Do You Need to Know Coding for RPG Maker?

The short answer is: no. While programming knowledge allows for more customization, the basics of RPG Maker can be learned without any coding required. Thousands of games have been developed using only RPG Maker‘s visual tools. But scripting skills let you push the engine even further.

Plenty of Great RPG Maker Games Don‘t Use Code

Some of the most beloved RPG Maker titles launched without a single line of code. To name just a few:

  • To the Moon – An emotional Story-driven RPG with over 1.5 million sales
  • Jane‘s Dream – An interactive fiction game with hand-drawn art
  • Space Funeral – A surreal RPG made in RPG Maker 2003

The creator of the cult classic Space Funeral says about RPG Maker:

"It‘s extremely versatile even without resorting to code. Don‘t underestimate what you can accomplish in RPG Maker with just events."

So while coding extends functionality, compelling gameplay experiences can be crafted using only the visual tools.

How RPG Maker Compares to Other Game Engines

Game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine 4 are built first and foremost for programmers. While they allow for advanced 3D graphics and physics, their coding learning curve is quite steep.

RPG Maker stands out for its accessibility. As game dev advocate Josh Bycer writes:

"With RPG Maker‘s event system you can quickly build gameplay logic and features without syntax errors derailing progress."

This makes it ideal for beginners looking to get into game design. Basic coding principles can be grasped through RPG Maker‘s straightforward variables and scripting.

According to a 2019 survey, 68% of RPG Maker developers are self-taught beginners. And own Google Trends data indicates RPG Maker‘s popularity is still growing rapidly.

JavaScript and Ruby Scripts Extend RPG Maker‘s Reach

RPG Maker MV and MZ use JavaScript to write custom scripts, while older software titles relied on Ruby. Here are just some of the extras JavaScript offers:

  • Dynamic lighting effects on maps
  • Multiplayer networking modes
  • Procedurally generated dungeons
  • minigames like memory puzzles
  • Status debuffs and buffs

You don‘t need to be an expert coder to copy, paste, and tweak such scripts to suit your game. But understanding JavaScript logic helps debug issues.

Ruby scripts can still be converted for newer engines. And they power many classic RPG Maker gems like To the Moon, LISA the Painful, and OneShot.

Limitations Without Coding & How to Start Learning

RPG Maker shines for traditional turn-based Japanese RPG mechanics. Without scripting, you can‘t branch out much into action RPGs, platformers, or tactics games. Advanced features players expect like 3D graphics, cutscenes, and mobile ports require JavaScript skills.

I suggest RPG Maker newcomers focus first on sharpening core design abilities like storytelling, quest design, and pacing. Become comfortable with the base engine tools.

After completing some game ideas without coding, consider picking up JavaScript or Ruby in your spare time. Start small by tweaking free scripts before moving onto original coding projects. Understanding variables, functions, arrays, and comparison operators opens up unlimited potential.

Check out a few of my recommended programming tutorials for total beginners next.


RPG Maker‘s reputation for being codeless is misleading. While visually building full 2D RPGs with no scripting is completely achievable, adding programming to your skillset vastly expands possibilities and career options.

Treat RPG Maker like an art form. Just as great photographers excel at composition before advanced tech, hone your core game design skills first. When ready to take the next step into professional development, coding will welcome you with open arms!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions on getting started with RPG Maker.

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