Do you need Monster Hunter Rise to play the Sunbreak demo?

As an avid Monster Hunter fan who has played every expansion demo, I‘m here to clear up whether owning Monster Hunter Rise is required just to try out the Sunbreak demo. The short answer is:

No, you do not need to own Monster Hunter Rise to download and play the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak demo.

The Sunbreak demo is completely standalone and available for free on Nintendo Switch and Steam without needing the base game. But what exactly does this demo include and what progress carries over? Let‘s dive into the details.

Breaking Down The Full Sunbreak Demo Content

While small in size compared to the full expansion, the Sunbreak demo still packs a hunters‘ handbook worth of quests and gear to test out. Here‘s everything you‘ll get access to:


  • Frost Islands – icy cave networks and glacial landscapes
  • Jungle – lush, overgrown forests filled with ruins


  • Malzeno – vampire elder dragon flagship with deadly blood powers
  • Astalos – returning electric wyvern capable of flying attacks
  • Tetranadon – the sumo toad is back with slippery new tricks
  • Great Izuchi – raptor alpha leads its pack in the jungle


  • All 14 weapon types from the base game ready to hunt with
  • Each weapon has new Sunbreak Switch Skills to test out


  • Grapple Wirebug move that adds mobility and lets you latch onto monsters
  • New hunting helpers Palico & Palamute both join the hunts

As you can see, they packed a wide range of Sunbreak‘s expansion content into the demo for hunters to get a feel of the next-level hunting grounds and dangerous monsters lurking within.

Demo Progress and Unlocks Don‘t Carry Over

Now, before you sink 50 hours wrangling Malzeno in the jungle, I have a PSA regarding your demo save data. According to an official Capcom confirmation, nothing you unlock in the Sunbreak demo will transfer over when you purchase the full expansion:

Demo ProgressCarries Over?
Hunter levelNo
Materials gatheredNo
Monsters huntedNo
Weapons/armor craftedNo

So enjoy it solely as an extended sneak peek before the full hunt! Having clarified what this demo includes and saves, you may be wondering…

Do You Need The Base Game To Play Sunbreak?

While the Sunbreak demo itself is completely standalone, the full Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion does require you to own a copy of Monster Hunter Rise on the platform you wish to play on.

Think of it like an additional hardcore chapter extending the base game‘s storyline, gear upgrades and monster roster. So if you‘re a newcomer looking to hunt Malzeno beyond the demo, make sure to grab Monster Hunter Rise as well to meet the requirements.

Here‘s a Monster Hunter content comparison to put the massive expansion in perspective:

Monster Hunter RiseMonster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Large Monsters3317 new + returning variants
New Base Weapons1410 Master Rank upgrades
New Maps54 expansive new zones

With over 30+ hours of new story quests, monsters and Master Rank challenges, Sunbreak essentially doubles Rise‘s content – IF you meet the requirement of owning the base game first on the platform of your choice.

So in summary:

  • The Sunbreak demo can be played solo without Monster Hunter Rise
  • The full Sunbreak expansion can only be accessed by owning Monster Hunter Rise

I hope this thorough guide clears up the Sunbreak demo download and content specifics for both newcomers and veteran hunters eager to forge into the upgraded Master Rank! Feel free to ask any other Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak questions. Happy Hunting!

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