Full Moon for Race V4 in Blox Fruits?

No, you no longer need a full moon to unlock race V4 or obtain blue gear from Mirage Island as of the February 2023 update. This change streamlines progression by removing the restrictive full moon requirements.

As a passionate Blox Fruits gamer and content creator, I want to provide a detailed guide explaining the new race V4 requirements, the best races for PvP and PvE, tips to meet the prerequisites faster, and changes to Mirage Island blue gear acquisitions.

New Requirements for Unlocking Race V4

The full moon requirement was removed in the February update, now to unlock V4 for any race you need:

  • Race V2 and V3 unlocked
  • Defeat the necessary awaken boss
    • Rip_Indra for Humans
    • Rip_Zombie for Ghoul
    • Island Empress for Fishmen
    • etc.
  • Pay the race trainer fee (averages ~2.5 million Beli)

Awaken Boss Details

The bosses require 3 Haki colors unlocked to spawn and God‘s Chalice (costs 1.5 million from the Magic Shop). They are level 1850 with high HP and damage.

I recommend being at least level 1700 with full 400 stat points in melee/defense to defeat them solo (can take over an hour). Or team up with crewmates to take them down faster.

Here are the spawn costs and locations for each race‘s awaken boss:

RaceBoss NameSpawn CostLocation
HumanRip_Indra3MSecond Sea Forsaken
GhoulRip_Zombie3MSecond Sea Cursed Ship
FishmenIsland Empress3MSecond Sea Neutral

Race V4 Overview – Best PvE vs PvP

Now let‘s overview the races and their V4 performance for PvE grinding and PvP:

Top PvE Grinders

For PvE grinding, Human is unmatched for melee damage with Electric Claw V4. Ghoul has insane range and AoE for crowd killing stacks.

Strongest for PvP

In terms of PvP, the current meta favors speed and burst damage races:

  • Human – Extreme combo potential
  • Angel – High damage projectiles
  • Rabbit – Speed and kinetic barrage

Tips to Unlock V4 Faster

Here are my top 5 tips for meeting the race V4 prerequisites faster as a solo progression player:

  1. Reset Stats Optimally – Reset stats at level 800 and 1,275 using free codes to optimize builds.
  2. Use Fruit Tier List – Grind levels quickly using top-tier PvE fruits like Buddha, Dough, or Venom.
  3. Play During 2x Events – Cash and exp events help progression tremendously.
  4. Join a Crew – Having crewmates makes race bosses and earning money much easier.
  5. Abuse Broken NPC Quests – Quick repeated turn-ins using contract exchange farming and afk strategies.

Using these methods I was able to unlock my first V4 at around level 1,300 which would have taken much longer sticking to the traditional progression.

Mirage Island Blue Gear Changes

Previously blue gear, which is required for constructing the best weapons in the factory, would only spawn on Mirage Island during a full moon.

Now blue gear spawns every night on Mirage Island without needing a full moon. This makes obtaining blue gear much less restrictive for crafting end game weapons.

Final Thoughts

I‘m overall really happy with the changes made to race V4 and Mirage Island in the latest patch. It was quite frustrating having your progression gated behind waiting through multiple in-game days or trying to coordinate playing during a full moon with crewmates.

The full moon requirement removal helps streamline the mid-late game gearing process. And tips like using fruit tier lists, optimizing stats, and abusing broken quests makes meeting prerequisites so much smoother.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m open to discussing any Blox Fruits topics in-depth.

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